Tag: family

Keys to Success

Keys to Success

Do You Have These Two Ingredients?


My people, My “Why”

Chicago Family: My roots and the people who believe in me


You need People and you need a positive mindset!

It’s that simple…

OK, maybe it’s not simple but the solution to getting the most out of life usually comes from these two things and you can make the changes for yourself, not having to rely on anyone or anything outside of yourself. Start NOW!

I have always stated that every journey is uniques in this life.

I also tell you that what works for one person doesn’t mean. it’ll work for you.

I also have stated MANY times that there is no “normal” in the amputee journey, just like life, we all experience it differently.

However, if you surround yourself with the right people AND you change your mindset then you have a much better chance of finding success as an amputee.

We sometimes get stuck hanging with the same people because we are inherently creatures of habit and loyal, but what if that person in your life is taking you down with their words, or lack of positivity? What if the person you call friend finds it hard to watch you succeed, therefore they tell you “You can’t do it.”, or “You’ll never walk again, don’t do it.”? Why is it that we stay in those relationships?

Don’t you deserve more? I think you do.

And your mindset and these types of people might actually go hand ion hand, meaning, if you are someone who sees there negative in situations, more often than not, you attract those kind of people. There are people who love to be the positive one in a relationship, doing great things and being better than you, looking better than you, having more success than you. They sense your weakness and to lift themselves up they befriend you.


You deserve more.

You are an amazing person who deserve to be surrounded by genuine people who truly want to see you succeed, and know that when you’re hurting how to get you back up on the saddle. Sometimes with tough love, if you need that, and other times a shoulder to cry one.

Know your people and know you deserve the best.

When you support those around you like you’d like to be supported then you’ll find “your” people.

Mindset plays a HUGE part in this.

Your success, or failure, is determined by your thoughts.

You’ve heard the saying: “Whether you think you can, or can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford is said to have coined that phrase, which highlights the power of mindset and self-belief, that your attitude towards your task at hand determines your success at that task.

No truer words have been spoken!

Take heart if you re struggling right now because your support system and your mindset, your can change today, no need to wait, this is all about you.



This week you have 2 simple tasks:

One, take stock in who you are surrounding yourself with, and if you feel like your ideas and their ideas aren’t matching up to what you see yourself doing then you need to talk with them and get on the same page. State your goals, your dreams, your aspirations. If they care about you then they will help you get there. If you find your friends aren’t behind you, cheering you on, wanting to see you succeed, then it’s time to rethink who your true friends are.

Make note of who has been there for you through the good and the bad, draw them closer and make sure you reciprocate that support. They need it too.

Next, time to do some spring cleaning on your mind. Who do you talk to yourself and others about your circumstance, you life, your decision to amputate, your health, your abilities? If they aren’t positive and aspiring… GET RID OF THEM!

Start feeding your mind with good thoughts, goals, dreaming, positive imagery, etc.

And do this multiple times a day until it becomes who you are without even thinking about it.

You can do this and you WILL find success!

I believe in you, so you should believe in yourself.

You were made to be a warrior, now get out there and do warrior sh*t!


Have a blessed week,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




“Sleigh” Your Goals

“Sleigh” Your Goals

Start Today!


Start Now!


What are you waiting for?


I know, I know, it’s the holidays. You are busy and can’t find the time.

Me too! But, if you are serious about your goals, and know your ‘WHY’ then get to it.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of “New Years Resolutions”. For a majority of people it is a procrastination technique to get thru the holidays, feel horrible about how you celebrated all holiday season, to join a gym or set goals that are extreme, only to drop them by February or March.  Instead of being excited and uplifted by the challenges, you are left feeling defeated and miserable for failing. Who needs that?


Instead, start small now.

No matter what your goals are in life, starting when you are busy just requires taking baby steps to begin a new routine and make it a habit.

