Tag: support

Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark

Getting Through the Tough Times


Oh the nights are so tough!

Have you been there?

Have you laid in the utter darkness and the quiet is deafening, the pain is unbearable, and you feel like you will ever get through this moment of phantom pain?

Yep, the reality is, we all go through it at some point or another, to varying degrees.

The last two nights, for me, have started great, I feel asleep and wasn’t feeling anything in the way of phantom pain. However, as soon as I shift, the sensations would start and the I couldn’t shut them off!

It’s almost unbearable. To sit in the dark, feeling like your body is screaming out loud, and no one else knows. My husband, laying right next to me, has no idea what I am feeling or that I am even going through this…. and he won’t know until morning.

Have you experienced this?

How about when you are out and about in a crowded store or venue, and your limb is on fire, or a sore within your socket is rubbing raw and stinging? And no one knows the pain you are feeling as you stand in line at the grocery store?

Such is the life of an amputee.

It comes and goes.

Most of the time there is no warning, it just comes at you.



So how do you deal with this, seeing as this is your life now?

First off, we all deal with pain differently, what works for one person won’t work for another.

As you experience these “episodes” you will learn what works for you (oh, and for added fun, what worked last time for you might not work the next). You can only prepare yourself for the mental battles ahead.

Communicate. Let the people around you know how you are feeling and what you need. They can’t see what’s happening within you and not everyday, all day is bad. Make sure you speak up and not assume they understand.



Build mental toughness. Use positivity and positive self-talk to get through hard times. You can redirect how your brain process what you are going through by the way you address it, internally and out loud.



Try not to fall back on medications every time you feel “out of sorts”. This goes for people dealing with the average phantom sensations/pains. I do not know what you’ve been going through and what you have been prescribed, so you need to do what you need to do but I will tell you that I will only use Tylenol or Advil once in a blue moon, when all else fails and when I can’t take anymore. There is no right way to handle an episode, but if you can stay away from prescription medication, and start leaning on your own devices to handle the mental situation, then do it. You’ll be stronger in the long run and your body will thank you.



These moments are truly times to develop your mental toughness. Sometimes we just need to hit them head on to become a stronger version of ourselves so we are ready for the next battle.

Finding time for myself to breathe and let go, helps me thru hard times


Don’t forget you were made to fight, and survive. You are a Warrior, you just need to unleash its within you and believe that you are strong enough to handle it.

Rise up, Warrior, and face your battles with inner strength!

You can do it, and you are not alone!


I pray you have a wonderful week ahead,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,


Remember: You are Beautiful, so just Be-YOU!
From Fear to “Thanks Giving”

From Fear to “Thanks Giving”

Moving Into the Right Mindset This Holiday


As an amputee I have so much to be grateful for in my life.

I am blessed to be alive.


My horses make me be present


I am thankful for my husband, two healthy sons, and a family who loves me.







I am grateful to be able to walk again, just to name a few.



Do I ever look back on the day that I injured myself, which led me to amputation, and wish it never happened?

NO! Never, not even once!

I am so fortunate to have been chosen for this journey. Looking back, wishing for something different sets  me up to fall into the trap, and vicious cycle, of never being satisfied or happy of where I am now.

I wouldn’t have met the people I’ve met.

I wouldn’t have overcome fears that I have had to face.

I wouldn’t have learned to trust in myself, the process, and my support system.

I wouldn’t have experienced the life I’m leading now with such gratitude because of what I have had to overcome and endure.

I am a stronger person, more passionate about my Faith, and better able to withstand immense pain and challenges than ever before.


This holiday season I challenge you to look past your fears, your disappointments,  your pain, your obstacles, your past, and your anger at your situation and see the small but relevant miracles happening in your life EVERY SINGLE DAY!


CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! Live for your happiness and to a brighter future.

When you change how you see your life and your circumstances you change the outcome. You see the good more easily in everyday encounters and silent moments. You will find yourself smiling more and grumbling less, and you will start to attract the type of people who want to be around you because you empower them with your outlook. It’s contagious!

