Tag: fitness

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Building Strength For a Better Future



If you are a new amputee or an amputee who hasn’t been wearing their prosthesis for one reason or another we need to talk.

What are you doing to prepare your body for movement?

Balance is so important in preventing falls, even when being silly!


After becoming an amputee you spend weeks healing only to find yourself getting use the weight deficit of not having a leg. This makes adding a cumbersome, heavy metal and carbon fiber limb to your body feel like double the weight.

You will wear it, but it won’t feel great,  and it’ll be hard (not to mention exhausting) to move.

Within just a few weeks, your body has adjusted to weight change, the balance change, and your muscles will be decreasing since they have not as much flesh and bone to manipulate on each step.

You might think that your job after amputation is to heal, and some of you might even be struggling with phantom sensations and pains, which will be a learning curve as well, just don’t deny yourself some activity level to get yourself ready for movement!

Even if you are stuck at home you can still do some very basic exercises and stretches, that take no equipment, to help maintain or even build strength and balance.

At this point there are no excuses. If you really want to be mobile once you get a prosthesis you need to prep NOW!

The main things to work on are; stretches, balance, and core/back strength.

Stretching will allow your body to move freely in your prosthesis and avoid hip contractures.

Balance will be key to avoiding unnecessary and painful falls. Remember, your center will be off now that your weight distribution isn’t equal on both sides of your body.

When your core and back are strong you will be able to move with greater ease and avoid hurting your back as you learn to walk again.

The best benefit of simple exercise: endorphins! Happy chemicals released by your body when it exercises, and trust me, this is when you need it more than ever. Losing your limb can be like losing a best friend or close family member. You may grieve, be angry, scared, feel alone, uncertain, and many other emotions. You will want as many happy feelings as you can get to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind so that you CAN achieve success.

Where do you begin?



Keep it simple.

You can do these basic exercises throughout the day, in your own home.

Let’s get started.

Your challenge?

Start the exercises below today and continue to do them throughout the next several weeks. As you do them try to do more, or hold it longer each day. Work on building each exercise, and as you repeat them you will begin seeing a difference in your flexibility, strength and balance.

1. Stretch hip flexor


A) I suggest just simply getting off the couch or out of the chair, and lay down on the floor on your stomach. Allow your legs to lay straight behind you and just hold that position as long as you can. Do this several times a day, especially if you are home bound and sitting a lot. When you are standing up you want your leg to hang straight down, with gravity, to ensure the best fit possible for your prosthesis.

B) Same stretch but use your couch or bed, and laying on your back this time, hang your residual limb off the side and let gravity or a friend gently hold your leg down. Feel the stretch on the front of your leg? Do these two exercises several tines a day, especially if you are sitting more often than not.

2. Balance work

A) Don’t make this complicated. Find a safe place to stand on your one leg. Make sure you have a stable structure next to you that you can hold on to as you get your balance. Make a game of it. How long can you stay balanced before you grab a hold of the wall. See if you can grow your time without needing to grab something for stability. Sit, rest and repeat. Before you know it you’ll be a pro at keeping your balance. This takes time, especially if you have always had balance issues, but it can be learned. When you gain balance, you avoid falls. Falls are a part of the leaning process but if they can be avoided from happening often, you’ll be better off.

3. Core strength


Modified Plank on elbows and knees


A) Everyone knows that sit-ups can build a strong core but so do planks. Planks can be modified to using your knees and on your elbows at first, remembering to keep your back and butt in a straight line like a plank of wood. Physical reminder: picture a string coming from your belly button, through your back, and up to the ceiling, pulling your stomach up and in. Hold that for as long as you can, work your way up to 30 seconds to a minute.


Up, like a push-up, and hold.


B) Plank challenge: straighten legs, toes on ground and up on your hands like you are going to do a push up. Keep you butt tucked, stomach tight and in, hands shoulder width apart directly under shoulders. hold.

C) Simple sit-ups. Bend knee(s) raise hands to ceiling and lift shoulder blades off the ground, then lower. No need to go all the way up to your knees, we do not need to hurt our backs.

