Tag: medical

The First 3 Years

The First 3 Years

Finding Hope after Amputation


No one really tells you what to expect after amputation, and quite frankly, even if they did, each journey is different.

The reality is that the first couple of years are filled with bumps, bruises, ups and downs. You will have highs and some of your lowest lows. There will be enormous changes, in your life, and in your body. And even when you finally get through the healing process, post-amputation, the challenges are just beginning. But with all that said, you can and will survive.

You spend A LOT of time in your prosthetist’s office the first 2 years


My very 1st prosthetic, one of many. Had no idea what was to come. All I knew was that I would be walking again!


Yet another socket!


Randy at The Limb Center in Phoenix, making my mold, for ( you guessed it) ANOTHER socket!


You will learn how your body adjusts, how it heals, what kind of strength (both physically and emotionally) you have, and you will build character…. oh boy, will you build character.


These are all the sockets (minus 3) that I have gone through, because of changes to my limb, in just 3 years!!!


The process is long and can be stressful if you don’t have patience. You will find yourself doing well one moment, only to feel like you’ve taken a step back in the blink of the eye. But don’t you give up! And don’t you worry. This is all part of the learning process and the changes you are going through, physically. Becoming an amputee and traversing the first 1-3 years is all about adaptability and change. If you can go into it knowing it is a process that could take that long, and that you will have positive moments of moving forward, riddled with backward steps, then you will be ready and able to handle what gets thrown at you.

You are a warrior, built for adversity.

Be strong.

Stay positive and active.

This is the to fight for what you want out of life.

We are in this journey together!



This week I want you to decide what it is that you really want out of your new life.

You will want to start building your own toolbox for those moments that become hard and emotionally draining.

I have so many hobbies, and things I do to pass the time, and to distract myself on the harder days, the days where phantom pains want to destroy me and my resolve.

What do you do when you get upset? Tired and frustrated? Or when you are hurting?

Most of us have a coping mechanism to help through those moments in life. This time is no different.

Be prepared to redirect your thoughts so you can get through and come out stronger on the other side.

Prepare yourself for battle; the internal battles that seek to bring chaos into y9ur life, making you doubt yourself and trying to destroy every dream you have. You are a WARRIOR! Believe it! You will succeed and be stronger for it.

Be prepared.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


The Age of Prosthetics

The Age of Prosthetics

Change Is in the Air



I had the distinct honor of being a part of a gait study at MIT in their Media Lab in Boston. It was the final project of a PhD student’s program and it was amazing!

To see what the future of prosthetics is heading toward and being able to test something that is still a ways out from being on the commercial market was such a blast and a lot of work. Testing the product through different scenarios and also using my own leg to show my baseline capabilities for comparison was so interesting and enlightening.

I would never have picture myself, in a million years, being able to be a part of this, nor did I ever picture myself without a leg.. oh the places I have been, the people I have met and the experiences I have enjoyed, all because of my decision to amputate almost 5 years ago.


MIT Media Lab lobby


Getting geared up for my baseline study with my own leg


Gathering data


Making adjustments


Such an honor to meet the man who created his own prosthetics after losing his own legs, Dr Hugh Herr.


Would I do it all again? Yes!


First off, I am not a person that looks back and says, “if only I had…” or ” I would have done this differently”. Instead I focus at what’s happening now and what’s in front of me. This makes me a happier person.

Second, I wouldn’t trade all the problems I have had (phantom pains/sensations, fitting issues, rashes and burns from sockets) because everything I have been blessed to experience has also been met with amazing people, experiences and seeing and doing new things.

I am a better person, a more well-rounded person, for having this life altering surgery.  I am happy that my life changed direction.

I have been able to test my will power, my integrity, my character much more by going through something so big. I have been tested and been able to rise up and become a stronger individual, both physically and emotionally.