What are you grateful for today?



Today, choose to be grateful!

Don’t wait any longer to see the joy in your life.

Start jotting down your blessings or what you are grateful for tonight.

Keep a list where you write 1-5 things that you are grateful for each night before bed. Fall asleep to gratitude in your heart and watch how refreshed and joyful you will start to be in the morning, just looking for the next moment.

I wish you and your families a very special, magical, and blessed Thanksgiving.

Until next week, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Overcoming Fear Part 2

Overcoming Fear Part 2

Fear of Failure


A big fear of mine has always been failing, especially in front of a lot of people. How about you?

After becoming an amputee this became the daily fear that would well up inside of me. Every day I put on my leg I had to deal with idea that, as I was learning to walk in it, I just my wipe out.  Then after I got good at walking, I added in the fear of falling with a running blade on, which would make for a more epic fall.

It feels like the normal, everyday, things were now causing my anxiety.

I realized right away that I would have 2 choices:

Stay home, pout, and not get out and work on my new life


Get out, try everything, fail, pick myself back up and try again.

On the edge of the Grand Canyon!


Me and my bees


My new Swell Surf foot, ready for the waves of Kauai


My 1st time wadding in a rushing stream, keeping balance, and trying fly fishing! A whole lotta new!


As you probably guessed, I opted for the second choice! Get out and LIVE!

This took time, patience, humility, and drive.

It wasn’t easy going into a grocery store with a new leg, knowing people were watching, almost waiting for me to stumble. At least that’s how it felt at first. But I had a family to feed and a husband at work all day. I was not going to be a burden and I was going to learn this new lifestyle, no matter what it took.

As a teacher, I told my students all the time that it’s ok to fail. That’s the only way to learn. It was time for me to take my own advice.

It’s a long road, a hard journey, when learning to walk again. It’s difficult to take an old. easy, everyday task, and start over.

Have grace and forgiveness with yourself. Be patient, like you’d be with your own kids learning something new.

What advice would you give your baby who was just learning to walk? Would you be mad at them for trying their first steps and falling over? Of course not, so why would you be mad, upset, impatient with yourself?

Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves, yet so forgiving with others that we seeing trying and failing?

Remember, it is more rewarding to try, try, try again and get something, than to just be able to do something simple that you get on your first try.

When you are forced to subject yourself to uncertainty, and yet certain failures at first, you are building your experience, you are building your character, and you are building a warrior mentality.  These are the characteristics that will help you succeed at your next task.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and try something new. You never know what will come of your efforts. What I have learned is that with every trial, I became stronger, met new people, inspired others, and found a deep joy for my new life that I wouldn’t change for the world!


Deep inside of you lies a warrior waiting to be unleashed! You’ve got this. Face your fears head on and watch how you will transform your life!!!

You are a warrior!!



This week begin to change your mindset. Speak positively to yourself and then think of 1 thing you have been wanting to do but have been too afraid to try it.

Now make a plan on how to get from point A to point B. Remember to break it down into baby steps. You cvan do this. I believe in you!

Work at it every day, even for 5-10 minutes. Realize that learning to do something new takes failure. Embrace the failures. Even laugh at yourself from time to time. We all fail at first.

Pick yourself back up and start again!

Don’t give up!

You’ve got this!!


Until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Who Had Your Back…….

Who Had Your Back…….

During Your Bounce Back?

Me in my very bouncy running blade


April is Limb Loss/Limb Difference Month and I am excited to share with you several guest speakers throughout the month and into May, however, we had a major setback yesterday and will have to reschedule them for another week.

Turning my setback into a setup, I spent most of last night frustrated and upset that my plans, well-thought out but still botched, coming up with what I feel is a super start to this special month.


Our support groups, people, family, friends, and companion animals!

Yep, let’s turn the tables and give thanks to those who were by our side, through thick and thin, through the good times, and the bad. Those that helped us laugh when we wanted to cry and held our hands when we were afraid.

