Tag: health

Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired

Staying Healthy in the Hustle and Bustle of the Holidays


I had the distinct pleasure of getting sick recently. I haven’t been sick in so long, and not once since becoming an amputee.

I was on a vacation and burning the candle at both ends. I’m sure, between being around a lot of people and lack of sleep my immune system became compromised, leading me to having tingly skin, sore muscles, nausea and sleepiness.  What I wasn’t expecting was how my amputee body would react, or even THAT it would react.

Yep, you guessed it, phantom pains!!!


Laying with my girl when I struggle brings peace and healing.


As if all that other stuff wasn’t enough to take me down, I had the distinct pleasure of experiencing phantom pains and the total discomfort that added to all the other symptoms. It was crazy, and it totally sucked!!!

Listening to my body and knowing how much I run myself into the ground during the holidays I decided I needed to make some changes and adjust my thinking and patterns.

How about you?

Are you taking care of yourself?

What are you doing to take care of yourself when you’re up against a demanding schedule?

Let me help you create a positive and healthy change during this holiday season so you can be at the top of your celebration game!



Here’s my challenge (AKA Call to Action):

Take time each day, from now until the end of the year, for yourself. accept my challenge from last week’s podcast and take on the Fierce and On Fire Virtual Challenge- 100 miles by Dec 31.

You can walk, run, hike, bike, swim, ski, exercise, you name it, you can do it, as long as you are taking time for yourself and moving in some way or another, however you can.

Check my link in my IG bio @BAWarrior360 for how to register.

You can also check last week’s podcast HERE for the link to join.



I pray you have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving week!

Until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

So You’re An Amputee…Now What?

So You’re An Amputee…Now What?


You have made it through a HUGE surgery. Maybe because of an accident or a sickness. Maybe you made the decision to amputate so you could live a better, healthier life. Whatever the reason, you have made it through that emotional decision, and come to terms with your new reality.

Unfortunately, your journey has just begun, but have no fear, you can shine and move forward with your new lifestyle and live an amazing and full life!

You might think that the act of being amputated is the hardest thing you will have to go through, or that you won’t ever live a full life with all the “restrictions”. And while it’s true that it takes time to adjust to your altered body, you can overcome the perceived restrictions.

A life as an amputee can be as good as you envision it, goal set for it, and how you approach it. It is mind over matter. It is about positivity, attitude, and courage.

Your journey, like life itself, will be filled with ups and downs, There will be storms and there will be rainbows. That’s life!

What can you start doing, now that you are an amputee, is adjusting your mindset, from being a victim to being the warrior in your story.

It’s time to goal set, dream of your future, build strength and grit. You will need all of that to find success, and if you prep correctly and envision the possibilities then you will succeed!

You define success.

You will get knocked down but if you realize this you will be better prepared for those moments and be ready to fight.

Remember, you are a warrior, not just because you have gone through something extreme, but because you fought to rise up after being knocked down. You have got into battle and continue to fight for what you want in life.

This week, listen in as I discuss what it took for me to find success after amputation.



This week is about coming to terms about your body.

Setting goals.

Understanding that this is a marathon and not a sprint, becoming prepared to fight for a better life and finding strength and resilience through adversity, and learning how to get back up after getting knocked down.

Be prepared for battle and fighting for what you want (and you should go into this knowing exactly what you want out of it).


You can achieve great and amazing things for your life. You are not a victim, you are a warrior!!!


Have a blessed week and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Finding Success Through Trials

Finding Success Through Trials

Mindset Matters


So you’re an amputee now. You’ve gotten through your surgery, and you’re home. Now what?

The road is long, my friend, but doable.

You can and will survive, dare I say, you can even thrive as an amputee.

How you see your circumstance and adapt to your new way of living is up to you and based on your own mindset.

After I elected to amputate my leg, above knee, after 5 years of surgeries and a blood clot, I had no idea what I was in for, but what I did know was that I was strong, stubborn, and going to hold myself accountable to my own success (seeing as I chose this path). This is my journey and I was going to own it- the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all.

Mindset matters!

If you tell yourself you will succeed, chances are, you will.

If you tell yourself you can accomplish your goals, chances are, you will.