If you want to stand and make dinner while wearing your prosthesis then start by wearing it longer each day, or refusing to take it off. Then stand to wash a few dishes. Eventually you’ll be able to maneuver around your kitchen and create a meal and feel proud of your accomplishment….which will inevitably lead to another goal to achieve.

If you want to get or stay physically active and you are struggling to find time then carve out some smaller portions that you CAN commit to and do it. For example, take a short walk around the block after dinner every night, or do some sit ups, push ups and/or planks before bed.

You don’t have to have a gym membership and commit 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week to be active and stay fit, you just need a plan and stick to it (again, to build a positive habit that will carry on thru the holidays and all next year).




Starting today and carrying you through the new year here’s what you need to do to form good habits that will keep you moving forward.


Write down your dreams and goals on paper, don’t keep them secret up in your head.

Decide the most important ons and which ones need to come before others. There probably is a progression of them for example, learning to wear your prosthesis comes before walking a mile in it.

Set deadlines to help keep you on track.

Make smaller steps that you will need to do to hit your goal by your deadline.

Speak positively: I want to go to the gym. I want to go for a walk. Etc, etc.

Find someone you can share your goals with who will push you and hold you accountable (when times get hard and they will, it’s good to have an outside person keeping you on track), and maybe they can join you in setting goals and you can hold each other accountable.

Have fun and know your ‘Why”. Why are you setting this goal? Who are you doing this for?



Setting these things into place will give you a better chance of succeeding at what you want.

As always, you don’t need to go it alone. We all have weak moments and need some help.

I hope you have a blessed holiday season and a happy healthy new year!

This is my last episode of Season 4. I’ll see you next year!

Until then,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,





Tis the Season



As we enter the holiday season:

Special gatherings and parties,

Gift giving and making,

Cooking and baking,

And traveling and to see friends and family create a very busy month or two.


As amputees it can have a toll on our bodies as we try to do it all.

If you are new to being an amputee, try to remember that it’s ok to ask and accept help, it’s ok to not have everything perfect and done like you’ve done every year before amputation, and above all else….


This too shall pass!


Enjoy the moment.

Use your slower pace this year to breathe in the moments.

Watch your children be in awe of the magic of this season.

Entertain yourself with special movies together and listen to Christmas carols.

You’ll be back on your feet in now time and wishing you had sat back and enjoyed the down time.

Don’t allow guilt to over take you. Allow people to step up and be helpful.

Ask when you need assistance. Be careful not to overdue it and hurt yourself. You’ll be more disappointed with the set back than the rest in the moment.

And most of all…

Be present!!


Hope you have a beautiful holiday season making memories and preparing your hearts for the blessings to come.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


PS Pictures of my socket that I promised.

My very 1st socket. I used a t-shirt to cover this one.


The size difference from 1st socket to about the 11th one in just 2 1/2 years!


Paint job up close. Stickers Made using my Cricut machine.


One of my 1st skin fit sockets and the use of auto paints and vinyl stickers I made with my Cricut.


Most recent leg


All of my prosthesis since the beginning. Minus 4 (one I’m wearing and the three yet to come as of this picture-including the new one being made right now).
From Fear to “Thanks Giving”

From Fear to “Thanks Giving”

Moving Into the Right Mindset This Holiday


As an amputee I have so much to be grateful for in my life.

I am blessed to be alive.


My horses make me be present


I am thankful for my husband, two healthy sons, and a family who loves me.







I am grateful to be able to walk again, just to name a few.



Do I ever look back on the day that I injured myself, which led me to amputation, and wish it never happened?

NO! Never, not even once!

I am so fortunate to have been chosen for this journey. Looking back, wishing for something different sets  me up to fall into the trap, and vicious cycle, of never being satisfied or happy of where I am now.

I wouldn’t have met the people I’ve met.

I wouldn’t have overcome fears that I have had to face.

I wouldn’t have learned to trust in myself, the process, and my support system.

I wouldn’t have experienced the life I’m leading now with such gratitude because of what I have had to overcome and endure.