4. Back strength


A) Superman; while laying on your stomach stretching your hip flexors out, raise all of your limbs up and off the floor. You should look like Superman flying. feel the glutes tighten and your lower back muscles being engaged. Hold for up to 30 seconds then down, rest, repeat.


It doesn’t take fancy equipment, a gym membership, or even a lot of time to give yourself an edge to becoming mobile in your prosthesis, it just takes commitment.

Work on these stretches and exercises each day and when the time comes to fitting on your leg, you’ll be a step ahead.

Remember who you are.

You are a Warrior!

Believe it!

Have a blessed week and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




The Answer is NO

The Answer is NO

It’s Always “No” If You Don’t Ask

When it comes to the world around you, the old adage, “You catch more flies with honey, than vinegar”, still holds true.

As an amputee, I have seen this firsthand. When I smile at someone, they smile back. If I say Hello with a smile, I start a conversation and usually educate someone who is curious. And when I ask questions, that I may be afraid to ask (because I don’t want to look like I’m looking for handouts), I usually find someone who has a connection or an “in” to helping me. Rarely do I hear No, but I take the chance anyway, like 2 weeks ago.

I went with my son to pick up his new ski boots, that was all we were going to do, but I started looking around and dreaming of a new pair of skis and boots as mine are over 20 years old. The problem? I only need one ski and one boot, I ski without my prosthetic on and with outriggers. This causes a problem because no one sells singles, so I decided to ask a probing question to the guy helping my son. “Do you ever get a rouge ski come in?”  His answer, we sometimes get skies that someone leaves behind after buying new ones, asking if we can get rid of them. And sure enough, Gil, at SkiPro here in Phoenix checked my height and ski level and went in back only to emerge with a beautiful pair of Solomons! He literally said, “Here, they’re yours, they were just going into the dump.” I couldn’t believe my luck… or maybe I just manifested it by smiling and creating a connection, a relationship. I decided to see if boot companies had singles they might have because of manufacturing defects and how could I get in touch, and Gil measured my foot and we had the same boot size. He told me he’d reach out to me later that week.

Tuesday rolled around and he called and said he had 2 pairs for me to try out. I drove straight down to his shop to give them a go. They were perfect!!

We talked while he fitted the liner to my leg and made an insole for my foot, we connected, and I shared my story with him and my joy of getting out there and doing life. He told me about his time he spent skiing and his life up in Washington, and how he’d worked with an adaptive ski program up north and I just thought, “Wow, this was a God wink” The chance that I talked to a guy who knew his stuff, worked with other adaptive skiers in the past AND was my boot size. incredible. But it was about connecting, opening up, accepting that “No” could be the answer, but I might as well ask.

I went in that day to be with my son, and I walked away that week with a “new” pair of skis and boots that I can’t wait to use this season.

Remember, if you never ask, the answer will always be “No”, but taking a chance on people, asking the questions, asking for assistance with a genuine heart, never hurts. Hey, you may even walk away with new skis!

Checking the liner out

My new friend, Gil. Thanks, man, I appreciate you!



Simple CTA this week.

What have you been wanting to try but don’t have the equipment or resources to get it?

Go out and find connections. Build relationships in that community.

Email people.

Ask the questions. You never know who you’ll meet and where it’ll take you!

Don’t be afraid to try and hear, “No”.  Be afraid of never asking and always wondering, “What if”.


You are all warriors, so rise up and get out there.

Have a blessed week and let me know how it’s going!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,






“Sleigh” Your Goals

“Sleigh” Your Goals

Start Today!


Start Now!


What are you waiting for?


I know, I know, it’s the holidays. You are busy and can’t find the time.

Me too! But, if you are serious about your goals, and know your ‘WHY’ then get to it.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of “New Years Resolutions”. For a majority of people it is a procrastination technique to get thru the holidays, feel horrible about how you celebrated all holiday season, to join a gym or set goals that are extreme, only to drop them by February or March.  Instead of being excited and uplifted by the challenges, you are left feeling defeated and miserable for failing. Who needs that?


Instead, start small now.

No matter what your goals are in life, starting when you are busy just requires taking baby steps to begin a new routine and make it a habit.

