Tag: morning routine

Real Life

Real Life

Morning Routines to Get Motivated


Life as an amputee is already hard enough just learning to live without a limb that, for most of us, we were born with.  However, what you don’t know is the little things, the minutia of everyday tasks that can sometimes be enough to halt you in your tracks.

I got an interesting question the other day, one I haven’t been asked before: “How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?”

I realized, based on that question, that many people wonder about our “secret” lives behind closed doors. How do we sleep, bath, get ready, change clothes, etc is a mystery for most people.

First off, please realize that I choose to do the things I do, therefore I choose a more hectic and demanding path each day. That is my choice, but I chose amputation so I could live a full and healthy life.

Notice the difference in clothes and shoes for each of these activities that I absolutely love to do.  A simple change of clothes is absolutely exhausting for me, and I must motivate myself even more to do them. I must WANT it, each day.


I work hard so I can handle getting older as an amputee


I hike for my sanity as well as building resilience in my socket


She brings me peace and helps me refocus energy


Today I want to share with you MY struggles every morning. Yes, struggles. It isn’t easy getting ready for the days I set up for myself which may include, gym time, horse time, hiking, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, going out with friends and date nights with my hubby.  What you may not understand is that many of those tasks take different clothing and shoes, not to mention showering midday for a date so you don’t smell like a horse.

Join me today as I take you through the challenges of getting ready as an above knee amputee using a skin fit socket, how I streamline my morning routine, what I take with me to change clothes midday, and how I handle the energy it takes just to get ready.

I DO love my leg and am grateful for this second chance. I wouldn’t change a thing, and that is mindset-it determines our successes


I wished I could tell you that it’s easy everyday, but it’s not, and that’s my choice. I want to workout or hike, I want to get dirty working with horses, and with each of those daily activities I make myself work hard everyday to be able to enjoy them.

I think it needs to be said that if you want something bad enough then you are willing to go the extra mile, well, my extra mile means pushing myself physically each day, in just getting ready.



This week I would tell you that if you are struggling with getting motivated each morning when you wake, or you are dreading getting ready to take on the day then start the night before.

Create, even if only in your mind, a schedule of events that you WANT to accomplish the next day and see yourself doing them, visualize accomplishing the tasks and what you will need to complete them. I go to bed this way every night so in the morning I have direction. Without it the days fly by and nothing gets done.

Also, if you struggle with energy make sure you are fueling your body correctly and enough. We use more energy than the two loggers so we need to add in more nutrition to our daily intake. Don’t skimp. I did after the holidays and I was always lacking energy, which destroyed my motivation.


Setting yourself up for success is up to you. Start today with visualizing what you want to do and accomplish every night before bed and make sure you are fueling your body to work hard, because it is.

Have grace with yourself.

Know when to push and when your body needs a break.

You are a warrior and capable of doing great things!

Believe it!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,