I am a stronger person, more passionate about my Faith, and better able to withstand immense pain and challenges than ever before.


This holiday season I challenge you to look past your fears, your disappointments,  your pain, your obstacles, your past, and your anger at your situation and see the small but relevant miracles happening in your life EVERY SINGLE DAY!


CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! Live for your happiness and to a brighter future.

When you change how you see your life and your circumstances you change the outcome. You see the good more easily in everyday encounters and silent moments. You will find yourself smiling more and grumbling less, and you will start to attract the type of people who want to be around you because you empower them with your outlook. It’s contagious!

What are you grateful for today?



Today, choose to be grateful!

Don’t wait any longer to see the joy in your life.

Start jotting down your blessings or what you are grateful for tonight.

Keep a list where you write 1-5 things that you are grateful for each night before bed. Fall asleep to gratitude in your heart and watch how refreshed and joyful you will start to be in the morning, just looking for the next moment.

I wish you and your families a very special, magical, and blessed Thanksgiving.

Until next week, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



A Leg Up On Life

A Leg Up On Life

Dealing With Negative Emotions Post-Amputation


Anger, Guilt, Shame, and Fear are all such destructive emotions. They hold us back from realizing our full potential and no one is immune to feeling them at one time or another.

As amputees, we face unique challenges, including fears about our new life, future uncertainty, failures, prosthetics, and adapting to physical limitations.

As a wife and homeschooling mom amputee I often struggled with guilt. I was always worried about making mistakes and inadequacy.

Now, as an amputee, (and I ELECTED this), I was even more fearful of what might be my shortcomings.

This is a lot of pressure to put on myself. How about you? Are you adding this stress into your life?

All in all, any of those above mentioned emotions, are taking away your happiness and also adding a negative aspect to your life, one that is stress-inducing and impeding success.

Stress can harm our health, impeding healing and progress. We must recognize and tame these self-destructive emotions if we are to truly love ourselves, love our life and live it fully.


Enjoy the good days. Remember those feelings. Harness them and utilize them when you are struggling.


We must realize what we are doing to ourselves and how to tame that monster that is self-destructive in nature.

So what can you do when these emotions begin to rear their ugly heads in your mind and life?


First thing;

Stop beating yourself up over situations you cannot control. You cannot control infections, poor fitting sockets, blister and rashes, or phantom pains.

Next, you need to communicate with your family and support system about how you are feeling. and when you’re feeling like you are getting everyone down. They need to know where you are at during the harder times as you navigate being an amputee because they probably don’t have any other experience with amputees than YOU.  Help them understand how you see yourself, where you want to be and what’s currently holding you back from realizing your potential. More than likely they wouldn’t want you to be worrying about that, just about getting better and stronger.

Finally, use positive self-talk. Your brain is a powerful muscle and it will bend and move to what thoughts you are allowing it to feed off of. If you tell yourself you aren’t good enough, that you aren’t contributing, or you are letting down those around you, then that is what you will feel is true. BIG TIME STRESSOR!

Time to start forgiving yourself, forgiving those around you that have hurt you, breaking free from fears, and letting go of guilt. When you are sick and laid up, your first priority must be to get stronger and healthier so you CAN get back to your life and family.

You can do this, you are strong enough. This is a long journey, a marathon, not a sprint. You will find that when things are going well something will come along and take you back a step or two. Likewise, when you are struggling, I can promise you, it won’t last and soon everything will start working out for the positive.

Don’t distress, dear Warriors, this too shall pass.

Lift up your chin, put a smile on your face, and laugh despite your struggles.

The time is now to sharpen your mental sword and fight for what you want and how you want to live your life.

Don’t give up and don’t lose hope.

Make today a great day,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,







Freedom and Joy in Movement


What do you dream about doing or accomplishing?