This is no different. Positive self-talk, self-love, and positive mindset will all come to your rescue on those hard days.

Yes, there will be hard days, weeks, and even months as you adjust to your new way of getting around. It’s ok to have those emotionally bad days, just don’t allow yourself to linger there. As you heal, then start the fitting process of your prosthesis, you’re going to realize that the tough days are just beginning, but I know you can handle it. Why? Because you are a warrior and capable of great things!

I would tell you that I am successful at being an amputee, and living my best life. How do I gauge that? By the goals I have set for myself, achieved, and by the fact that I don’t see myself as handicapped or incapable, anymore.



This mindset takes time, and is refined through trials. It doesn’t happen overnight so don’t get frustrated if you don’t feel this way…yet.

Stick with positivity. Keep pushing yourself toward your goals. Never give up and one day you’ll realize that you have gotten to a place where you have found joy, happiness and peace with where you are at, and living a great life. Being an amputee isn’t the end of the world, nor the end of a healthy, happy life. On the contrary, you will find your new journey very rewarding once you grasp what makes it tick.

Find Your Rainbow


Nothing worth achieving happens quickly, remember that. We must fight the battles, learn to pick ourselves up, and to try, try again. These moments that try to take us down are the precise moments we need to experience so we can become stronger and learn how to manage them in the future.


I’d say that 75% of my Call to Actions revolve around goal setting, and this one is no different.

You must find it in your to dream and write down the things you hope to accomplish as an amputee.

Don’t limit yourself, just write!

List as many things as you can that you’d love to accomplish.

At first they may be as simple as wearing your prosthesis a little longer each day, or not taking it off when you get fatigued. Then you’ll start dreaming of taking walks again with your dog or family.

Mine got as big as learning to surf for the first time ever. HEY, why not??? right?!?!

Write them all down, now figure out what is attainable at the stage you are at and set that as priority number 1. Create steps to that goal, how will you achieve it. and then get after it!

Don’t wait until Monday, or after this holiday nor that holiday, START TODAY!! Today is as good a day as any. and the sooner you start the sooner you’ll achieve your goals.


You are a warrior and capable of more than you may believe. You are resilient and an overcomer!

Best wishes on your goal setting!

And until next week, as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,






Check Your Ego At the Door

Check Your Ego At the Door

For Growth and Overall Happiness


Take it from me when I say that it can be really difficult to drop the ego and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

I have always prided myself in being a high achiever, a perfectionist, a go-getter, and so highly competitive that I have built up walls and a tough exterior when I am trying new things or in a competitive environment. The very last thing I would ever do is ask for help or, worse yet, show any weaknesses in front of anyone.

The problem with that is that I cannot grow, evolve and improve in this state.

We need to get outside of our comfort zones to challenge ourselves.

And when we find ourselves challenged we need to ask for help and we need to have times of failing. That is what helps us learn and improve ourselves, our craft, or our hobby.


In this podcast, I take you on my journey when last week I finally put down my ego and reaped the benefits! It was humbling, exhilarating, and challenged me. In a short time I also made a new friend with similar interests who inspires me to keeping working hard. What a blessing getting out of my own way has been in just a short time. Imagine what I can accomplish now that I have this nugget of information, this new skill or letting go of my ego so that I can better myself and my life!

Won’t you join me on this new and exciting journey?




Has your pride, or ego, stopped you from accomplishing some of your goals (big or small)?

Then this week it’s time to bloom where you’re at and shine!

Set yourself up for success, enjoy the breathe of fresh air as you swallow that ego, show your vulnerable underbelly, and challenge yourself to something new.

You will be amazed at how happy you’ll feel about your new found freedoms from your own prison.

So get out of your own way, Warrior, and rise (and fall) in the new challenges you choose to take on.

Through failures and weaknesses we find our strengths, and build character.

Time to define your life!

So rise up, Warrior, rise up!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,.


Overcoming Fear: Part 1

Overcoming Fear: Part 1

Fear of the Unknown


We all face challenges in life and more than that we all struggle with how uncomfortable it is to not know what’s going to happen.


We get fixated on the “what ifs” and begin a dangerous road of fearing the future, the outcomes, the unknown.

