Tag: struggles

Reflect and Reset

Reflect and Reset

Time to Challenge Yourself



As 2024 fades away and 2025 takes control let’s take time to look back and reflect on the ups and downs of the past year.

We all have had those moments we achieved some sort of milestone, we have also had those moments we never want to relive.

I’m hopeful that you had some time at the end of last year and the first week of this year to relax, reflect, and refresh yourself. I hope you have gotten into a place where you are ready to rise up again, and accomplish your goals.

As much as I am NOT a fan of New Year’s resolutions, for the fact that the name in of itself let’s people know that it’ll be a bust by February, I AM a fan of creating a new plan, schedule, and goals to work on THROUGHOUT the year ahead. I like the feel of starting over, having a second chance, learning about myself and reaching goals. I love the promise of a new tomorrow, where anything is possible, but without a goal or plan of attack days can roll by into weeks and month, only to leave you feeling like you let yourself down once again.


This year, I want to challenge you to several new things.

First you need to stay positive. Easier said than done, I know, but if you know that hard times will come-that there will be some struggles in your journey, then you can plan for that. While you’re in a good place prepare for the “suck”. How will you handle phantom pains when they hit? How will you decide when you need to talk with your prosthetist about your fit? When do you change your doctor after everything else has failed and you feel in your gut that you need someone else’s help or opinion?

These are all things that can knock the wind out of you and set you back. For some of us it can derail us so badly that we loose our momentum and never get it back, we can get lost in a dark place.


Make a Plan!

Execute that plan TODAY!!!

I am not immuned to this “delay game”. I play it with myself when I’m too tired, too happy, too busy….”I’ll start tomorrow”. You know that game, right?

I’m preaching to myself when I say we need to stop that if we want to achieve, overcome, rise up and become the warriors we were born to be.

This is our year! We will do this together. Accountability is key when you are struggling.



This week I have 2 Call to Actions for you. Don’t ignore these, let’s get after it together. I can hold you accountable, and you can hold me accountable.


First, come up with your word or phase of the year. Something that will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Keep it short and simple 1-2 words if you can. This becomes your war cry, your mantra, something you will write and speak to yourself everyday for this whole year.

What is your word or phrase?

It could be:


Be Present

Rise Up

Be Epic



Mine is: Charge Forward


Second, join me in a virtual race. The one I have just registered for is called “Reset” by Virtual Pace Series and you can register here


This is a choose your distance challenge. You can do a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon. The beauty of this race is that you can do it on your time and in your location. You can choose your distance and how you complete it. Walk, Run, Hike, Bike, Swim, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are challenging yourself WHER YOU ARE AT. If you can’t do 5K in one event, then break it down into 2 or 3 days/events. If you have already completed a walking. 10K then maybe you need to try running a 5K or even a 10K.

The point is to have something holding you accountable and a goal set before you. You do you, where You Are At in your journey.

Earn that medal and when you open it, AFTER COMPLETION, you are going to fall in love with challenging yourself.

Join me in 2025, a year in which you achieve your goals and realize the warrior within you is Stronger than you could ever have imagined!

Yes you can!

You will!

You are Stronger enough, brave enough and more than capable.

You are a WARRIOR!!!



I hope you find 2025 to be everything you want and more.

Please join me next week right here as we support one another and build each other up!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey

Stay the Course and Press On


This is the year. Embrace the journey and get your mindset right!

We started our year with a new puppy. I had forgotten how hard potty training was as an amputee. What does that mean, you might ask?  Night time wake up calls are very difficult when you don’t have a leg on, grabbing an energetic puppy, and crutching outside and down a step…all before that puppy has an accident! This week, I am navigating this alone for the first time, tonight I may just leave my leg on.

I tell you all this to show you the reality of being an amputee.

As I sit here and write this up I am working later than usual, because of said puppy, and her boundless amount of energy she’s had all day. She is finally asleep and I have a moment to finish up my post.

THIS is life.

This is part of the journey. The good times, the hard times, the moments that make me smile and the times that exhaust me and make me see my shortcomings as an amputee.

Would I change a thing? Would I do it differently?


I am a stronger person for what I’ve gone through.

I know myself even better than I ever have.

My faith is stronger than ever before, and the people and experiences I have met and had along this journey I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Mindset matters. I keep saying that. How we see ourselves, and our lives, DOES matter.

When we let go of our past, embrace our situation, learn to ride the ups and downs of life, that is when we can truly live a full and meaningful life. That is when you can find purpose and joy.