If you want to stand and make dinner while wearing your prosthesis then start by wearing it longer each day, or refusing to take it off. Then stand to wash a few dishes. Eventually you’ll be able to maneuver around your kitchen and create a meal and feel proud of your accomplishment….which will inevitably lead to another goal to achieve.

If you want to get or stay physically active and you are struggling to find time then carve out some smaller portions that you CAN commit to and do it. For example, take a short walk around the block after dinner every night, or do some sit ups, push ups and/or planks before bed.

You don’t have to have a gym membership and commit 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week to be active and stay fit, you just need a plan and stick to it (again, to build a positive habit that will carry on thru the holidays and all next year).




Starting today and carrying you through the new year here’s what you need to do to form good habits that will keep you moving forward.


Write down your dreams and goals on paper, don’t keep them secret up in your head.

Decide the most important ons and which ones need to come before others. There probably is a progression of them for example, learning to wear your prosthesis comes before walking a mile in it.

Set deadlines to help keep you on track.

Make smaller steps that you will need to do to hit your goal by your deadline.

Speak positively: I want to go to the gym. I want to go for a walk. Etc, etc.

Find someone you can share your goals with who will push you and hold you accountable (when times get hard and they will, it’s good to have an outside person keeping you on track), and maybe they can join you in setting goals and you can hold each other accountable.

Have fun and know your ‘Why”. Why are you setting this goal? Who are you doing this for?



Setting these things into place will give you a better chance of succeeding at what you want.

As always, you don’t need to go it alone. We all have weak moments and need some help.

I hope you have a blessed holiday season and a happy healthy new year!

This is my last episode of Season 4. I’ll see you next year!

Until then,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,



Walk It Out

Walk It Out

Practice Makes Permanence

It was 1 year post-amputation before I felt confident enough to go out and try a 10K


Let’s cut to the nitty gritty.

Practice makes permanence not perfection.

As an amputee it takes daily, mindful practice placing one step in front of the other to get comfortable in your prosthesis.

To take time to practice what feels right and looks right is important to learning the proper gait which in turn will help keep the rest of your body healthy and stronger for the long run.

If you start getting lazy, or not taking breaks and pushing yourself too hard too fast you might find yourself getting tired and losing focus and control over your practice.

This is a journey, not an end game. I am still focused on my gait and I am almost 6 years post-amputation.

Hiking on uneven, rocky terrain takes a lot of practice!


See the waddle? I can tell I was being lazy or I was hurting based on this one snapshot.


Woah! Working on balance and leg strength is important everyday so you can go off roading!


And once again, I try to challenge myself on different terrain. Winter hiking boots on snow/ice! Quite the trek!



Be mindful as you work on walking.

Pay attention to your hips being engaged and swinging your legs through your step versus swinging it out and around.

Take your steps slow and be patient.

Walk wherever you can and make learning your prosthesis a full time job, it’s important!

Also, be mindful of when you’re getting tired and take a break so you don’t resort to bad posture and gait.

I know you can do it, remember it is a journey and one worth practicing al the time.

Rise up, Warriors, and get to steppin’!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

Me and My Guys in Hollywood Studios, FL
Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Staying Present to Live Fully


I played sports all my life and the one take away from all of those years was that if I wasn’t focused on the moment then I wasn’t going to perform at my best.

You’ve heard the saying, “Keep your eye on the ball” or “Keep your eye on the prize” and you have probably understood it in the context it was told to you. I heard it a million times in all the years I played softball. It wasn’t a metaphor, it was literal. “Don’t lose sight of the ball.”-You can’t hit a ball you aren’t looking at, and you can’t field a ball you don’t see.

But how about hearing that saying in life?

Can you see how this relates to your daily living?

All too often we spend time waiting for the next best thing to happen. We look forward to being out of this moment, and when we will feel happiness or joy again. We try to avoid living in the present when the present is too pain to handle. But what about right now?

I read something the other day that made me really think. What are we waiting for? The end of the journey is the grave. We should be living in this moment for all it’s worth, enjoying the battles and the victories. We must learn to embrace the bad times as much as the good ones because we learn from all moments, we create memories in all moments.


Moments like this make a pain-filled day just what I needed to find my smile.


Life is good and life is hard.