This isn’t living, and this isn’t healthy.

As I navigated 4 months from deciding to amputate my leg above the knee until the surgery date I ran the gamut of emotions, questioning my decision, wondering if it was the right choice, pondering and fretting over the “what ifs”.

Let me tell you, there are a LOT of “what ifs” when you have 4 months to think about it. What happened to me within that 4 month time frame was nothing short of a miracle and one that I will forever be in awe over.

Something changed within myself, in my deepest part of my subconscious that day in November 2018, just a month out from my surgery. I was transformed from worrying about a future I couldn’t even fathom to a place of peace.

At that moment I began living for each moment and knew that I was going to be alright, no, more than alright, I was going to overcome and be a fighter.

This is an opportunity for each of you as you navigate your journey called life. You don’t have to be ruled by fear of the unknown, but embrace the moments that you are living in.

A quick reminder to let go and live for the moment. Let go of what you cannot control.


Finding peace in the moment, being totally present and letting go of what you cannot control.

You deserve that happiness.

You deserve to live a full and healthy life.

Smile more!





Today, I want you to let go of what you cannot control, take several deep breathes, and allow the warrior within you out.

Fight the battles of today.

Let go of what is uncertain- your tomorrow.


You are a warrior,

You are wonderfully made,

You are special!!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Living With Purpose

Living With Purpose

It’s Time to Wake and Seize the Day



As I approached my surgery date for my amputation I began to dream. I dreamt of all the things that could be a challenge and how I was going to conquer each challenge.  I created a vision board, set goals, and dared to dream of rising above my circumstance.


My Vision Board


Once that surgery happened, I began to set my sights on each goal: learning to walk as quickly as possible, skiing with my family, learning to surf, virtual races, and then a 10k, in person, at the Phoenix Rock’n’Roll Marathon.





Skiing for 1st time-3 1/2 months post amputation


Sled Hockey-1 month post amputation


Phoenix Rock’n’Roll Marathon: 10K race for St. Jude- 1 year post amputation

Virtual races all done as an amputee




Surfing for the first time…ever!


I worked hard at PT, I trained outside of PT, got back in the gym, and dreamed about reaching my goals.


Each day I would wake up and jump at the opportunities to become stronger, mentally focused, and created smaller goals to get to the big ones.

I had purpose and I was driven.

My “WHY”-my husband and my two sons


My family was backing me through all of my endeavors, and I am so grateful for that because as I set my goals and worked toward them, I grew stronger and more confident in my new abilities.  My family became my “WHY”. Why I was doing what I was doing was so that no one had to cater their life for me because of the position I was now in as an amputee. I wanted to be strong, confident, self-sufficient and totally independent to be the wife and mom they had always known.

When you wake up and are given another day on this planet with the people in your life, you need to see that you have purpose. No matter what you are going through, or the challenges you are facing, you have something to offer this world: a smile, a kind word, inspiration, your talents. There is more to you than your physical being. You were given a soul to share in this world. You were gifted with talents that only YOU could possess. It is up to you to make good on them, to see past your own circumstances, and give each day your best.

YOU have purpose.

If you have breath in your lungs, you have purpose.

What is your purpose in life? What gifts do you possess that the people, your community, could benefit from?

Who or what is your “WHY”?

What gets you up and charged each morning?


First thing is to figure out your “WHY”. Who or what makes you want to be stronger? More fierce? Unstoppable? Who do you live for?

Write it down!

Next, figure out what you want to do with this life you are given. You are more than your circumstance(s). You are more than your physical body.

Don’t define your goals, dreams and ambitions by your situation.

Tell yourself you can do whatever you set your mind to.

Now write down what you want to do in the next couple of weeks, months, and by year’s end.

Dream it, do it!

These goals and ambitions give you your purpose.

Example: I began looking for ways to help others on their amputation journey. I wanted to use my positive outlook to help others and to show them that life wasn’t over after amputation, just different, and adaptable.


You are a warrior!

Be strong, find ways to conquer and live your best life…No matter your circumstance you always have purpose and something to give this world.