I wished I could share with you so much more about my time at MIT, but until this student’s study is published it needs to be hush hush. Someday next year I will talk about it in more detail, but until then, I suggest that if you ever get a chance to take part in a study, one that helps make progress in our prosthetics, take it. Not only are you helping the future, you will also get to learn more about yourself.



As the past couple of weeks I have pushed you all to get active during this busy time of year. Taking care of yourself is so important for your mental and physical well-being but we tend to put it off for other things. Don’t wait! Join me on my Fierce and On Fire challenge.

It’s a virtual challenge by RunMotivators and if you’d like to join you can register and receive a medal for accomplishing this virtual challenge.

The goal? 100 miles, your way.

What does that mean?

You decide how you accomplish 100 miles. I set the goal timeline for December 31st but you can always set your own timeline since this started 3 weeks ago for me.

How can you reach 100 miles?

Whatever is comfortable and easiest for you and your circumstances. If you are wheelchair bound them maybe do some upper body workouts.

15 minutes=1 mile

You can swim, walk, hike, ski, surf, run, bike…the sky is the limit and you decide what challenges you, where you are at.

The idea is to get moving for YOU!

Making yourself a priority during this time of year, when we tend to ditch the things we do for ourselves to doing things for others.

Are you in??

Join me TODAY and get a jumpstart on your own health and fitness goals.


I hope you have a blessed week ahead and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,





Dealing With Grief

Dealing With Grief

How Grief Plays a Role In Your Health


Today’s podcast I will let speak for itself.

I am dealing with grief and last several weeks the stressors in my life were so high that my phantom pains were intense.


Taking care of yourself in the midst of pain, sorrow, grief, and anxiety ridden situations is very important for your overall health.

Listen in as I tell you about my past week and a half, how I’ve been feeling, and what I have done, successfully and unsuccessfully, to deal with my emotions and the pain that I was feeling in my heart.

I pray you all are doing well, and I apologize for the delay in posting this week.

Stay positive.

Be the warriors you were meant to be and know that I am here and will get through this and heal on my time.

Until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,

In loving memory of Bella Rose October 27, 2023

So You’re An Amputee…Now What?

So You’re An Amputee…Now What?


You have made it through a HUGE surgery. Maybe because of an accident or a sickness. Maybe you made the decision to amputate so you could live a better, healthier life. Whatever the reason, you have made it through that emotional decision, and come to terms with your new reality.

Unfortunately, your journey has just begun, but have no fear, you can shine and move forward with your new lifestyle and live an amazing and full life!

You might think that the act of being amputated is the hardest thing you will have to go through, or that you won’t ever live a full life with all the “restrictions”. And while it’s true that it takes time to adjust to your altered body, you can overcome the perceived restrictions.

A life as an amputee can be as good as you envision it, goal set for it, and how you approach it. It is mind over matter. It is about positivity, attitude, and courage.

Your journey, like life itself, will be filled with ups and downs, There will be storms and there will be rainbows. That’s life!

What can you start doing, now that you are an amputee, is adjusting your mindset, from being a victim to being the warrior in your story.

It’s time to goal set, dream of your future, build strength and grit. You will need all of that to find success, and if you prep correctly and envision the possibilities then you will succeed!

You define success.

You will get knocked down but if you realize this you will be better prepared for those moments and be ready to fight.

Remember, you are a warrior, not just because you have gone through something extreme, but because you fought to rise up after being knocked down. You have got into battle and continue to fight for what you want in life.

This week, listen in as I discuss what it took for me to find success after amputation.



This week is about coming to terms about your body.

Setting goals.

Understanding that this is a marathon and not a sprint, becoming prepared to fight for a better life and finding strength and resilience through adversity, and learning how to get back up after getting knocked down.

Be prepared for battle and fighting for what you want (and you should go into this knowing exactly what you want out of it).


You can achieve great and amazing things for your life. You are not a victim, you are a warrior!!!


