Tag: smile

The Answer is NO

The Answer is NO

It’s Always “No” If You Don’t Ask

When it comes to the world around you, the old adage, “You catch more flies with honey, than vinegar”, still holds true.

As an amputee, I have seen this firsthand. When I smile at someone, they smile back. If I say Hello with a smile, I start a conversation and usually educate someone who is curious. And when I ask questions, that I may be afraid to ask (because I don’t want to look like I’m looking for handouts), I usually find someone who has a connection or an “in” to helping me. Rarely do I hear No, but I take the chance anyway, like 2 weeks ago.

I went with my son to pick up his new ski boots, that was all we were going to do, but I started looking around and dreaming of a new pair of skis and boots as mine are over 20 years old. The problem? I only need one ski and one boot, I ski without my prosthetic on and with outriggers. This causes a problem because no one sells singles, so I decided to ask a probing question to the guy helping my son. “Do you ever get a rouge ski come in?”  His answer, we sometimes get skies that someone leaves behind after buying new ones, asking if we can get rid of them. And sure enough, Gil, at SkiPro here in Phoenix checked my height and ski level and went in back only to emerge with a beautiful pair of Solomons! He literally said, “Here, they’re yours, they were just going into the dump.” I couldn’t believe my luck… or maybe I just manifested it by smiling and creating a connection, a relationship. I decided to see if boot companies had singles they might have because of manufacturing defects and how could I get in touch, and Gil measured my foot and we had the same boot size. He told me he’d reach out to me later that week.

Tuesday rolled around and he called and said he had 2 pairs for me to try out. I drove straight down to his shop to give them a go. They were perfect!!

We talked while he fitted the liner to my leg and made an insole for my foot, we connected, and I shared my story with him and my joy of getting out there and doing life. He told me about his time he spent skiing and his life up in Washington, and how he’d worked with an adaptive ski program up north and I just thought, “Wow, this was a God wink” The chance that I talked to a guy who knew his stuff, worked with other adaptive skiers in the past AND was my boot size. incredible. But it was about connecting, opening up, accepting that “No” could be the answer, but I might as well ask.

I went in that day to be with my son, and I walked away that week with a “new” pair of skis and boots that I can’t wait to use this season.

Remember, if you never ask, the answer will always be “No”, but taking a chance on people, asking the questions, asking for assistance with a genuine heart, never hurts. Hey, you may even walk away with new skis!

Checking the liner out

My new friend, Gil. Thanks, man, I appreciate you!



Simple CTA this week.

What have you been wanting to try but don’t have the equipment or resources to get it?

Go out and find connections. Build relationships in that community.

Email people.

Ask the questions. You never know who you’ll meet and where it’ll take you!

Don’t be afraid to try and hear, “No”.  Be afraid of never asking and always wondering, “What if”.


You are all warriors, so rise up and get out there.

Have a blessed week and let me know how it’s going!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,






Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

What inspires you? Who inspires you?
Did you know that you, too, are an inspiration? Yep, you are!
Each of us has the ability to impact another person’s life and outlook just by the way we carry ourselves, how we behave, speak, and interact with the people around us. A simple smile could give someone just the boost they need when they are struggling. Having grace and forgiveness may give another person in our lives the peace they are looking for when everything around seems to be falling apart.
We can be that for someone. The reality is, people are watching, and people are looking for someone to inspire them. Even when you aren’t at your best, or you are struggling, you have the ability to brighten someone’s day and give them a hope that they need to rise up.
If you’re like me, an amputee, or someone who is struggling to push through physical adversity, then you have an opportunity every single day to show the world that anything is possible.
First time waterskiing as an amputee…anything is possible!
Skiing again, as an amputee….anything is possible!


First time, EVER, surfing…anything is possible!!
Even if what you do is commonplace for you now, like me walking with my prosthetic, there are people who have never seen an amputee who are amazed by this. Smile! Show the world that you aren’t going down without a fight and that you are more than your circumstance, because you are!
Be an inspiration, you never know who is watching.
Never, ever forget, that you are an inspiration to someone!
Now go out and INSPIRE!!!!!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Spreading Holiday Cheer

Spreading Holiday Cheer

Just a quick podcast today as I am getting ready for the upcoming holiday season.  Life is moving at warp speed and even the tiniest of kindnesses seem to get lost in our hurried lives.  Stop, relax, look around you, and remember what this time of year is all about.

My 1st Christmas as an amputee


Smile! Bring joy into people’s lives by simply spreading joy, with a free smile.



Patience. Patience allows us to breathe and take stock in the moment before we react, or worse, over-react!


Kindness.  Go that extra mile and help someone through the holidays. Not everyone finds this time of year joyful or even tolerable.  Showing someone you are thinking of them could change their whole life, for the better.


And best of all, when we exhibit kindness, exercise patience and smile at the people we encounter we, too, get the benefit of feeling a fulfillment in our own lives.


The above items ARE your Call to Action for the next couple of weeks as we enter the holiday season and get ready to say good-bye to 2021.


May you all find happiness, joy and good healthy this holiday season. And Cheers! to a wonderful New Year!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,
