Tag: hope

Dream A Little Dream

Dream A Little Dream

Making Your Dreams Become Reality



If you can dream it, you can do it.

We’ve all heard that saying before and maybe even been told that by someone trying to cheer you on.  It’s true, to an extent. Dreams become reality when we have the vision to imagine them, and the mental and physical strength to follow through to accomplish them. Dreams aren’t easy to accomplish, but they are attainable with the right tools to get you from point A to point B.

Once I knew I was going to amputate my leg I knew I needed to set my sights on goals and dreams that would help me heal and live my life. I created a vision board that my PT suggested so I had inspiration every day to accomplish my goals, and my “whys” for setting them.

My Vision Board


This is an example of my vision board that I looked at every day for months prior to my amputation. I was feeding my brain positive signals about the plans I had for my body after the trauma. What we tell ourselves fuels our brain to follow suit. Mindset is based on positive thoughts, positive talk, and mental strength.  If you feed your mind negativity, you won’t see anything but negative. If you feed your mind positive messages and possibilities for success, you’ll find success knocking at your door.


I don’t know about you but I want to live a full, healthy, happy and fulfilling life.  If you’re not living that kind of life right now, ask yourself, “What’s holding me back?” I bet it’s negativity, excuses, and lack of planning.

You can do this! You need to dare to dream. DREAM BIG!!! don’t shortchange yourself or your life. You want something? You want to achieve a goal? Go after it!



It’s time to create your own vision board. Take a look at mine above, google search Vision Boards and see other examples. Then set out to create your very own. Dare to dream. Dream big and don’t limit yourself. Put it all on the table, no matter how big or small the dream. Add quotes that motivate you. Add pictures of you getting back to your activity that you once did, or pictures of an activity you want to try. Throw on some pictures of your “whys” as I have found that doing it for myself is good but accomplishing something for a bigger picture is even better. My example was skiing. I wanted to ski again for my boys and husband. My husband and I always talked about skiing after he retired and I wasn’t going to let losing my leg get in the way of our youthful dreams.

Once you’ve created your board, place it somewhere you will see every morning and every evening to keep you motivated!


You’ve got this! I know you can do it. Believe in yourself.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



The Nerve of Some People!

The Nerve of Some People!

Extreme Nerve Pain aka Phantom Pain


Oh, it’s real alright!! I experienced 3 days and nights of non-stop STABBING pain.


It’s MASSIVE pain, no way to control it, mentally exhausting and disabling pain like no other!  It attacks when you least expect it and can make itself at home for days, or weeks on end. I am not talking about what I feel everyday-yes, I said “everyday”. Everyday, I feel my missing foot. I feel pins and needles all day long and into the night, until my body shuts down and I fall asleep. The pain I felt THIS week, for several days, was 100x worse, relentless, and brought my to my knees and into tears- which doesn’t happen often.

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. And the unknown of how long it will last is just as bad as the pain itself. Listen in as I talk about my recent journey through ANOTHER “episode” of shooting phantom pain; what it feels like, why I think it happened, and how to push through it!


Three things you can do to make sure you get through the struggle:

  1. Choose to keep moving, even when it’s hard, MOVE! Do what you can and stay active as much as possible.
  2. Distract! Distract! Distract!! Everything we go through flows like a river. Whenever things get hard do you look back a realize you made it through to better times? Likewise, when things are going great, then all of a sudden you are dealing with something tough, it just happens. That’s life. The quicker you realize that, the easier it is to know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Positive self-talk. It’s ok to feel defeated and frustrated when you’re going through something, but it will be easier to swallow if you create a positive environment, with positive words, and an attitude that creates good feelings. It’s hard, and at times I find myself beating me up inside. Don’t go there, and if you do, get out of that mindset quickly.

You will have these moments, how you handle them is up to you. Strive to build a positive aura around you, stretch and flex those mental muscles and soon you’ll find that you can handle it, and maybe, just maybe, come out a better, stronger, happier YOU!

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


much love,




I’m BACK!!!

I’m BACK!!!

What Happens When It’s YOUR Decision??


Hi there! Remember me?😉


I’m back from a much-needed break and ready to bring you some amazing episodes! Won’t you join me by subscribing to my website, podcasts, or YouTube channel??

Here we are 3 1/2 years after my ELECTED amputation and I had someone ask me, “How hard was it for you to decide to amputate? Because I’m about there, myself, and I’m scared.”

The morning after my amputation
Active, healthy me, living a life I love.