Don’t give up when it gets rough. Keep fighting the good fight. You can do it, you are strong enough.




This week, focus on the positive. Find your purpose by setting goals you can achieve, and that challenge you just enough. Create a list of the things you’ve been dreaming of doing, trying, or accomplishing.

Write them down then create timelines of when you want to try or accomplish them. Be specific so they don’t fade away.

Next, figure out what steps you’ll need to take to get to your goal.

Use the next week to get your list together and your mindset right, and go out and kick butt!

You’ve got this, Warrior!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,






Dealing With Grief

Dealing With Grief

How Grief Plays a Role In Your Health


Today’s podcast I will let speak for itself.

I am dealing with grief and last several weeks the stressors in my life were so high that my phantom pains were intense.


Taking care of yourself in the midst of pain, sorrow, grief, and anxiety ridden situations is very important for your overall health.

Listen in as I tell you about my past week and a half, how I’ve been feeling, and what I have done, successfully and unsuccessfully, to deal with my emotions and the pain that I was feeling in my heart.

I pray you all are doing well, and I apologize for the delay in posting this week.

Stay positive.

Be the warriors you were meant to be and know that I am here and will get through this and heal on my time.

Until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,

In loving memory of Bella Rose October 27, 2023

Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

A Fishing Analogy for New Amputees


From experience, I KNOW, without a doubt, that there are fish in our lake.

Just yesterday I caught a huge northern pike and released him….. he is in there, waiting for the next lure to tempt him.

How does this relate to amputees and our journey? Great question.

Patience, for one. And knowing how to keep moving forward, even when you feel like giving up, for another.

I must have casted 1000 times in 5 hours last weekend, and not a nibble!!!! 5 hours!!! I’m either totally dedicated to my craft or absolutely crazy! But, I love the POSSIBILTY. The possibility that I could catch a fish, maybe even the biggest fish in the lake (I may be a little competitive 😏) keeps me going.

Not my biggest catch, but I’ll take it as a win!


This is the same for amputees. No matter what I tell newbies, until they go through it themselves, it just doesn’t click. Some people think they’ll get through it without a hiccup and be off and running right after they get their prosthesis. What you have to remember is that 1) Everyone’s experience is unique and individualistic. 2) We all atrophy and thus makes our fitting process a challenge, and 3) You don’t know what you don’t know, and it won’t make sense until YOU go through it.

That being said, going through the early moments of becoming an amputee are like fishing. You know that you will be able to walk again, run, hike, bike, swim, etc. You’ve seen tons of other amputees make it, and the prosthesis they are making now are so amazing and helpful to our success. but you also need to remember that you can’t catch the big fish if you aren’t patient, and ready to put in the time.



Go at it with a positive attitude. Take a step back when things get hard, and you.ve forgotten what WILL be possible. You have to earn it, so to speak, and you’ll be better prepared and ready for future hiccups after going through the first year or two.  But it won’t be easy. You will be pushed to the edge a few times, whether with the way it feels, the fitting, pain, sensations, or a plethora of other things that could happen.  But don’t lose hope. I went through the changes and the exhaustion of never-ending appointments to get the right fit. I went through excruciating pains of a neuroma and the surgery to remove it, along with the setback of healing from that surgery before I could wear my leg again. I understand the heartache when you just want to be and feel “normal” and you just don’t see how that will ever happen for you. It will! I promise. Keep the faith. Don’t take yourself too seriously and learn to laugh at those moments. Cry when you need to then pull up your big boy/big girl pants and trudge forward. You will get to where you want to be, but you will work for it, I promise that too.




What I use to tell my students all the time was that if it was easy then you wouldn’t feel as proud of yourself for accomplishing the task at hand. Same goes for us amputees. You will have to overcome some seriously huge mountains at times, but when you are at the top looking back at where you came from, you can be so proud to know that you truly ARE a warrior!!!!


I believe in you!

Don’t you dare give up.

Put in the time, practice patience, and know that with time, things will get easier.


You are amazing and will accomplish great feats. You only need to be steadfast and patient. Be realistic in knowing that it takes time, but in the end you will succeed!


As always, and until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,


Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Patience is a virtue.


A few of my favorite things as I sit at the lake fishing

The view is so peaceful


Wildflowers everywhere!


The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

The Leg is Fake


“Humor can alter any situation and help us cope at the very instant we are laughing.”

-Allen Klein

If I didn’t laugh I would cry… Oh wait, I did cry!

Yep, it was that kind of week for me. It happens, and I wanted you to hear what it’s like for me when I fall on hard times, because it does happen.