As amputees we tend to struggle with getting back out there, worried that we won’t be able to live full lives filled with goals set and conquered, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Yes, the first couple of years there is a lot of changes taking place with your body, and a whole new routine of being fitted for your prosthesis every few months, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be getting active and finding the joy of becoming independent once again.

Prior to my amputation I spent 5 years in surgeries, icing and elevating my leg, and going to appointments. I had no time to do anything else, and my life became a series of tasks in hopes of getting better, but not truly living. I had no time to dream about the next ski trip or learning a new sport, I was in survival mode, plain and simple.

However, I set many goals for myself to accomplish by one year post-amputation. I never thought, “What if I can’t do this?” or “That’s not possible.” I just set my goals and worked toward them. No one told me that maybe I was being to aggressive on myself, or that I was dreaming too big. My family and friends just walked alongside of me, supporting me through it all.

What I can tell you about that first year is this: I was so happy! I found joy in life once again! I never looked back with regrets to having had the amputation, and in that first year I knew that I could do anything I put my mind to.


Life is meant to be lived fully. I aim to try new things whenever the opportunity arises!


The point: We each are traveling on our own unique journey, but we all want to have independence and the feeling of freedom that comes with that, this truly goes for those of us who have been laid up, or stuck in a medical crisis. Setting goals to keep us on track and moving forward is key to feeling the freedom of independence once again.

When I speak to other amputees about what they want to get back to doing to make them feel productive, and independent in life, some of the most basic life skills is what they speak of first; dressing themselves, standing in their kitchen to wash dishes or make a meal. Basic, right? But that’s what makes us feel productive and useful. I know I couldn’t wait to show my family that I could serve them the way I use to, before the accident. And when we experience these baby steps of accomplishment it leaves us thirsting for more!

The goals and aspirations grow and change. As we build strength and stamina, as we get better at using our prosthesis, we begin to really dream of the possibilities. That’s when the real fun begins, and the joy from accomplishing goals becomes a need not just a want.

So, What do you dream about accomplishing? What will give you back your independence or freedom?

Dare to dream because being an amputee isn’t what it use to be. You can do anything you put your mind to, if only you dare!


This week I want you to make a list of the things you most want to do. Maybe tasks around the house or at work. Maybe just getting dressed or making the bed. It doesn’t have to be big, monumental tasks or goals, just ones that will make you feel good that you can do on your own again.

It is also ok to add, to your list, goals for the future. Remember, dreaming is what keeps us motivated and moving forward.

Don’t be afraid to add whatever is on your heart. This is a great time to not think about the “how” of these longterm goals, just dream!

Finding independence again, is such a blessing and brings great joy.

Just remember to START WHERE YOU’RE AT.

Know that with these new goals there may be some fear or anxiety, but with anything worth achieving we must all face fears. I do all the time. Just remember what you’re made of. Remember what you’ve been through. YOU ARE A WARRIOR!!

Now make that list and start tackling those dreams!


I hope you all have a blessed week, thank you for listening,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,


Bunker Hill- 297 steps to the top! I was nervous but I did it!
Purpose in the Waiting

Purpose in the Waiting



Like a little kid excited and waiting for Christmas morning with great anticipation only to be sad when the presents are all opened, stockings are emptied and bedtime arrives once again.

We too, can find ourselves wrapped up in waiting for life.

We wait for the next appointment, the next fitting, the next promotion, the next relationship, the next thing to be excited about. But what about now? What about the moments that are hard and challenging? Are you letting life waste away and pass you by while you wait or are you living with intention and purpose?

One place I find my purpose

It’s hard, I understand that. As an amputee we spend the first 2-3 years just waiting on healing, the next socket, the insurance company, the follow-up appointment, refitting, adjustments, etc, etc, etc.

Just when we think we have everything going well with our leg something changes, and we start all over again.

I spent the first 3 1/2 years changing and fluctuating before I got my latest socket which I have been in for over a year. And yet, I still have my moments that are hard and challenging. Isn’t that life?

How about you? What’s got you stuck? Do you know what you’re living for?