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




Peace in the Waiting

Peace in the Waiting

Finding Patience Amidst Trials


Today, I want to share with you an important lesson I’ve been learning lately: the power of patience in the face of trials. Life has a funny way of throwing obstacles our way, testing our resilience and pushing us outside our comfort zones. But through it all, I’m discovering that cultivating patience can be a game-changer.
As an amputee, trials and challenges can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling frustrated, anxious, and stressed. But remember, every difficulty we go through is an opportunity for growth. Patience allows us to stay calm, focused, and determined, enabling us to find creative solutions and move forward with resilience. Embracing the challenges in our lives can be used as steppingstones towards personal growth, and better health.
In our fast-paced world, where we look for everything to be given to us instantly, having patience has become more of a lost art. We are constantly seeking instant gratification and quick results. However, true growth and transformation takes time and experience. Patience teaches us to appreciate the journey and find joy in the present moment. By shifting our focus from the destination to the process, we can savor the small victories along the way and celebrate our progress.
Today, I was reminded, yet again, that I need to learn patience, enjoy the moment, and be present. Sakari, my mare, was my teacher and today she gave me the gift of living in the moment. Normally, she would come right over to me to get our morning going, but today she took her time and slowly ate her hay. As she ate, I spent a few minutes wandering around, baking in the summer sun, feeling a bit impatient. But after I took stock in the moment, I saw the gift of just being there, watching her every move, and observing the world I was now a part of. This is where I find healing and reconnect with myself. I almost missed it!
Perhaps the most incredible aspect of patience is its ability to teach us valuable life lessons. It teaches us perseverance, empathy, and self-control. It encourages us to practice gratitude, mindfulness, and acceptance. By embracing patience, we become better equipped to handle future challenges and build stronger relationships with ourselves and others.
This week you need to address a problem you are facing.
Write it down and then write 3 things you CAN change about the circumstance, then write down 3 things you CANNOT change.
Now, using those lists, get to work on doing what you CAN do and letting go of what is out of your control.
Breathe, relax, and have faith.
I hope you found something that can help you through your trials and assist you in gaining patience.
Have a beautiful week,
And as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,
New Chapter, New You

New Chapter, New You

Reinventing Yourself



What would you do if you have a second chance?
How would you spend your days if you received a new lease on life?
This is how I felt after my amputation.
I realized that the choice was mine and I could do and try anything I wanted and reinvent myself and enjoy new hobbies, sports, and activities.
I wasn’t going to allow my amputation to define me or limit me, it was my time to show myself, my family, and the world what an amputee could do when they put their mind to it.
I was going to prove that life was just beginning, not ending, for me.
The choice was easy for me, but maybe you are struggling with this.
The choice is:
Am I a victim or
Am I a warrior?
Well, I am a warrior and a fighter. If someone thinks I can’t do something, then I will pursue that with my whole heart and rise up to the challenge.
If I am told it can’t be done, I will find a way to accomplish it.
I want to prove that I make the decision on how full my life was going to be, and I was NOT about to roll over and die.
This is my journey.
This is my story.
And I know you can achieve this, too.
You must consciously choose each and every day, to overcome the obstacles and rise up.
It takes a change in your mental game, and goal setting.
You are a Warrior!
You CAN rise up and become whatever you choose to be and accomplish whatever you put your heart and mind to.
This is the moment you can reinvent yourself and live a full AND happy life! I know you can!
You are beautifully and wonderfully made!
You are a WARRIOR!!
It’s time to unleash your inner warrior and watch your life blossom into everything you ever wanted and deserve.
The time is now!
This week put your focus on positive thoughts and goal setting.
What is it that you’d like to try? What would you like to accomplish?
What have people in your life said that you might never be able to do again but you know that if you work at it that you could actually do?
It is time to put the past behind you, forgive and move on, and reinvent yourself!
It is time for you to unleash the warrior within you and shine!
Now it is time to believe in yourself, and live your best life yet!
Today is the day! Now is the time!
Rise up, Warrior, rise up!!!
Reach out to me if you need help, advice, or encouragement! I am here for you!
And until next week and as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Hug and Kisses XOXO
Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

Cast Your Worries, Reel In Patience

A Fishing Analogy for New Amputees


From experience, I KNOW, without a doubt, that there are fish in our lake.

