Tag: Kelly Allegro

Overcoming Fear Part 2

Overcoming Fear Part 2

Fear of Failure


A big fear of mine has always been failing, especially in front of a lot of people. How about you?

After becoming an amputee this became the daily fear that would well up inside of me. Every day I put on my leg I had to deal with idea that, as I was learning to walk in it, I just my wipe out.  Then after I got good at walking, I added in the fear of falling with a running blade on, which would make for a more epic fall.

It feels like the normal, everyday, things were now causing my anxiety.

I realized right away that I would have 2 choices:

Stay home, pout, and not get out and work on my new life


Get out, try everything, fail, pick myself back up and try again.

On the edge of the Grand Canyon!


Me and my bees


My new Swell Surf foot, ready for the waves of Kauai


My 1st time wadding in a rushing stream, keeping balance, and trying fly fishing! A whole lotta new!


As you probably guessed, I opted for the second choice! Get out and LIVE!

This took time, patience, humility, and drive.

It wasn’t easy going into a grocery store with a new leg, knowing people were watching, almost waiting for me to stumble. At least that’s how it felt at first. But I had a family to feed and a husband at work all day. I was not going to be a burden and I was going to learn this new lifestyle, no matter what it took.

As a teacher, I told my students all the time that it’s ok to fail. That’s the only way to learn. It was time for me to take my own advice.

It’s a long road, a hard journey, when learning to walk again. It’s difficult to take an old. easy, everyday task, and start over.

Have grace and forgiveness with yourself. Be patient, like you’d be with your own kids learning something new.

What advice would you give your baby who was just learning to walk? Would you be mad at them for trying their first steps and falling over? Of course not, so why would you be mad, upset, impatient with yourself?

Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves, yet so forgiving with others that we seeing trying and failing?

Remember, it is more rewarding to try, try, try again and get something, than to just be able to do something simple that you get on your first try.

When you are forced to subject yourself to uncertainty, and yet certain failures at first, you are building your experience, you are building your character, and you are building a warrior mentality.  These are the characteristics that will help you succeed at your next task.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and try something new. You never know what will come of your efforts. What I have learned is that with every trial, I became stronger, met new people, inspired others, and found a deep joy for my new life that I wouldn’t change for the world!


Deep inside of you lies a warrior waiting to be unleashed! You’ve got this. Face your fears head on and watch how you will transform your life!!!

You are a warrior!!



This week begin to change your mindset. Speak positively to yourself and then think of 1 thing you have been wanting to do but have been too afraid to try it.

Now make a plan on how to get from point A to point B. Remember to break it down into baby steps. You cvan do this. I believe in you!

Work at it every day, even for 5-10 minutes. Realize that learning to do something new takes failure. Embrace the failures. Even laugh at yourself from time to time. We all fail at first.

Pick yourself back up and start again!

Don’t give up!

You’ve got this!!


Until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Who Had Your Back…….

Who Had Your Back…….

During Your Bounce Back?

Me in my very bouncy running blade


April is Limb Loss/Limb Difference Month and I am excited to share with you several guest speakers throughout the month and into May, however, we had a major setback yesterday and will have to reschedule them for another week.

Turning my setback into a setup, I spent most of last night frustrated and upset that my plans, well-thought out but still botched, coming up with what I feel is a super start to this special month.


Our support groups, people, family, friends, and companion animals!

Yep, let’s turn the tables and give thanks to those who were by our side, through thick and thin, through the good times, and the bad. Those that helped us laugh when we wanted to cry and held our hands when we were afraid.

Who was there to support you?

Who stood on the sidelines and cheered you on?

Who protected you?

Who visited when you felt alone?

These are the people (and maybe animals) who deserve our utmost gratitude and love. They saw us at our worst and lifted us up so we could shine.

Today I am grateful for the medical staff who helped me through, for my family back home, for the friends who checked in on me and brought my family dinners, and to my husband and 2 boys who were my biggest fans, strongest supporters, carrying me through hard times and bad news, to making me laugh until I cried. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you! I am forever grateful for every note, call, meal, smile, appointment, taxi service, adjustment, joke, and hug you all supplied me with to get me through.

YOU are my heroes!

My hubby, high school sweetheart, and biggest supporter. I love you!


Best kids in the world and always there for a hug!


My family! 5 siblings (I’m the youngest😏), with our dad



My PTs who helped prep me for amputation(plus 4 years of PT prior to it, trying to save my leg!) They are family.


My best bud and Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon challenger, Mary Wylie


Post amputation PTs and those who didn’t laugh when I’d come in and say, “So, I’d like to try…”
And thanks for helping me get ready to surf!


PT Dan and owner of Touchstone Rehabilitation. He helped me get my gait down so I’d stop bruising my femur!


The guys who make the magic happen! Making sure I’m set up for success with ideal fitting sockets to awesome paint jobs!


PA Mary representing the surgeon’s office on my 10K a year after my amputation


Special nurses who got me through the amputation- Day 1 of my new life



And there are so many more family and friends who were there for me. Thank you, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!



This week, use the next 7 days until pour next episode to reach out and give a heartfelt thank you to those who have been there for YOU! Trust me, you will make their day and your bucket will be overflowing knowing that you made a difference in their lives as well.

Everyone wants to be appreciated for the moments they helped out someone they care about.

When we show that sort of appreciate, after the fact, shows them that we saw them and their kindness.

Now who couldn’t use a little more of that in their life?


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Me and my support girl😍
Starting Point

Starting Point

Again, and Again, and Again…..

Starting Line to my 1st race as an amputee, and as a St Jude Hero.


If someone asked you where your life began, or where you started out, you might answer, when you were born. Others may answer where they started their career or life as an adult, when they had to be responsible for themselves and maybe a spouse or significant other.