Have a blessed week and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Reality Check

Reality Check

Are you seeing amputees doing all the things you could only dream of doing? Thinking you are so far behind that you could never get there? Or see them doing amazing things, “pain-free”?
Well, in the spirit of complete transparency, and shedding light of the realities of being an amputee, I have had a hard couple of days.
Yep! Even 4 1/2 years out. Do they happen often, no, but phantom pains, poor fitting socket days and just plain “off” days can come out of nowhere and hit me like a freight train!
This weekend was no exception.
I has been out hiking, doing what I love, and even though it was a tough hike I got through unscathed…. However, the next day, I’m sure my muscles were so taxed that my phantom pain came back in sharp stabbing droves, meant to take me out in mere moments!
The reality check is, we all have our journey, whether you’re an amputee or not. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else, because there is no one like, who went through what you went through, and can handle it like you. Our pain tolerances are different, our illness that led to our condition are difference, our age, activity level and our gender are all different.
Most people think that going through amputation is the hard part, but in reality, it’s the first 1-2 years after, in which you have to get fitted for a socket, place something heavy and cumbersome on your body, and relearn to walk all over again. The fit takes patience and time to adjust, you fall, you get rashes, you break down and get frustrated.  And when you finally get everything to feel “good” you have atrophy and drop weight and your limb changes and you start the whole process ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Sometimes even just 1-2 months after you finally get a good fit!
So whether you are struggling on the path you are on in life, or finding it debilitating to keep moving forward as an amputee, know that this is all part of the journey. You have to experience the ups and downs to learn and become stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally. I can tell you all that I’ve gone through but to truly learn from it and appreciate it, you must go through it yourself. And your journey won’t look like mine or anyone else’s, your journey is YOUR journey. Embrace it and enjoy it for all its worth. You’ll be amazed at the person you’ll become as you wrestle with the challenges you’ll go through.
This week, listen to yourself. Know when you need a break and take it. Spend time reflecting on what’s got you blocked or bound up and know that this isn’t the end, just a hiccup.
Take a deep breathe, and rise up again and give another crack at it.
Baby steps, little by little, keep you moving forward.
Don’t give up and believe in yourself!!
And as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

A Fishing Analogy for New Amputees


From experience, I KNOW, without a doubt, that there are fish in our lake.

Just yesterday I caught a huge northern pike and released him….. he is in there, waiting for the next lure to tempt him.

How does this relate to amputees and our journey? Great question.

Patience, for one. And knowing how to keep moving forward, even when you feel like giving up, for another.

I must have casted 1000 times in 5 hours last weekend, and not a nibble!!!! 5 hours!!! I’m either totally dedicated to my craft or absolutely crazy! But, I love the POSSIBILTY. The possibility that I could catch a fish, maybe even the biggest fish in the lake (I may be a little competitive 😏) keeps me going.

Not my biggest catch, but I’ll take it as a win!


This is the same for amputees. No matter what I tell newbies, until they go through it themselves, it just doesn’t click. Some people think they’ll get through it without a hiccup and be off and running right after they get their prosthesis. What you have to remember is that 1) Everyone’s experience is unique and individualistic. 2) We all atrophy and thus makes our fitting process a challenge, and 3) You don’t know what you don’t know, and it won’t make sense until YOU go through it.

That being said, going through the early moments of becoming an amputee are like fishing. You know that you will be able to walk again, run, hike, bike, swim, etc. You’ve seen tons of other amputees make it, and the prosthesis they are making now are so amazing and helpful to our success. but you also need to remember that you can’t catch the big fish if you aren’t patient, and ready to put in the time.



Go at it with a positive attitude. Take a step back when things get hard, and you.ve forgotten what WILL be possible. You have to earn it, so to speak, and you’ll be better prepared and ready for future hiccups after going through the first year or two.  But it won’t be easy. You will be pushed to the edge a few times, whether with the way it feels, the fitting, pain, sensations, or a plethora of other things that could happen.  But don’t lose hope. I went through the changes and the exhaustion of never-ending appointments to get the right fit. I went through excruciating pains of a neuroma and the surgery to remove it, along with the setback of healing from that surgery before I could wear my leg again. I understand the heartache when you just want to be and feel “normal” and you just don’t see how that will ever happen for you. It will! I promise. Keep the faith. Don’t take yourself too seriously and learn to laugh at those moments. Cry when you need to then pull up your big boy/big girl pants and trudge forward. You will get to where you want to be, but you will work for it, I promise that too.