Who was there to support you?

Who stood on the sidelines and cheered you on?

Who protected you?

Who visited when you felt alone?

These are the people (and maybe animals) who deserve our utmost gratitude and love. They saw us at our worst and lifted us up so we could shine.

Today I am grateful for the medical staff who helped me through, for my family back home, for the friends who checked in on me and brought my family dinners, and to my husband and 2 boys who were my biggest fans, strongest supporters, carrying me through hard times and bad news, to making me laugh until I cried. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you! I am forever grateful for every note, call, meal, smile, appointment, taxi service, adjustment, joke, and hug you all supplied me with to get me through.

YOU are my heroes!

My hubby, high school sweetheart, and biggest supporter. I love you!


Best kids in the world and always there for a hug!


My family! 5 siblings (I’m the youngest😏), with our dad



My PTs who helped prep me for amputation(plus 4 years of PT prior to it, trying to save my leg!) They are family.


My best bud and Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon challenger, Mary Wylie


Post amputation PTs and those who didn’t laugh when I’d come in and say, “So, I’d like to try…”
And thanks for helping me get ready to surf!


PT Dan and owner of Touchstone Rehabilitation. He helped me get my gait down so I’d stop bruising my femur!


The guys who make the magic happen! Making sure I’m set up for success with ideal fitting sockets to awesome paint jobs!


PA Mary representing the surgeon’s office on my 10K a year after my amputation


Special nurses who got me through the amputation- Day 1 of my new life



And there are so many more family and friends who were there for me. Thank you, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!



This week, use the next 7 days until pour next episode to reach out and give a heartfelt thank you to those who have been there for YOU! Trust me, you will make their day and your bucket will be overflowing knowing that you made a difference in their lives as well.

Everyone wants to be appreciated for the moments they helped out someone they care about.

When we show that sort of appreciate, after the fact, shows them that we saw them and their kindness.

Now who couldn’t use a little more of that in their life?


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Me and my support girl😍
Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

You are Special and Deserve It!


What do you do when you’re struggling? Maybe you are like me and lost a limb. Maybe you have a plethora of other medical issues and have been wheelchair bound. Or maybe you just can’t get out of your own way and headspace.
Is this you?
I know you want more from life.
You may have even questioned, “Is this all there is for me?”
Don’t give up!
Chase answers!
Seek help!
I struggled for 5 years and went through 10 surgeries, only to be left with a leg that only had 20° range of motion and wouldn’t straighten. I could barely move around my home, let alone ski with my family, hike, take the dogs for a walk, or ride a bike.  All dreams that I knew were fading away! Talk about depressing and defeating.
A blood clot was my wake up call and the metaphorical nail. I talked, researched, visited doctors, asked opinions, even spoke with other amputees to make up my mind.
Dare to dream!
Don’t give up!
Join me today to hear how this journey is going and at the end of my podcast listen for my Call to Action for YOU! Let’s do this together!!
Make a list of the dreams you have. List everything that you would love to do, see, experience, try.
Dream big! Don’t be afraid. Spend some quiet time thinking and dreaming. Write them all down.
Now place them in an order that builds upon each other. Maybe some are more accomplishable now and work to build upon the next and so on.
Finally, ask yourself what you need to do to accomplish goal 1, goal 2, etc. Pursue those goals by working through what’s stopping you.  I understand that some may seem really far off based on medical situations. If your goal is to run a 10K and you’re in a new socket then plan to start small. Maybe it’s getting it on and wearing it around your house for a few hours, then for the day around your house. Work toward walking all day in it, out and about. Then work toward walking to the mailbox every day. The next thing you know you’ll be out walking a mile, then 2.
Take your big dreams and break them into small goals to achieve them. Only you know what it will take to get yourself there. For me it was scheduling my amputation, then dealing with that loss, then healing and getting a prosthetic. Finally I registered to run a 10K a year out and worked on strengthening and learning to walk again. Baby steps. I may not have run the whole race but I DID finish!! Then I moved on to my next goal. I had them all mapped out in my head and on my vision board in my bedroom (see the podcast on making a vision board back in season 1) I highly suggest a vision board to help you visualize your dreams and goals!!
Spend the next 7 days dreaming and writing them down.
If you need to talk through your plan please feel free to reach out to me on IG; @BAWarrior360 or Facebook: BAWarrior360
I’d be happy to help in any way I can.
Until next week and as always:
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
You are a Warrior!
Much love,
What’s Your Story with Christy Gardner