Without the hard moments, the ones where we live in a valley, were cannot fully appreciate the good ones.

This week I want you to focus on living in the present.

Stop time by living fully IN time.


A quiet moment with my pup. Breathe in, breathe out.

I don’t mean for you to wallow in your pain, that’s not the moment I am talking about. But in those hard and painful moments life is happening all around you. The sun is shining, the dogs are cuddling up against you, a friend sends you a special text. Your moment isn’t just the pain you might be feeling but all the things happening around you and to you.

It’s ok to acknowledge your pain and struggles, just don’t live there, and don’t give it power. Acknowledge and move on.

You are a warrior.

You are stronger than you know.

Keep your eye on the ball and live a full life, the life you were always meant to live!



This week, every night before you go to bed, make a list of 5 things that made you feel good, happy, loved, appreciated, alive.

Whatever you noticed that brought you joy and happiness.

This doesn’t have to be a writing assignment, just a list.

Maybe you smelled the rain and it relaxed you.

Maybe your puppy came and cuddled up next to you and you felt relaxed and loved.

Maybe the sun shining down through the trees brought you a sense of peace.

This is about staying present and appreciating the little things that happen throughout the day.

We must practice staying present everyday because we become so easily caught up in the wanting and yearning of a new day or a better life, or wanting everything that’s just out of reach instead of seeing how many good things are happening throughout the day to us.

Stay present.

Appreciate the little moments.

Move past the pain by acknowledging it and then moving on from it.

You are strong and capable.

You are a fighter, so fight!

You are worthy, so pick up your head and hold yourself up high.

Until next week, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,


These are the moments I live for


Climbing Your Mountain

Climbing Your Mountain

How to overcome adversity to reach the top


The view from the top is always amazing and one we all strive for but that isn’t how life works, is it?

What happened when we fail, and fall into a valley? Maybe you have a medical issue, or are struggling in a relationship or job, or maybe you became an amputee, like me.

What then?

This is the time to focus on what’s in front of you. You need to figure out your goals and where you want to be and take the right steps to achieve them.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?

Of course, in theory it sounds great but putting that into practice, day in and day out is another story all together.

I met an older gentleman at the Y the other day that made me realize that I need to appreciate the season I am in and the condition my body is in. I talked with this man for a bit and saw a yearning in his eyes to be the young buck he once was, one that had strength and stamina. He told me he use to be a body builder and now he was barely lifting any weight. I told him that I was impressed he was there and working out and that he should see that as a victory, he is climbing his mountain.

Is it where he use to be? No.

Is it where he wants to be? No, but he hasn’t quit!

He had been through knee surgeries and several heart attacks and he was at the gym, with his walker putting in the work that he COULD do.
That is amazing!

If we forget to appreciate where we’ve been and how far we’ve come, and living in the moment we are in, we can get lost. We start obsessing on how we aren’t doing what we use to be able to do, and not seeing what we are still capable of doing.

I know that as I get older, being an amputee is going to become hard on me and my body. For now, I work on what I can and embrace what I am able to do. I refuse to look back at a time when I had 2 legs and what I was capable of. Now I see me for who I am and how proud I am of my accomplishments because I have had to work hard, and my mindset has had to become strong.

Some days aren’t easy to handle but I must press on. I try to focus on the mountain top, each day, and strive to live in THIS moment.

Today is a gift and I am alive and capable. Don’t forget how special you are, and how this moment, right here and now, is what matters most.

Embrace it and live! You are a warrior, you are worthy of so much more. Strive for that mountain top and do t look back!!


Read More Read More

In The Beginning

In The Beginning

What to Expect as a New Amputee


As with anything new there is a learning curve. Becoming an amputee is no different. However, since few people know of anyone that’s an amputee before they, themselves, become one, there are so many questions without answers.

It seems overwhelming, confusing and quite scary.

Have no fear, even though each one of us is very different as we deal with our own amputation, we also have many similar benchmarks or stages we go through.

First thing you need to know is that you will get through this and you are going to do great. If you can embrace that mindset, a mindset of positivity, then you are already on your way to bringing that to fruition.