What I use to tell my students all the time was that if it was easy then you wouldn’t feel as proud of yourself for accomplishing the task at hand. Same goes for us amputees. You will have to overcome some seriously huge mountains at times, but when you are at the top looking back at where you came from, you can be so proud to know that you truly ARE a warrior!!!!


I believe in you!

Don’t you dare give up.

Put in the time, practice patience, and know that with time, things will get easier.


You are amazing and will accomplish great feats. You only need to be steadfast and patient. Be realistic in knowing that it takes time, but in the end you will succeed!


As always, and until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,


Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Patience is a virtue.


A few of my favorite things as I sit at the lake fishing

The view is so peaceful


Wildflowers everywhere!


Love Yourself….

Love Yourself….

Where You’re At


Ever felt alone, even though you are surrounded by your support, your family, your friends?
As an amputee, it can be hard for anyone to really grasp what we are feeling when it comes to nerve or “phantom” pains. To explain it, doesn’t do justice, yet we can deal with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I know I do.
There are many times that, even though we are surrounded by people who love us, we feel alone and having to handle pain and problems that accompany bring an amputee by ourselves. It is in those moments that we must rise up, become stronger than we ever thought we could be, and fight through the pain.
This can only be done when we treat ourselves like our own best friend. We must love who we are enough to support ourselves with positive words and thoughts, words we would lend a friend in need. Sometimes that is harder than it should be as we struggle in silence.
When we feed ourselves words of affirmation, love, positivity, and forgiveness, we give ourselves the greatest gift, a fighting chance to rise up stronger. We must learn to love ourselves, where we are, now, so we can gain a healthy mindset and live a full and healthy life.
Start today. Begin by affirming that you are worth love, happiness, and good health.
Speak positive words into your heart and mind.
Practice this daily, even hourly, if you need to, until it becomes second nature to be a positive person.
Your future self will thank you for it!!
Until next week, and as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,


Prosthetic Parley with Randy and David

Prosthetic Parley with Randy and David

Let’s Talk About Sockets




This week we begin a new series called Prosthetic Parley with Randy and David. My prosthetist will come on once every other month to discuss hot topics that you, the viewers are interested in and talking about. This week we discuss what types of sockets there are and what fit might be right for you and why.
Please keep in mind that these are the opinions of two prosthetists, whom I use and trust, but it is in their opinion. We hope that this educates you enough so you can speak to your own prosthetists and make a positive decision on what would work best for you.
We also dive into Limbs For Humanity, a non-profit that Randy and David, have just begun, bringing prosthetics to people who are not able to get one due to location and financial situations. They work with Rocky Point Medical Clinic in Rocky Point, Mexico, as well as doing good for those here in the states. They are in need of your help so if you have any spare parts or old prosthetics that you are no longer using, please reach out to me or them so we can put them to great use, helping others become active and mobile once again. If you aren’t an amputee and don’t know of anyone with spare parts, financial donations is also a huge help so they can purchase the items they need to construct limbs and sockets.
You can reach them at one of the Instagram accounts below:

Or reach out to me:

Check this episode out and if you have any topics you’d like covered in the next episode please feel free to let me know!
#amputeelife #amputeegirl #prostheticparley #thelimbcenter #limbsforhumanity #sockets #abovekneeamputee #belowkneeamputee #bawarrior360 #personaljourney #factsandopinions #discussion #liveyourbestlife #podcast

The guys, hard at work



Rocky Point, Mexico. Rocky Point Medical Clinic


Special shout-outs to Rocky Point Medical Clinic, Lencho at LS Labs, @Alps_south, @collegeparkind, and @b.tyler.hyatt


I hope you enjoy this discussion time with Randy and David and may your week be blessed!