Well, after 3 1/2 years of being an amputee I reflected on what it means to make the election to cut off a limb, how I navigated such unchartered territory and what demons tried to take hold of me…until I relaxed into my faith, and trusted, that’s when my whole world came together and made sense once again.
Join me on the journey of discovery what the human body can tolerate, how we can harness this power in our everyday lives and what, I believe, is the secret to success.
Please make sure you like, share, and subscribe so you don’t miss another episode!!
Thanks for listening!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
Much love,
#amputee #mydecision #rightorwrong #frogfuelactual #juststrongambassador #mindset #challenges #faith #ownit #podcast #amputeegirl #ampstrong #abovekneeamputee #ilovemylife #livingmybestlife #enjoythejourney #youarespecial
What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

What gets you moving in the morning? What lights a fire under you? What keeps you moving forward when you feel like giving up?

Our mindset and goal setting allows us to find success. They give us the direction and purpose we need to press forward and reach levels of success that might not have been possible otherwise.

I make sure that I have a clear image in my head of what the next day will look like, before I go to bed. I have a to-do list of things I need to do and another list of things I WANT to do. Make sure you mix it up otherwise you could face some burn out and then lose momentum. My dad always said I needed to work hard, then I could play hard; do things I must do and then enjoy the things I want to do.


Finding time to go to the gym is my play time, but somedays it’s just hard to motivate myself to go.
But I always feel good after I’m done.


You can find success each day if you know where you want to go. Like going on a trip, you plan out your travels so you get to where you want to go and so you know when you’ll arrive. Same goes for being motivated.  If you plan for success, you’ll most often succeed. If you fail to plan then you will fail.


This week I want you to try this night time ritual;

Either in your mind or on paper think of all that you want and need to accomplish tomorrow. Understand your timeline, meaning when you will need to get up in the morning and when you’ll want to go to bed, and then factor in each item you’ve listed. I have found that I now clump certain items together, for example, if I need to go see my prosthetist that is south 45 minutes, I also try to hit any stores down that way to be time efficient, that also feels like a victory. I also work backwards in thinking about my day. This gives me the opportunity to get up at the right time in the morning so I ultimately have the right amount of time to accomplish everything.

Now set that alarm and get some rest.

What if you wake up in a blah mood, a negative space? Now you build character by pushing forward at what you set out to do the night before. This won’t be easy but I promise you it’ll feel great when you accomplish what you set out to do, despite the vibe of your day.

Use music to help motivate you and keep you moving forward. And make sure you check out Fearless Motivation on Apple Music!

I wish you a week filled with smashed goals and positive vibes!

Stay motivated, my friends!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


much love,



Making It Count

Making It Count

Rising to a Challenge and Facing Your Fears


You just never know what’s on the other side of fear. But I can tell you, from experience, that I have never regretted a moment that I have taken the chance and faced a fear. I feel empowered and alive! I feel like I could do anything I set my mind to, and it doesn’t matter if I succeed or fail, what matters is that I try.

This past week I tried something new, as an amputee: waterskiing! I haven’t been waterskiing since well before my injury, but it has been on my amputee bucket list. I was excited when the opportunity presented itself to me, but I also felt very anxious, and at one point in time thought I wouldn’t go, and I could easily make an excuse why I couldn’t make it.

My personality (and my pride) wouldn’t allow me to make up an excuse and so I went, and you know what? Even though, I was a bit nervous, had no idea how it would all go down, who would be on my boat with me, or how it might have to be adapted for my circumstance, I tried. All in all, I had a great time and finally found my groove on the boom and got up and skied!! It was exhilarating and freeing.  I felt alive and capable.

Every time I run into something I fear, once I give it a try, I am reassured that I can do anything I put my mind to. And like I said before, success or failure, the idea of trying and overcoming our fears is all that really matters. There is something so motivating about pushing our limits, real or imagined, facing fears and rising to a challenge. It’s empowering, it’s freeing, and makes you feel alive!


Each picture below shows me doing something that originally made me nervous or unsure of myself. Now I enjoy doing them and they make me feel whole, healthy, and bring joy to my life.




Now is the time! Your time to try. Your time to rise. Don’t let fear control you or rule over your life and how you live it. Regret is an awful thing to have.

Choose something you’ve been curious about trying or something on your bucket list. Choose something that makes you nervous, anxious, or makes you feel fearful. Now go for it! Make sure you aren’t doing something that your support system or doctors have told you not to do at this moment because of your condition, please know your medical boundaries.

