Tag: Virtual Pace Series

Reflect and Reset

Reflect and Reset

Time to Challenge Yourself



As 2024 fades away and 2025 takes control let’s take time to look back and reflect on the ups and downs of the past year.

We all have had those moments we achieved some sort of milestone, we have also had those moments we never want to relive.

I’m hopeful that you had some time at the end of last year and the first week of this year to relax, reflect, and refresh yourself. I hope you have gotten into a place where you are ready to rise up again, and accomplish your goals.

As much as I am NOT a fan of New Year’s resolutions, for the fact that the name in of itself let’s people know that it’ll be a bust by February, I AM a fan of creating a new plan, schedule, and goals to work on THROUGHOUT the year ahead. I like the feel of starting over, having a second chance, learning about myself and reaching goals. I love the promise of a new tomorrow, where anything is possible, but without a goal or plan of attack days can roll by into weeks and month, only to leave you feeling like you let yourself down once again.


This year, I want to challenge you to several new things.

First you need to stay positive. Easier said than done, I know, but if you know that hard times will come-that there will be some struggles in your journey, then you can plan for that. While you’re in a good place prepare for the “suck”. How will you handle phantom pains when they hit? How will you decide when you need to talk with your prosthetist about your fit? When do you change your doctor after everything else has failed and you feel in your gut that you need someone else’s help or opinion?

These are all things that can knock the wind out of you and set you back. For some of us it can derail us so badly that we loose our momentum and never get it back, we can get lost in a dark place.


Make a Plan!

Execute that plan TODAY!!!

I am not immuned to this “delay game”. I play it with myself when I’m too tired, too happy, too busy….”I’ll start tomorrow”. You know that game, right?

I’m preaching to myself when I say we need to stop that if we want to achieve, overcome, rise up and become the warriors we were born to be.

This is our year! We will do this together. Accountability is key when you are struggling.



This week I have 2 Call to Actions for you. Don’t ignore these, let’s get after it together. I can hold you accountable, and you can hold me accountable.


First, come up with your word or phase of the year. Something that will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Keep it short and simple 1-2 words if you can. This becomes your war cry, your mantra, something you will write and speak to yourself everyday for this whole year.

What is your word or phrase?

It could be:


Be Present

Rise Up

Be Epic



Mine is: Charge Forward


Second, join me in a virtual race. The one I have just registered for is called “Reset” by Virtual Pace Series and you can register here


This is a choose your distance challenge. You can do a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon. The beauty of this race is that you can do it on your time and in your location. You can choose your distance and how you complete it. Walk, Run, Hike, Bike, Swim, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are challenging yourself WHER YOU ARE AT. If you can’t do 5K in one event, then break it down into 2 or 3 days/events. If you have already completed a walking. 10K then maybe you need to try running a 5K or even a 10K.

The point is to have something holding you accountable and a goal set before you. You do you, where You Are At in your journey.

Earn that medal and when you open it, AFTER COMPLETION, you are going to fall in love with challenging yourself.

Join me in 2025, a year in which you achieve your goals and realize the warrior within you is Stronger than you could ever have imagined!

Yes you can!

You will!

You are Stronger enough, brave enough and more than capable.

You are a WARRIOR!!!



I hope you find 2025 to be everything you want and more.

Please join me next week right here as we support one another and build each other up!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Rise To The Challenge

Rise To The Challenge

Run The Race Set Before You


It’s time to get off that couch and put your leg on. Let’s do this! If not today, then when?

I will tell you that the amputation wasn’t the end of a journey but the very beginning of another. Life is a journey so I don’t know why I thought any different with amputation. Now the real work comes in. You need to heal, and then get your socket fitted and THEN learn to walk all over again!  No one can truly prepare you for what’s to come with amputation but I will tell you that no matter what you are facing with yours, you CAN do anything! You just need to press on and learn to adapt.

For me it was about perseverance, distraction and goal setting. You will have good days and bad days, and knowing this will allow you to “bounce back” when the going gets tough. I didn’t realize this, at first, and when I began to struggle I thought it was going to be down, down, down, with no recovery…. that’s how my last 7 years had gone with surgeries, so why would this be any different? But then over the course of these past two years I realized that my residual limb changes size and shape and that will dictate how my socket fits, which, in turn, dictated some of my struggles and pains. But those bad moments, or struggles, were short lived and then good times would return. NOW that I know this I can take those “bad” days in stride, and not lose sleep over them (although, sometimes I do because of  the phantom pain 😉 Haha! Humor is good medicine, by the way.

Humor helps get through hard days. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself.


I started my journey, back to walking, by deciding to give virtual races a try. I am highly competitive with myself so when I set a goal, I will succeed. My 1st race was 175 miles in 3 months. I started this one just a couple months after getting my prosthetic! I figured, what’s the best way to get use to your new leg- use it, and use it A LOT! I would need to put in 2 miles everyday to catch up since I registered a little late. You know what? It was hard! But I stuck with it, logged all my miles and made the goal of 175 miles! And the pure joy of receiving my finisher’s medal stuck with me…so I registered for the next one, which was 150 miles! and then the next one- 150 miles! I finished all of those and then began smaller more condensed goals of completing 5k walks/runs, virtually.  The idea of doing a race within a day put more pressure on me to compete at my highest level. I had to complete 3.1 miles all at once and some days that was really hard. Some of them I raced for better and faster times, other times I had to be content with just finishing.  You need to know your body well enough not to do harm but also to know when and how hard to push.

My first medal as an amputee! I’m very proud of this one!



These are all that I have completed since July 2019!! Each one of them I picked with purpose.


I have enjoyed all the races I’ve completed. There’s a sense of pride and accomplishment seeing all of my medals I’ve earned over the past 2 years as an amputee. These races have given me a purpose, goals, and independence as an amputee. I look and feel better then I have in a long time, and my mental health is at its peak. Listen  in to my podcast to hear more about how to get moving and what hurdles I overcame to finish all those medals these past 2 years.

Now it’s YOUR turn!


Check out these virtual races and register for one of them. Take baby steps to get there but get there! Challenge yourself to do and be something more. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish when you set a goal and get moving. I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, and you’ll start making strides in your physical, mental and emotional state, plus you and your prosthetic will become friends! 😉

Check these out:

Virtual Strides

Virtual Pace Series

Gone For A Run

Will Run For Bling and Charity

This last one is where I met some amazing people and did my first 3 BIG long distance races (175, 150, and 150 mile races over a few months) If you want a challenge, check this site out!










Each one of these holds meaning to me and I love every single one of my medals! They show me, when times get hard, that I can do it, I can succeed, and that my amputation doesn’t define or inhibit me!


Your Call to Action is to register to do a virtual race and do it by the end of June or if you need to, register now and build up to finishing by the end of July. Just don’t open that package until you’ve earned it. That’s how I did it because then I had something pushing me to finish. You’ve got this!!

You know I’m here for you! Send me a message, let me know how it’s going.

And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