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Breathing Through the Pain

Breathing Through the Pain

Night time visit with my girl
Do you struggle with pain?
Is stress always knocking at your door and trying take over?
Maybe now is the time to try something that can help you through the pain…. How about some breathing?🤔
I spend a lot of time around my horse.
Every morning to be exact.
She brings me to a peaceful place, a place I can forget my problems, schedules, to-do lists, and phantom pains.
I find quiet and calm around her and work on, believe it or not, my breathing!
Did you know that deep breathing can:
*decrease stress and increase calm
*relieve pain
*improve immunity
*increase energy
*lower blood pressure
*improves digestion
Wow!!! That’s a lot of benefits!
We should all be working on our breathing and relaxing, and less time worrying and being stressed out!
Challenge yourself today to build in a breathing routine to your daily schedule and reap the benefits….
This week challenge yourself to spend some quality time…. with yourself.
Choose a quiet place, free of distractions (and your phone).
Find a comfortable position and begin to relax your body and take slow, deep breathes in, filling up your lungs. Then slowly release your breathe out through your nose.
Continue to feel your breathe fill your lungs and find peace and calm in this moment.
Try to do at least 5 minutes today, gradually increasing your breathing time, each day going forward.
Take note of how you feel the rest of the day and as the week goes on.
Don’t stop there! Find the benefits of deep breathing each night before bed and the quality of your sleep…
I dare you!!
I hope you find calm that overcomes your pain, and a peace that allows you to live your best life!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Angie and Sakari🐴
Bouncing Back with TLC

Bouncing Back with TLC

Prosthetics, Trauma, and Giving Back

Meet my prosthetists and friends, Randy West and David Banks (left and right in blue). We met and began discussing my future as an amputee months before my surgery. During that time, I told them of my past activity levels, my current life as a wife and homeschool mom, and my dreams and aspirations for my future. They used that information to fit me and help me realize my dreams. They listened to me when I had questions and struggles, they made changes to my fit when I needed it and directed me to great medical doctors when I needed more than a great fitting socket.


Molding my socket
Another one done!
Two sets of eyes are better than one.
My team


They have done so much for me and given with their hearts.

David, as you can see in the 1st picture above, is an above knee amputee himself, and like all amputees, when it happened he had to adjust and change direction in his life, which brought he and Randy together. David tells his story in this podcast, and I will tell you that his story makes a full circle, which is kind of amazing!

Now after 20+ years of friendship they are beginning their road of a non-profit called, Limbs For Humanity. They go to Mexico every month and see as many amputees as possible in a weekend, bringing parts and prosthetics to these people, people who never even dared to dream about one day walking again. They give of themselves, and their time, heart, money, and talents for the sake of bringing mobility to people who never thought that was possible….and it has been life-changing (and not just for the clients, for David and Randy, too).

Giving back is the ultimate gift


This story of David’s tragic amputation as a young man, and now as a company who gives of themselves for a greater cause is what Bouncing Back is all about!

They have taken setbacks and used them as set ups for the greater good.

Come along today and be inspired by David’s story, find hope that a prosthetist can truly care about your well-being (because they do exist!), and find purpose in your life, because when one window shuts you must look for another window to open, and what’s on the other side could be life altering!



I haven’t done any CTA this month as we are talking with people about their journeys and how they bounced back to get where they are, but I feel this episode is a great one to put one out there.

This week, go follow my friend’s non-profit @limbsforhumanity on Instagram

And give!

If you have spare prosthetic parts around your house, touch base with me or them and we can donate to people who need them. Donating money is another way to help a non-profit get off the ground running. Money helps them get the parts they are lacking, among other things to help these guys get to Mexico to give new life to so many people.

Randy, David, I appreciate you!

Thank you for being exactly what I needed when I wasn’t even sure what I needed and allowing me to fly!!

Please help them and donate today! God bless!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,