I began doing some treadmill work last week and believe I hit a nerve in my residual limb, making it angry. Then 2 days later I pinched a nerve in my back and off we went! Serious pain shooting down my legs, creating massive phantom pains in my residual limb and beyond.

To top this fun adventure off I was also having to fast all day Sunday and then most of Monday for a health exam that I wasn’t excited about. Between nerve pain, pinched nerve, fasting, and anxiety about an appointment, it was the perfect storm and an epic test of my mental fortitude.

As I sat around hurting beyond belief, I was thinking of all the things I talk about on my podcast and how to cope with hard times. It was then that I realized that I needed to practice what I preach. I had to dig down real deep to find the strength, the pain was so intense, and I was also sleep deprived, did I mention that? I couldn’t just sit and let it get to me, and I couldn’t take it out on the ones I love and who have supported me on this journey, so I needed to practice positivity, embracing the moment for what it was, remember that it won’t last forever, and breath.

It wasn’t easy. I had to keep starting over and re-adjust my thinking. I failed time and time again to, mentally, get past the pain. I had to remember everything I’ve been speaking about and be honest about where I was at. …

I was in a valley!

I went from the peak of a mountain top just 7 days ago, and within a blink of an eye, I was in the depths of the valley, looking for a way out. THIS was the place I had spoken about, the place I had told you happens to each of us, and it came out of nowhere and without warning.

The positive side, you ask? There’s only one way from here, and that’s up!

I am ready, I want to be on the top of the mountain, I have a new appreciation for the joys of mountain tops and a deep desire to be there again. That is my goal! It will always be my goal.

Mountain tops and valleys



This week I want you to practice breathing to gain composure when you’re hurting.

Use a Body-Scan to assess each of your body parts, find where your pain is coming from, acknowledge it and then move on from it. If the pain draws you back to that area, revisit, acknowledge again, and move on. Do not give that area any power over your focus and time during this scan.

Finally, communicate with the people around you when you fall into that valley. Keep them informed of what you are dealing with and what you need… maybe even apologize, in advance, for not being you.

You are a warrior!

You are perfect the way you are, and strong enough to get through this.

Speak positive, and know that you are capable, loved, and enough!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Embrace the Moments

Embrace the Moments


The past few weeks have been quite a ride and then just 2 days ago I realized we, as a family, were about to close another chapter in our lives.

Change happens. Life keeps moving forward, even when we are not ready, even if we don’t want it to. It is inevitable.

We as humans don’t really embrace change well, it takes some getting used to but, it is what helps us grow. When we are forced out of our comfort zone, a place we’ve become accustomed to, we can feel out of control, scared, and unsure of ourselves and our path. It can be disorienting and make us feel like we are failing.

What I have learned over the past 9 years is that within moments we feel chapters closing, and our life taking on a new direction, with acceptance and positive mindset, embrace these changes, we succeed and begin fly once again.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy. As a matter of fact, changes that deeply affect us and make us stumble or strike fear in us, take time to grapple with before and accept. But the sooner you accept the change the sooner you’ll find yourself flying once again, and you might even see how it’s made you grow in certain aspects of your life.

New chapters happen often throughout our lifetime. If we could only remember that and enjoy the ride, then we can stop worrying and start really living our best life, a more deep and meaningful life, taking in the moments that we often take for granted. So often we get caught up in worry and stress, wondering what will happen next, and wondering if we can handle the curveballs life is throwing at us that we forget that life is happening, and life is about the ups and downs, the journey, the struggles, the triumphs and joys. We tend to lose sight of the big picture. New chapters open and old ones close. New adventures begin and we learn more about ourselves and our people we surround ourselves with by how we handle the situations in life. But it is in the small daily moments that we must remember to embrace, and cherish. they are fleeting moments and quickly become memories.

This young man is now a 20-year-old. We said good-bye to teen years this week!😢


My youngest! His team won State this past weekend and he graduates high school next week!😭


I am in a season of change, yet again, in my life. This momma’s heart will weep and be sad for the change, but I know that new doors open, allowing us to grow some more, to build character and perseverance for the next step.

Enjoy today, for all its worth.

It may not be perfect or fun or pain-free, but find the joy. Embrace the moment. Love the challenges or triumphs you are in, right now.

Take mental pictures to store in your heart forever and love your life.



Every time you find yourself struggling with frustrations, anxiety, or fear stop and slow yourself down

Take 5-10 deep breathes in through your mouth, hold for 2 seconds and then exhale through your nose.