Maybe start with baby steps to get to your goal of achieving something. Remember, life is a journey. It’s meant to last and be enjoyed. Like my waterskiing. I got up on the boom but need to work on getting up on the long rope. Goals. It’s ok to fail. Just get out there and try! Enjoy the journey and where you’re at right now. Everything happens in due time.

You can do it! Believe in yourself and reach for the stars!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Embrace the Moments

Embrace the Moments


The past few weeks have been quite a ride and then just 2 days ago I realized we, as a family, were about to close another chapter in our lives.

Change happens. Life keeps moving forward, even when we are not ready, even if we don’t want it to. It is inevitable.

We as humans don’t really embrace change well, it takes some getting used to but, it is what helps us grow. When we are forced out of our comfort zone, a place we’ve become accustomed to, we can feel out of control, scared, and unsure of ourselves and our path. It can be disorienting and make us feel like we are failing.

What I have learned over the past 9 years is that within moments we feel chapters closing, and our life taking on a new direction, with acceptance and positive mindset, embrace these changes, we succeed and begin fly once again.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy. As a matter of fact, changes that deeply affect us and make us stumble or strike fear in us, take time to grapple with before and accept. But the sooner you accept the change the sooner you’ll find yourself flying once again, and you might even see how it’s made you grow in certain aspects of your life.

New chapters happen often throughout our lifetime. If we could only remember that and enjoy the ride, then we can stop worrying and start really living our best life, a more deep and meaningful life, taking in the moments that we often take for granted. So often we get caught up in worry and stress, wondering what will happen next, and wondering if we can handle the curveballs life is throwing at us that we forget that life is happening, and life is about the ups and downs, the journey, the struggles, the triumphs and joys. We tend to lose sight of the big picture. New chapters open and old ones close. New adventures begin and we learn more about ourselves and our people we surround ourselves with by how we handle the situations in life. But it is in the small daily moments that we must remember to embrace, and cherish. they are fleeting moments and quickly become memories.

This young man is now a 20-year-old. We said good-bye to teen years this week!😢


My youngest! His team won State this past weekend and he graduates high school next week!😭


I am in a season of change, yet again, in my life. This momma’s heart will weep and be sad for the change, but I know that new doors open, allowing us to grow some more, to build character and perseverance for the next step.

Enjoy today, for all its worth.

It may not be perfect or fun or pain-free, but find the joy. Embrace the moment. Love the challenges or triumphs you are in, right now.

Take mental pictures to store in your heart forever and love your life.



Every time you find yourself struggling with frustrations, anxiety, or fear stop and slow yourself down

Take 5-10 deep breathes in through your mouth, hold for 2 seconds and then exhale through your nose.

Next, write down:

5 things you love about your life,

or 5 things you are proud of,

or 5 things that were positives about your day.

Our minds are powerful and whatever we tell our brain, it believes!

Feed your mind positives and watch how your mindset and life change for the better.


As always, until next week:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



What’s Your Story with Christy Gardner

What’s Your Story with Christy Gardner

 US Army Veteran, USA Sled Hockey Teammate, Therapy Dog Trainer, Special Olympics Coach, Bilateral Below Knee Amputee

Christy does it all! She is amazing, inspiring, and constantly pushing her limits to see what is possible!

As I wrap up my interviews for Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness month (April), I have to say I am renewed, Inspired, and ready to take on the world!

Christy was planning on serving our country for the maximum number of years, until one fateful day she was hit by a local strike in an undisclosed area she was serving as a MP Sergeant. She ended up with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and spinal cord damage which ultimately led to her double amputation.  She was distraught and had been told that she would never talk or walk again and would never be able to live on her own.

What saved her? How did she go from that “diagnoses” to becoming an alternate to the US Paralympic Track and Field team, a member of the women’s US Sled Hockey team, therapy/service dog trainer, and living alone?  Well, you need to listen in to hear her tell her story. Hear how a friend at the VA kept inviting her to come see what sports were available, how a dog named Moxie changed her life forever for the best, and how her unrelenting desire to be better and achieve the impossible, made everything possible once again!


Don’t miss this episode and an opportunity to find your own strength in Christy’s story.

Thank you, Christy, for spending time with me and blessing us with your story of hardship and triumph, and how you were able to overcome such large obstacles. You are a true warrior and such an inspiration! Best wishes in all you do.