I believe in manifesting my own destiny and I have deep faith in my purpose and that the journey I am on was set before me by a higher power.

Speak positive and empowering words to yourself, and you will manifest positive and empowering outcomes.

After your surgery you will have time to adjust to your new body image and center of gravity, time to rest and heal, and time to prepare for what’s to come. At this point it’s a great idea to focus on getting some core strength back and balance. These things you can work on as you wait for the fitting process.

Me trying on my very first socket (L) and me a couple sockets later (R). See the weight change?


Adjustments are always being made, even when the socket feels right the leg direction can be off (too far forward leaning, not adducted enough). These things depend on your type of amputation and your hip alignment.


I’ve been fortunate enough to take my “test socket” home and work out in it to make sure it is made to withstand the riggers of my activity levels.


Here’s how my guy, Randy, creates my sockets. He casts my residual limb.


Once you’ve been given the green light by your surgeon that you are ready to be fitted for your prosthesis then you will head to your prosthetist’s office, discuss your goals, dreams, activity levels and where you want to be and where you see yourself in the future. This will help them fit you correctly and get you the best prosthesis for you and your goals.

Your prosthetist will create a “test socket” for you-this could take a couple of weeks- and then you will go in, try it on, walk around in it and they will adjust it for a more comfortable fit, then off you go with your brand new leg.

PT should begin at this point, if you haven’t already been working with one to gain core strength and balance.

I know this can be scary and you might feel apprehensive at first but remember, they want to help you succeed at walking and using your prosthesis correctly so you don’t hurt yourself.

Communicate with them, let them know what feels good and doesn’t feel good, what scares you, what you don’t understand, and what you want to be able to do. Discuss your dreams and goals with them.

Now as you start using your new leg you will start noticing changes in your volume of your leg. The more you start doing life again the more your volume of your residual limb will change and then you run into the frustrating aspect of being an amputee, the socket fit.

You can literally get a brand new socket made to fit your leg perfectly and the very next day it won’t feel as snug. You’ll start to add socks on top of your liner, one after the next, just to accommodate your leg shrinking in size. The more socks you use the less connected you will feel and then you won’t trust your prosthesis to stay in place and behave the way it should.

But don’t worry, your prosthetist will be taking measurements and once those measurements align with your insurance company’s guidelines you can be fitted for a new socket.

The problem?

It is the whole process all over again!

You get a new casting of your limb (some cast, some use digital renderings, just depends on what they like to use), they create a new “test socket” and adjust it to fit nice and snug. Next they create a new final socket and you go back in, try it on, walk around, make adjustments and then you’re on your way…..until this one begins to fit poorly.

The reality: the first 2-3 years are a series of nicely fitting socket, loosening, refitting, recreating, and then all over again.

I, myself, went through 16 sockets in the first 3 years!

The sooner you know and understand this sequence of events, the better it is for you to mentally grasp the journey so these moments don’t gut punch you and make you feel like a failure, or that you’re doing something wrong, or that this is heading down an irreversible path.

Embrace this journey.  It is unique and challenging, but you will learn so much about yourself and build so much character, and experience, so quickly.

No one has the same experiences as they become an amputee but this is a basic outline of some pretty typical moments you will see to some degree.

Just remember you are stronger than you think and you will make it through this.



Plain and simple, this week I want you to face those fears.

I know you and see you. You are getting ready to head into your first physical therapy and have no idea how you will manage. You are worried you won’t be able to tolerate the leg, that you aren’t strong enough or even brave enough for this life….but you are!

As I tell myself when I encounter something that puts fear into my heart and doubt into my brain, “One step at a time, Ang”.

I can do anything, one step at a time.

One Step At A Time. Yes, that can be a metaphor, but I mean it literally.

You will NOT be asked to do stairs on your first day of PT, nor will they ask you to try running.

Baby steps is how you start. Just as a small child learns to crawl before they stand, stand before they walk, and walk before they run, you too, will go through these sort of “baby steps”. You are doing something for the first time. It takes, strength, balance, mobility, and practice to get it right, and even then you still won’t have it down. I still catch myself not walking with a good gait and making corrections. That’s ok, it takes time.

Enjoy the journey.

Embrace what scares you and make the most of these moments.