For me, my starting point is always changing, and comes around…OFTEN!

Of course we all start life at birth, then we grow, move out and start our own life.

If we get married and have kids, those are all new points, starting once again.

At 40 something years old, I thought most of my starting points were behind me but in December 2018 my life shifted greatly. I elected to amputate my left leg above the knee, and start over. This was a huge discussion and was quite tough to make. Many questions came to me, like- Would I die during surgery? Would I get an infection? Will I really learn to walk again, or hike or ski, for that matter? Did I have the energy and strength to begin again and learn to do everything I knew how to do (with 2 legs) now with just one?

When I woke after surgery I started over. A clean slate. A new beginning. As scary as that was, it was also a moment of new hope. I could dictate the outcome of my decision, to some degree, with my attitude, mindset, and fight. And that’s just what I did!

In this podcast I discuss what it’s like starting over. And how as an amputee we “start over” A LOT! Every new socket, the change in weather, a new pair of shoes, a change in prosthetics, from walking leg to running blade, etc.

Another new socket fitting by Randy West 5/3/2021


Stop and rest now and then. Life is a marathon NOT a sprint!


All of that feels new, and changes our perspective and outcomes of that moment, day or week.

This was my 3rd ski trip as an amputee-the first one without instructors!


Starting over isn’t for the weak or faint of heart.❤

And sometimes we succumb to the constant newness of our circumstance. I discuss options you have on how, as an amputee, you deal with these obstacles, and how your support system can help you navigate day to day living.

Remember, it’s all about your mindset, but even the most optimistic people hit roadblocks they struggle to get around. Give yourself a break. Have grace with yourself and don’t hold on to those struggles. They are inevitable, and we all deal with them. Take a step back, breathe, then move forward-head held high!

Roadblocks are a part of life. Embrace the challenge and ATTACK!
Smiling’s my favorite! 😁


You are a warrior! Press on, good and faithful soldier, press on.⚔


This week, I want you to look in the mirror, and look deep within yourself.  Praise yourself for how far you’ve come. Recognize your successes, let go of fears. Press onward. If you haven’t made a vision board yet, give that a go this week. Check out my own vision board HERE  for an example.

If you have a vision board already made, then maybe now is a good time to refresh and renew your dreams, goals, thoughts and mantras.  Good big!! Aim for the stars and realize that you can achieve what you put your mind and heart in to.

As always, I would love to hear how you are doing. Reach out to me. Follow me on Instagram at @angie_heuser and/or @bawarrior360. DM me our email me. Leave a comment here and let me know how your goals are coming along, if you need help, or if your are struggling.

I’m here for you!

And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


Head, Shoulders,…..Knees? and….Toes?

Head, Shoulders,…..Knees? and….Toes?

Physical Therapy After Amputation is Vitally Important to Your Success as an Amputee

My Tribe


Everyone needs a tribe. A group of people who are there for you, care about you, make you laugh when you want to cry and support all of your crazy ideas.  These are my people and I am so fortunate to have each and everyone of them in my life.  Some of them have been in my life since I was a teenager (my husband), others for the last few years, and others have been my medical team that have helped me through my journey into amputation. They have become friends, confidents, and the people I care about in my life. They’ve seen me at my worst, and they have watched me rise and been there watching and helping me achieve my goals. These people are priceless!

How many people can say that about their physical therapists? Some people curse those who put us through pain so we can heal, not me, they have only wanted to see me succeed…whatever it took. They never said it would be easy, but they never left my side. They worked with me, helping me get to where I wanted to go and, only then, began to let go, so I could soar.

I am excited for you to hear my interview with Dan and Kelly, the two PTs that got me up and walking in a prosthetic and running in my blade. They continued to work with me even when I got that crazed look in my eye and said, “Could we try….?” You name it, they did it. They stopped being surprised when I’d walk in saying I have something I’d like to do and just started asking what the new goal was. They continued to build my confidence and never backed down to my challenges I’d present to them.  They were my support system, and if they thought I could do it, then I could do it.


Relationships. It’s truly all about relationships. You see, I’m a relationship kinda girl. I love being around people, talking with people, and getting to know someone new.  My medical team is no different. The way they listen to me, hear my goals, dreams, and fears brings us closer, and we begin to work together and create a bond like no other. They have all seen me through some seriously hard times, but also the best of times. They have watched me shed tears of frustration and doubt, and laughter after accomplishing something big.

In this interview I talk with Dan and Kelly, from Touchstone Rehabilitation, about the importance of physical therapy, pre and post, amputation and how to find the right therapist for you. Not all therapist are the same, just like I said about prosthetists. Your therapist should have a ton of experience with amputees and listen to you and what’s important to you, never making you feel like what you want to accomplish is impossible- You want the therapist who wants to help you reach your goals, no matter the size.

Take a listen and take notes. Know that you have control over who you see and that you should feel confident and comfortable in their presence. Go with your gut and don’t settle. You deserve to find your tribe, too!

My “Surf Crew”- Mark, Mariah and Jovanni


Stopping by to say hi to the people who got you on track-it’s all about relationships!


This week I want you to get out and get active everyday! It doesn’t matter how long, just that you set a goal, and do it!

If you struggle walking in your prosthetic for more than a block then set a goal of walking a block. Once you do that then add another block, and continue to get out and move EVERYDAY! Don’t quit! Give yourself one week, to push yourself just a little bit more each day. At the end of the week you’ll be surprised how far you’ve come.  It takes time to build a positive habit, give yourself time to do just that.  Even after the week is up, continue, just use this week as your starting point. The sky’s the limit and you can do anything you put your mind to.

Reach out to me. Tell me how it’s going. Share your accomplishments, tell me your setback. We can do this together!!

I’m here for you!


Until next time:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


One foot in front of the other- that’s your starting point.