Competition is such a powerful motivator for Christy…


But then again, so was Moxie!🐾


Make sure you watch the YouTube episode of my interview with Christy, as well! You can find my YouTube channel by search BAWarrior360


And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Making a Difference- ROMP Global

Making a Difference- ROMP Global

Range of Motion Project Global

What an amazing group of people creating opportunities for amputees who might never had the chance to enjoy freedom and independence that mobility brings.

Range of Motion Project Global is changing lives, one prosthetic at a time. I have had the honor of helping them fundraise and getting mobile for their cause the past 2 years as an amputee, because I know how my prosthetic has changed my life for the better.

I feel complete and know that I can do anything I put my mind to now that I have a leg to stand on (pun intended). I don’t take this lightly or for granted because even with amazing insurance coverage we had as a family, I almost didn’t receive a leg! There are so many people in the world that may never get one and that’s tragic.

What you may not understand is that losing a limb and then experiencing the fear of not receiving a prosthetic not only effects the physical nature of a person, it also impacts their emotional and mental health as well! We need to change this. We, as a world and one family, need to reach out and help those who don’t have a way of helping themselves.

This is what ROMP Global is all about. This is their mission. You can help!

Donate old parts from yours or your clients prosthetics.

Donate time and volunteer.

Get moving and participate in their events, like Mobility May, to bring awareness to this issue.

Donate money, any and all amounts are welcome!

We can all do something to help others feel the freedom that mobility brings. What can YOU do?

Check this podcast out, and make sure to listen until the end. The stories of the people they have helped will move you.

LP and David climbing their mountain


Want to get moving and help bring awareness to this project?  Join my team today and get yourself moving for the month of May, bring awareness to this amazing cause, and really appreciate your ability to move how and when you want. It’s a freedom we all take for granted, each and everyday.

Thank you for supporting ROMP Global and myself this Mobility May and all year long!

Join my team HERE

Donate to my team and ROMP HERE

ROMP Website



And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


What’s your mountain?


What’s Your Story with Roni Sasaki

What’s Your Story with Roni Sasaki


Born with limb difference but having the drive and determination to become something more than her “disability”. Being told she may never walk and having the will to prove everyone wrong.

Daring to dream big and pushing the boundaries of being an athlete with limb difference comes the story of Roni Sasaki, Gold medalist in Alpine Skiing, author, speaker, and entrepreneur.  This lady has accomplished a lot, but it was a rough road as a child with limb difference.

Listen in as Roni tells us what it was like to look different as a child, overcoming the fears of fitting in, and then dreaming so big her dreams seemed out of reach and silly, back then.  Be inspired by her story and how dreaming big and having faith, beyond measure, saved her and gave her purpose to push forward against the odds, accomplishing those dreams…and more!

Roni on the slopes using a normal ski and boot with outriggers

Roni also has a podcast called, “A Leg Up On Life”, which you can listen to HERE . And you can even hear me being interviewed by Roni in Episode #44 on her site as well!

What an incredible journey and story Roni has shared with us. I hope you find her as inspiring as I have to live your best life and to never give up on a dream.

Roni, thank you for spending time with me and giving my audience some amazing words to live by. You are a true warrior and a blessing to know.



As always and until next week,

BE Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!!

Much love,


Tell Me Your Story: Andrew Hauser

Tell Me Your Story: Andrew Hauser

Andrew Hauser: Athletic Trainer/Strength Coach to the MLB and NFL players

I am so excited to share amazing stories all month, interviewing people from all over, who have gone through losing a limb or have limb difference, and letting them share their story and how they have risen from and conquered the challenges in their lives.

This week’s interview is with Andrew Hauser, athletic trainer/strength coach in the MLB and with NFL players, who lost his leg in a scary and tragic accident at 18 years old.  He was a baseball player and getting ready to head off to college to a whole new world when this took place. Can you even imagine being 18 years old with whole world in your reach, only to have your life turned upside down in a heartbeat?!?!

Andrew’s positive outlook, and his ability to be introspective and calm, was not only astonishing at such a young age, but it probably was the key to him bouncing back and living an amazing life, full of adventure and helping others strive to reach their highest potential in the field he works in.

Listen in as you hear Andrew talk about his journey, the hurdles he had to jump through, finding a wife to love and be loved by, and embarking on a career that he hadn’t dreamed of as an 18 year old.  Hear what took place, in his own words, and how he ended up reconnecting with his identity as an athlete and having an incredible job, doing what he loves.

Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your story, your journey, and the struggles and triumphs you experienced along the way!


As always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much Love,