You can do this, look how far you’ve already come!


Have a blessed week and get after it!

Rise up, Warrior, rise up!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated

How to Challenge Yourself Through Life’s Storms


What do you when you’ve lost your motivation?

What has you derailed?

This is often a problem for anyone going through a medical issue, including amputees.

As a 5 year amputee myself, I have a different story, one I want to share.

I spent most of my life participating in sports of one kind or another, only taking a break when we started our family.

As the boys grew so did my desire to get active again, for myself, my physical and mental well-being.

I joined karate with my kids when they were just littles, and I really enjoyed the challenge of it and feeling a part of something.

Unfortunately, onely about 2 years into it I tore my MCL which led to multiple surgeries over 5 years. I gained weight, a lot, and lost my drive.

When it got to a point that I wasn’t going to get better, and I had tried everything, a blood clot came along to drive me to the lumeing decision to amputate, and that I did, 5 years after the initial injury.

At this point, I was prepping my body and mind for what was to come and with that I began to set goals and challenges, after all I was ready to attack life once again…too many years of sitting around on my butt.

The very first challenge was learning how to walk again.

The beginning of the journey-My first prosthetic and me at my heaviest since my injury



This was no easy task and with the pain of amputation/surgery, ill-fitting sockets due to atrophy and weight change, and the actual weight of the prosthesis, I was in for a really challenging few months. But I was determined.


For the first 3 years the volume of my residual limb changed a LOT!


I had to learn to put my mindset into the positive and in hyper-overdrive. I needed to find something to push me, so I decided on virtual races.

My virtual race medal wall. My motivation to keep going!


I could do them on my time, in my area, and with no one else around. I was going to use these races to push myself to wear and master my prosthesis. My very first race was 150 mile spring virtual race! I calculated my daily miles to figure out how to finish on time and then set out to walk the miles.

Can I tell you, in all honesty, that the first day I set out to do my 2 miles (easy, right?) I could only muster up the energy and tolerance to walk to our mailbox!!! 1/4 mile total walk! I was doomed!

But, the next day I got started and walked another block further than the day before. I continued on this path, having good days and bad and taking advantage of the good days, and pressed forward. I was determined to win this mental and physical challenge, each and everyday!

Was it easy? Not a chance! But it was plausible and that was all I needed to rise to the challenge and succeed.

Some days I could get my 2 miles in, and then the very next day I could only go as far as around the block.

I tell you this because the path isn’t always straight forward. You can be doing really good one day and then nerve pains, or the fit, can take you out. You should know this going in so as to give yourself some grace and not get down on yourself.

I talk about Practice makes Permanence, not Practice makes Perfect. 5 years in and I still have days where I see my gait looking lazy or off, I still watch and correct, but I have learned muscle memory and I know right from wrong as I walk.

Practice makes permanence


Setting goals early on in your amputee journey, or any journey for that matter, is important to building healthy habits. There are no shortcuts to figuring it out, you just need to put in the work and build experience. A great basketball player doesn’t just shoot during the game, they practice that free throw hundreds of times a week, maybe even a day, to build muscle memory and get the form down. Why would learning how to walk again in a prosthetic be any different?

Spend the time in it, get use the feel, get good at the stride, practice the little things everyday, and take breaks when you need them, but keep pushing. It will come and then you’ll be able to move onto the next challenge you set before you.



Of course this week’s challenge is to challenge yourself.

Set a new goal, one that you know you can accomplish without it being too easy. Pick something you have been dying to accomplish (like getting stronger walking in your new prosthetic). Now figure out a plan that will get you from point A to point B, and give yourself a specific deadline. Mine happen to come with their own deadlines, being virtual races had “complete by” dates assigned to them. They were a challenge, for sure, but it was good for accountability reasons. I couldn’t wiggle out of those deadlines, not if I was being true to myself, and why wouldn’t I want to be true to myself? Don’t I deserve that?

You can do this.

Drop me a message and let me know what you’re challenging yourself with and then get after it!

You can do this!

You are a warrior, so attack life like a warrior!


I hope you found this to be motivating and you take on this Call to Action.