What’s Your Story with Christy Gardner

 US Army Veteran, USA Sled Hockey Teammate, Therapy Dog Trainer, Special Olympics Coach, Bilateral Below Knee Amputee

Christy does it all! She is amazing, inspiring, and constantly pushing her limits to see what is possible!

As I wrap up my interviews for Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness month (April), I have to say I am renewed, Inspired, and ready to take on the world!

Christy was planning on serving our country for the maximum number of years, until one fateful day she was hit by a local strike in an undisclosed area she was serving as a MP Sergeant. She ended up with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and spinal cord damage which ultimately led to her double amputation.  She was distraught and had been told that she would never talk or walk again and would never be able to live on her own.

What saved her? How did she go from that “diagnoses” to becoming an alternate to the US Paralympic Track and Field team, a member of the women’s US Sled Hockey team, therapy/service dog trainer, and living alone?  Well, you need to listen in to hear her tell her story. Hear how a friend at the VA kept inviting her to come see what sports were available, how a dog named Moxie changed her life forever for the best, and how her unrelenting desire to be better and achieve the impossible, made everything possible once again!


Don’t miss this episode and an opportunity to find your own strength in Christy’s story.

Thank you, Christy, for spending time with me and blessing us with your story of hardship and triumph, and how you were able to overcome such large obstacles. You are a true warrior and such an inspiration! Best wishes in all you do.


Competition is such a powerful motivator for Christy…


But then again, so was Moxie!🐾


Make sure you watch the YouTube episode of my interview with Christy, as well! You can find my YouTube channel by search BAWarrior360


And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

What drives you forward when you hit hard times?



When days get hard we look to find purpose, I think that’s human nature. Somedays we fall short of finding what gets us up and motivated.  Today, after a very hard hike in the heat and my prosthetic rubbing my leg raw, I pushed myself to a point that I wasn’t sure I’d make it back to the car but when I did, I sat there and looked at my husband and right then, in midst of my pain and exhaustion, I saw my purpose very clearly.


My husband, and my ‘Why’, up at Young Life camp serving with me.


For me, I need to see my purpose, daily.  I know that it is what drives me forward, to work through the pain, to try new things- even if I fail.  My two sons, they are my purpose, as well.  They have seen me go through hard times, seen me struggle, and seen my victories.  They were there for it all and were 2 amazing supports, even at a young age.  They kept me going and striving for more.

My ‘Why’
My boys, supporting one another, as well.

Life is better when you figure out your purpose.  And when hard times come, and they will, knowing your purpose, the “why” in your life, then you’ll be prepared and ready to fight the battles.  You are not alone, you are loved. Find your ‘why’ and watch your circumstances and attitude shift.



Simply put: your call to action this week is to soul search and figure out what you’re living for, what you get up in the morning for, what puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step.

Spend time in a quiet location and really search your heart.  Once you figure out what your purpose is, write it down and place it somewhere you can see it everyday.  If it’s someone in your life, put a picture near your bedside and remember what you’re doing this all for.  When I decided to amputate, I made a vision board to show me things I wanted to get back to or do again after I healed. I also had pictures of my boys, my husband and my siblings on my board… my why’s were there watching me and helping remember why I chose to go through this.

It’s motivating to find your purpose.  You can do this and you will figure it out.  Do it now! Don’t wait until you are searching and feel like you’re drowning in pain and turmoil.  Have your ‘Why’ ready for when those moments strike. You’ll be prepared and ready to tackle the valleys when they arise.