Just yesterday I caught a huge northern pike and released him….. he is in there, waiting for the next lure to tempt him.

How does this relate to amputees and our journey? Great question.

Patience, for one. And knowing how to keep moving forward, even when you feel like giving up, for another.

I must have casted 1000 times in 5 hours last weekend, and not a nibble!!!! 5 hours!!! I’m either totally dedicated to my craft or absolutely crazy! But, I love the POSSIBILTY. The possibility that I could catch a fish, maybe even the biggest fish in the lake (I may be a little competitive 😏) keeps me going.

Not my biggest catch, but I’ll take it as a win!


This is the same for amputees. No matter what I tell newbies, until they go through it themselves, it just doesn’t click. Some people think they’ll get through it without a hiccup and be off and running right after they get their prosthesis. What you have to remember is that 1) Everyone’s experience is unique and individualistic. 2) We all atrophy and thus makes our fitting process a challenge, and 3) You don’t know what you don’t know, and it won’t make sense until YOU go through it.

That being said, going through the early moments of becoming an amputee are like fishing. You know that you will be able to walk again, run, hike, bike, swim, etc. You’ve seen tons of other amputees make it, and the prosthesis they are making now are so amazing and helpful to our success. but you also need to remember that you can’t catch the big fish if you aren’t patient, and ready to put in the time.



Go at it with a positive attitude. Take a step back when things get hard, and you.ve forgotten what WILL be possible. You have to earn it, so to speak, and you’ll be better prepared and ready for future hiccups after going through the first year or two.  But it won’t be easy. You will be pushed to the edge a few times, whether with the way it feels, the fitting, pain, sensations, or a plethora of other things that could happen.  But don’t lose hope. I went through the changes and the exhaustion of never-ending appointments to get the right fit. I went through excruciating pains of a neuroma and the surgery to remove it, along with the setback of healing from that surgery before I could wear my leg again. I understand the heartache when you just want to be and feel “normal” and you just don’t see how that will ever happen for you. It will! I promise. Keep the faith. Don’t take yourself too seriously and learn to laugh at those moments. Cry when you need to then pull up your big boy/big girl pants and trudge forward. You will get to where you want to be, but you will work for it, I promise that too.




What I use to tell my students all the time was that if it was easy then you wouldn’t feel as proud of yourself for accomplishing the task at hand. Same goes for us amputees. You will have to overcome some seriously huge mountains at times, but when you are at the top looking back at where you came from, you can be so proud to know that you truly ARE a warrior!!!!


I believe in you!

Don’t you dare give up.

Put in the time, practice patience, and know that with time, things will get easier.


You are amazing and will accomplish great feats. You only need to be steadfast and patient. Be realistic in knowing that it takes time, but in the end you will succeed!


As always, and until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,


Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Patience is a virtue.


A few of my favorite things as I sit at the lake fishing

The view is so peaceful


Wildflowers everywhere!


Love Yourself….

Love Yourself….

Where You’re At


Ever felt alone, even though you are surrounded by your support, your family, your friends?
As an amputee, it can be hard for anyone to really grasp what we are feeling when it comes to nerve or “phantom” pains. To explain it, doesn’t do justice, yet we can deal with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I know I do.
There are many times that, even though we are surrounded by people who love us, we feel alone and having to handle pain and problems that accompany bring an amputee by ourselves. It is in those moments that we must rise up, become stronger than we ever thought we could be, and fight through the pain.
This can only be done when we treat ourselves like our own best friend. We must love who we are enough to support ourselves with positive words and thoughts, words we would lend a friend in need. Sometimes that is harder than it should be as we struggle in silence.
When we feed ourselves words of affirmation, love, positivity, and forgiveness, we give ourselves the greatest gift, a fighting chance to rise up stronger. We must learn to love ourselves, where we are, now, so we can gain a healthy mindset and live a full and healthy life.
Start today. Begin by affirming that you are worth love, happiness, and good health.
Speak positive words into your heart and mind.
Practice this daily, even hourly, if you need to, until it becomes second nature to be a positive person.
Your future self will thank you for it!!
Until next week, and as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,