Have a beautiful week, and until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


My funny girl


Find Your Purpose, Set Goals, and Get to Work

This is me BEFORE my knee injury that led to amputation

Competition gives you focus and direction in life. It helps to define your day, provides a sense of purpose, and helps build character and resilience.

All my life I have been competitive. I had big brothers around always “toughening me up”, and sports were an every moment event, whether competing on our home basketball court or joining teams that played every weekend.

I think these moments served me well, and prepared me for a life after limb loss.

For some of you, the journey has been a long and hard one. It hasn’t been easy and you may feel like giving up.

Maybe you even think that “this is as good as it gets”, but I’m here to tell you, DON’T GIVE UP!!!

You can do this! Last week I talked about mindset, well, this is the time to put your mindset to the test and work on positive self-talk.



On the hard days, when things hurt or you feel out of sorts, or maybe you are not at a point of wearing your prosthetic yet, you may get discouraged…heck! Maybe you ARE discouraged. Now is the time to buckle in and dig deep. This is the time to set those goals and reach for them.

When I find myself in the struggle where pain is winning and I feel like doing nothing and getting depressed about this moment in life that things aren’t going as planned, that’s when I find something to take my mind off of it. I usually find something that brings out the competitor in me. This gives me a goal, a purpose, and consumes my time which takes the attention off of what I’m struggling with.


How about you? What do you do to fill your time? Give yourself purpose? Or distract your thoughts changing them into a positive flow?



Now it’s your turn.

Let’s turn your situation into something positive and meaningful, even if you feel like everything is going wrong and you aren’t where you want to be.


Set goals.

Be realistic but challenging.

If you aren’t able to wear your prosthetic just yet then don’t get down on yourself, remember life is a journey, the good and bad of it, so make some lemonade while you wait.

Once you’ve reached those goals, then go ahead and set more. Keep creating challenges for yourself. Setting yourself up for success in the waiting will eventually make you see that you are not waiting for life to happen to you anymore, but that you are living it.


Enjoy the process.

You deserve it and you are strong enough.

You are a warrior!

Hope your goal setting is epic just like you!

And until next time, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,

Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Skiing as an Amputee


The Canyons, Park City, Utah 2024


I don’t know about you but, sitting in a lodge, sipping a drink in front of a fire sounds wonderful. Doesn’t it?

However, I did that for 5 years, while my family all skied and I sat there with tears in my eyes, missing those special moments I knew I’d never get back.

My husband taught me to ski when we were teenagers. We had dreams of teaching our own kids someday and the retiring and skiing through life. 2013 struck me with a knee injury that sidelined me for 5 years! Then, by 2018 I elected to amputate my left leg above the knee.


My first goal, 3 1/2 months after amputation?  SKI!

Nice and easy


This is why I face my fears


Looks like I have 2 legs!!


Fast forward to last week and I can honestly tell you that despite my love of skiing and being with my family up on the mountains again, the fears I face before each day really try to take me down. Facing fears is no easy task, and yes, while sitting by the fireplace and sipping a drink in the warmth of a lodge is amazing, NOTHING compares to facing your fears and coming out on top! Not to mention, I will never regret getting out and living my life versus watching it pass before my eyes. I want to live life, and maybe that’s a product of being sidelined for so many years, but I won’t allow my irrational fears take me out of living my best life with my family.


Of course I’m going to challenge you to face a fear of yours. You don’t need to be an amputee, either. We all have fears that we can choose to face or turn away from. If you have been turning away, now is the time to stand up straight, adjust your hat, and take it head on! You won’t regret trying, succeed or fail. Because no matter the outcome, you did it! You faced a fear, overcame that emotion and gave it your best. No matter the outcome, you will know you tried and can feel great about yourself for going the distance.

Don’t let fears derail you and your goals. Stay the course, buckle down for the ride, and know that there is no sweeter victory than facing your fears like the true warrior you are and were built to be!


So today, decide what you are afraid of and take it on! Despite the butterflies, emotions that well up and want to hold you back, and no matter the outcome. Just go for it!

Rise up, warriors, rise up and face your fears head on! You will NOT regret it!!


Have a beautiful and blessed week!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Maybe I’ll see you on the mountains some day♥