Next, write down:

5 things you love about your life,

or 5 things you are proud of,

or 5 things that were positives about your day.

Our minds are powerful and whatever we tell our brain, it believes!

Feed your mind positives and watch how your mindset and life change for the better.


As always, until next week:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



What’s Your Story with Roni Sasaki

What’s Your Story with Roni Sasaki


Born with limb difference but having the drive and determination to become something more than her “disability”. Being told she may never walk and having the will to prove everyone wrong.

Daring to dream big and pushing the boundaries of being an athlete with limb difference comes the story of Roni Sasaki, Gold medalist in Alpine Skiing, author, speaker, and entrepreneur.  This lady has accomplished a lot, but it was a rough road as a child with limb difference.

Listen in as Roni tells us what it was like to look different as a child, overcoming the fears of fitting in, and then dreaming so big her dreams seemed out of reach and silly, back then.  Be inspired by her story and how dreaming big and having faith, beyond measure, saved her and gave her purpose to push forward against the odds, accomplishing those dreams…and more!

Roni on the slopes using a normal ski and boot with outriggers

Roni also has a podcast called, “A Leg Up On Life”, which you can listen to HERE . And you can even hear me being interviewed by Roni in Episode #44 on her site as well!

What an incredible journey and story Roni has shared with us. I hope you find her as inspiring as I have to live your best life and to never give up on a dream.

Roni, thank you for spending time with me and giving my audience some amazing words to live by. You are a true warrior and a blessing to know.



As always and until next week,

BE Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!!

Much love,


Perseverance to Progress

Perseverance to Progress

Climbing That Hill Yet Again!

Want to be back on top? Then start now!
No better time than the present.


Life is a journey, one meant to be enjoyed, but of course, not all parts of our journey are enjoyable.  When we feel down on our luck, when we are hurting, or when things aren’t going our way, we find very little to enjoy.  But don’t fret.  That IS part of the journey, those moments are meant to help us, teach us about ourselves, and help us grow, build character and coping skills for the “next time”, oh and there will be a next time, for sure.  The question I have for you is, how will you attack your situation?  Are you ready to unleash your inner warrior and fight for your life, fight to enjoy it once again? Or do you struggle to find a peace and struggle to breathe when things get hard?

You aren’t alone when it comes to these struggles. We all have moments of weakness, moments that we want to give up or throw in the towel, but that’s not living, right?  And that can’t be the end.

We need to persevere and rise up!  You can do this, I know you can!

Even when you feel you have nothing left to give, you must learn to dig down deep and give it your all.  After all, you are worth it!

I love this saying, it has truly been my realization after many years of surgeries and then amputation.  As I look back I can see how everything I experienced over the years was building me up to handle what I’m going through today.  And I also realized that “This too, shall pass” is an accurate description of life.  This goes for the good times as well as the not so good times.


If you want to change, create better habits and drop bad habits then it’s time to get to work….TODAY!  No better time than the present.

Let’s tackle life together. Let’s discover the warrior within ourselves and let her lose!

I’m with you, I believe in you, and I know you have what it takes to accomplish your wildest dreams.



Start NOW, don’t wait or postpone anymore.

  1. Write down what you want to see change
  2. Decide when you’d like to, realistically, see this change happen by and write it down.
  3. Write down the steps you need to take to accomplish this task.
  4. Create a journal to write down the changes you see each day, good and bad (when you have steps forward and even backward)
  5. Take pictures of yourself on this journey (if you are trying to see physical changes), you’ll be surprised at how they will help you push forward on hard days.
  6. Start today. Don’t wait.


You’ve got this!  If you’ve listened to my podcast and can relate to what I said then you are ready to begin fresh.  Go after your goals. Reach for the stars and don’t let anyone tell you that you “can’t”. I believe in you!

As Always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

I love my leg, what can I say. But it’s a love/hate relationship the first week of having a new socket put on. Like a new pair of shoes that need to broken in before you run a marathon, a new socket- even made perfectly for your limb- has it’s own personality that you need to get use to. It will hit your thigh differently, rub your groin raw, bump the end of your limb til it bruises, and then…. after some perseverance, patience and a glass of wine (or two), you hit your stride with your new friend and all is right with the world!😉


But at first you may be reluctant to change, frustrated to tears, because yet again, you must endure what you thought you were done with. It’s hard to face the music when you know what’s going to happen…AGAIN. There’s just no escaping that reality, but you must push through, because the gains to be made and the reward to getting through that first week, or so, is amazing!

You CAN do it.

Pick your chin up, put your leg on, and dance!!!