This is what I live for!


He is my future.


What is YOUR ‘Why’?


As always;

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



When The Going Gets Tough

When The Going Gets Tough

How do you deal when hard times come a knockin’?


Do you throw your hands up in defeat or do you reach deep down and find the strength to carry on?

Do you belittle yourself into an out of control spin or do you use words of affirmation and pull yourself up by the bootstraps?


I have been realizing, of late, that I am struggling with motivation. I think the move did me in and I’m still recuperating from the physical battles I had to overcome with packing and unpacking a home.  My body has been aching more and my residual limb, well, let’s just say we are trying to come to terms with what I want to do and what it is capable of doing.

I have pushing myself to get out the door and put my walks and exercise time in, only to find that my physical game is struggling, which then plays into my mental game. This past weekend I went for a long walk with my husband, only to find that my limb really didn’t have it in it to walk as long as I wanted to… but I pushed myself and my mind won.  However, that wasn’t the only win that day.  I walked the longest I had walked in my new socket- 2 miles, but I also pushed myself into an opportunity to see where my mental fortitude lay.  This is how this podcast came about. I realized how much I talk to myself in the “heat of the battle”.  My mind was speaking to my heart and my leg.  I then asked myself why I go through this pain and hurt.  What was I getting out of doing this to myself?

I learned a lot about myself as I walked in the 98 degree Arizona summer sun, pushing myself to go farther, to not turn around, and not to give up.  I find that this is beneficial for me to see what I am made of, to work out the kinks in my prosthesis, and build my character and create positive moments in my life.  Is it easy? Was it easy?  Absolutely NOT!  But as the saying goes, nothing worth earning comes from “easy”.  We benefit more from a situation that is hard to get through because when we rise out on the other side we claim victory, and this is great for self motivation and helps us deal with the next hard moment, which is sure to come.


This was a moment of finding out what I was made of.
A 10K race just 1 year after amputation.


The question is, how are you handling those tough moments? Do you want to do better? Feel better? Look better? Then it comes down to your mindset and the way you talk to yourself.  Positive self-talk is so important. We tell our kids to not put themselves down, when they screw up, but are we beating ourselves up when we fall short? It’s easy to say this to people when you realize what they are doing to themselves, but to practice what you preach can be tough and a hard pill to swallow.  I realized the day after I did this walk that I had a really hard time with the pain and my usual exercise, and I started to get angry with myself, using negative words and being frustrated…. so easy to fall into that pattern. I saw that I was doing exactly what I said NOT to do and instantly changed my inner voice to a positive tone. Did it make it easier to finish, not necessarily, but I was better for it, and learned a lot about myself that day.  I know that I can be physically strong but mentally weak and will struggle.  These two go hand in hand.  It’s time to change how you treat yourself and how you talk to yourself.

Listen in to this week’s podcast to hear how that day went for me, as I recorded in the midst of that moment. It’s raw emotion and the reality of that struggle and hear what you can do to help yourself the next time doubt and fear creep in to your mind.



This week I want you to really listen  to your inner voice.

Are you speaking negatively to yourself? Putting yourself down and beating yourself up?  Be honest.  Nothing good will come from lying to yourself or being in denial.

Listen to your mind when you realize you’re battling something. What do you hear?  More than likely you are negative. It’s really common to do that. We hate making mistakes, and sometimes we feel unworthy of where we are. Stop! Give yourself grace to fall, talk kindly to yourself and pick yourself back up.

This week practice positive self-talk. It’s time to ramp up your mental game so you can go out with confidence into this world and kick butt.  There is no room for negativity. Love yourself for where you are now, set goals to where you want to be, and speak kindly and positively. You just might find yourself reach those goals quicker than you imagined you ever could.

You can do this!  Believe in yourself, I do!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!! (You deserve that!)


Much love,


Attitude is Everything
Starting Point

Starting Point

Again, and Again, and Again…..

Starting Line to my 1st race as an amputee, and as a St Jude Hero.


If someone asked you where your life began, or where you started out, you might answer, when you were born. Others may answer where they started their career or life as an adult, when they had to be responsible for themselves and maybe a spouse or significant other.

For me, my starting point is always changing, and comes around…OFTEN!

Of course we all start life at birth, then we grow, move out and start our own life.

If we get married and have kids, those are all new points, starting once again.

At 40 something years old, I thought most of my starting points were behind me but in December 2018 my life shifted greatly. I elected to amputate my left leg above the knee, and start over. This was a huge discussion and was quite tough to make. Many questions came to me, like- Would I die during surgery? Would I get an infection? Will I really learn to walk again, or hike or ski, for that matter? Did I have the energy and strength to begin again and learn to do everything I knew how to do (with 2 legs) now with just one?

When I woke after surgery I started over. A clean slate. A new beginning. As scary as that was, it was also a moment of new hope. I could dictate the outcome of my decision, to some degree, with my attitude, mindset, and fight. And that’s just what I did!

In this podcast I discuss what it’s like starting over. And how as an amputee we “start over” A LOT! Every new socket, the change in weather, a new pair of shoes, a change in prosthetics, from walking leg to running blade, etc.

Another new socket fitting by Randy West 5/3/2021


Stop and rest now and then. Life is a marathon NOT a sprint!


All of that feels new, and changes our perspective and outcomes of that moment, day or week.

This was my 3rd ski trip as an amputee-the first one without instructors!


Starting over isn’t for the weak or faint of heart.❤

And sometimes we succumb to the constant newness of our circumstance. I discuss options you have on how, as an amputee, you deal with these obstacles, and how your support system can help you navigate day to day living.

Remember, it’s all about your mindset, but even the most optimistic people hit roadblocks they struggle to get around. Give yourself a break. Have grace with yourself and don’t hold on to those struggles. They are inevitable, and we all deal with them. Take a step back, breathe, then move forward-head held high!

Roadblocks are a part of life. Embrace the challenge and ATTACK!
Smiling’s my favorite! 😁


You are a warrior! Press on, good and faithful soldier, press on.⚔


This week, I want you to look in the mirror, and look deep within yourself.  Praise yourself for how far you’ve come. Recognize your successes, let go of fears. Press onward. If you haven’t made a vision board yet, give that a go this week. Check out my own vision board HERE  for an example.

If you have a vision board already made, then maybe now is a good time to refresh and renew your dreams, goals, thoughts and mantras.  Good big!! Aim for the stars and realize that you can achieve what you put your mind and heart in to.

As always, I would love to hear how you are doing. Reach out to me. Follow me on Instagram at @angie_heuser and/or @bawarrior360. DM me our email me. Leave a comment here and let me know how your goals are coming along, if you need help, or if your are struggling.

I’m here for you!

And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


Never Quit, Never Surrender!

Never Quit, Never Surrender!

No matter what I went through those 3+ years prior to amputation, Dr. Shaun Palmer never gave up on me or my hope…nor did I! I was going to walk again! I was going to get better, whatever it took! In this episode I chat with my PT that I saw from my knee revision surgery through amputation. You’ll get to hear his side of my journey and how he adapted my therapy to fit where I was physically and mentally. I want to show you what is possible when you advocate for yourself in the medical world, and what kind of relationships you can build with the right mindset. Unleash the warrior inside of you! Fight for your health! Bring your hopes, dreams and positivity to your provider so they can best serve you.

Dr. Palmer is also a co-host on the Doc Doc Goose Podcast (DDG Podcast) that you should check out for great information and entertainment.

Be sure to subscribe to Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior Podcast so you don’t miss an episode. I have big things in the works and some very special guests lined up. Check my Instagram account for updates as well: @BAWarrior360 and @angie_heuser and some upcoming Live Interviews with some amazing people.

Until next time, Be healthy, Be happy, Be YOU!