Dance like no one is looking,

Sing like no one is listening,

Live like each day is your last!


Will it be easy, no! But nothing ever great came easy.

Strive for greatness each day. Each day, make your mark, set a goal, live your life.

If you must, do things that will distract you from the moments of pain, I do. I stay really busy! Sitting down and reading a book does not distract me, activity does. Shopping, cleaning, working out, playing with my dog, asking a friend out for coffee. Somedays we just need a distraction while we break in the new fit. That’s ok. Your goal is to get comfortable in it and the only way to find comfort is by wearing it and pushing through some pain of newness.

Please, though, know your body. What works for me may not work for you. Listen to your doctor, prosthetist, or PT-whom you trust. Let them guide you when you don’t feel confident or strong enough.

Today’s Call to Action was brought on by the tragedy of the loss of a friend.

*Embrace someone you love today, and tell them you love them!

*Be gracious and kind to those around you, even the ones who are mean or angry, we are all fighting a battle.

*Reach out to a long lost friend or relative, or someone who you sense has withdrawn and become distant. It isn’t about you, they may be fighting a battle you have no idea about and they could probably use a friend. Someone willing to see them for who they are in their heart and not how they have been acting.

Above all else, love one another. We each have our moments, our battles, our valleys. Love always wins!

Please don’t forget to subscribe to my website and podcast so you don’t miss an episode! Next week I will have my prosthetist, Randy West, on the show talking about how to know what’s working and when to move on!

Until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,



Much love and admiration,




The Journey Called Life

The Journey Called Life

Have Grace With Yourself Through Life’s Ups and Downs

The valleys in life allow us to see the beauty of the mountain tops


Moving has been the focus of my every moment this past 3-4 weeks and it has been exhausting. I have pushed myself to the max to get things unpacked and to make our new house look like a home. I have rubbed my residual limb raw, created some serious pains that have taken my breathe away, and made my “good leg” ache with all the work it has done to compensate for the lack of not having another limb. With all the craziness of life I have ignored the fit of my socket, until now. I am finally getting fit for a new socket and am excited with the idea of a closer fit, but anxious with having to cope with a new fit that will inevitably cause pains as I adapt to it.

With the good comes the bad. With the highs come the lows, and life is a journey. We must always remember that life isn’t a sprint but a marathon. I need to remember that. I can get impatient at times, and frustrated by the problems and set backs I encounter on a day to day/week to week basis.

I need to remember to stop and smell the roses( or in my case, today, sunflowers), and enjoy the journey. Today was one of those days when everything just came to a head for me, emotionally, and I got so angry and frustrated. You know, the kind of emotion that makes you want to give up and take a nap…. or stress eat!

I’m proud of myself, I did neither! Instead I went through with recording my podcast. Take a listen to hear what happened today that put me in a tail spin. As I spoke to you all about it, I realized that I am truly blessed with my life and that “this too, shall pass”.  I must learn to have grace with the world, the people around me, and myself.  I believe we have these moments to remind ourselves of all the good that is in our life. Without the valleys how can we appreciate the mountain tops? I sometimes forget how good my life is and how blessed I am. I need to remind myself to be grateful, even through the problems.

I hope you can see how blessed you are with who and what you have in your life, even when things aren’t so perfect. If we can just see the positives we can eliminate stressors that can harm our health.  Our attitude and outlook on our life can create a healthy life or make us sick.  Being unhappy, grouchy, and angry can really harm our health and  destroy our recovery from sickness or surgery. Try positivity. You might be surprised on how great you’ll start feeling AND you’ll also see the world change, for the better, all around you, all because of how you carry yourself. I don’t see myself as disabled or handicapped. I like to smile at people who look at me, staring at my leg. When I smile and they smile back then I know they see me for ME, then a chain  reaction occurs, of happy vibes…. at least in my life and at my house.  Try it!! The world needs more positive vibes- why not be the person who starts it? Be the change!



Today’s Call to Action:
Write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Maybe it’s people in your life, or your pet. Maybe its the health you DO enjoy, or a memory. Maybe it’s simply that cup of coffee with a friend or that moment you had to watch the sunset. Just be thankful! Then post your list somewhere that you can see it everyday. Maybe on your mirror in your bathroom, or next to your bed at night.

Better yet, can you write 5 things for which you are grateful for 7 days in a row?

Send me a message and tell me what you are grateful for. Our gratefulness is contagious!

I am grateful for each of you!! Thank you for reading, listening, and following my journey!


And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


A little bit of sunshine to make me smile


Much love and admiration,