This week, if you are in a funk and can’t focus on the present find someone that you can reach out to and help.

Maybe a neighbor could use a visit, or a friend needs an errand run. Whatever it is, whomever you choose to help, realize that you can do so much good and real live your life even in a season of waiting.

Sometimes the first step in helping ourselves is to think about others and find our purpose in being a help to them. Finding purpose in your waiting is key to happiness and feeling content. Remember that when you wake, and have breathe in your lungs then you are meant to be here and to make a difference in the world.

Go out and seize each day, live your life don’t wait to live it.

Tomorrow isn’t promised.

Let your warrior out and rise up! You deserve to live and be happy, even in the waiting.


Have a blessed week.

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Believing in Yourself

Believing in Yourself

Your Mindset is Your Greatest Asset


When it comes to getting it done, or being challenged to push through something tough in life, how do you fair?

Do you struggle to feel accomplished?

Do you feel like you are drowning and there is no way out?

Or how about giving up because the going got tough?



If this sounds like something you have been through before, or are going through currently, then it may be time to check your mindset and your self-talk.

There is no denying that life will through you curveballs.

Back in 2013 as I was literally kicking butt in karate for my 2nd degree black belt, I would never have thought I would have hurt myself, gone through 10 surgeries, gained almost 60 extra pounds and then elect to amputate my leg above the knee.

Just writing that sounds absolutely crazy and a horrible fiction story. But that was my reality.

Those were tough days, months and years- five years to be exact, and making the decision to amputate wasn’t the end of that journey but a beginning to a whole new shift in my life. I still had to struggle with pain, swelling, adjusting to my new body image and learning to love it. I had problems with fitting prosthetics, I had a huge neuroma that a year after my amputation I went under the knife again and had it removed. Through all of these trials, however, I was being conditioned and building my resilience to my new lifestyle.

Each of these steps I had to figure my way through physically and mentally.

Each of these moments was leading me to a better understanding of myself, my tolerance, showing my strengths and my weaknesses, so I could become better at handling the curveballs of life.

What did I find that helped me?





What I tell myself, how I speak to myself with my inner voice (and sometimes my outer voice). I realized that my words and thinking  could lift me up and allow me to soar,  or it was going to be my demise with negativity. Through trial and error I learned and grew.

I take challenges head on now. I am competitive with myself, and I know that my mind, my energy, and my will to succeed has brought me through tough times. I believe how I think is what has made becoming an amputee a life giving second chance for me versus my undoing.



I am no one special, but my ability to see the positive in my situation has helped me become more successful as an amputee.

It hasn’t been easy, even though it may appear that way. What you perceive as me “easily” going through something really hard has had it’s challenges, it’s pains and problems, I have cried and I have been angry, but at the end of the day I choose positive!


How about you?



I didn’t add a Call to Action in my podcast, forgive me. Got out of practice with April being all interviews but here’s one for those reading my site.


Check your attitude today.

What’s your mood?

How do you feel about yourself and your situation?

Now ask yourself if you can control what’s happening?

If you cannot control what is happening to you then this is a great time to practice patience, positive self-talk, getting active to change your thinking, and setting some goals to keep yourself motivated during the hard days.

You will get through this.

You were designed to be stronger than your circumstances, you only need too believe in yourself.

You are special!

You are unique!

You are loved!


Have an amazing week, be blessed.

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



Inventors & Innovators: Monster Mike Schultz

Inventors & Innovators: Monster Mike Schultz

From Athlete to Inventor: Making the World Better one Prosthetic At a Time


An incredible story today of a young man’s hard fought journey from super competitive athlete to amputee, to inventor who regained his competitive edge and is helping others do this as well.

Mike’s story is one for the books, and write one he did- “Driven to Ride”. His story began with huge hopes for a future in motocross racing, something he was great at, but one fateful day he lost his leg and what he was sure to be his career as a professional athlete.


However, like I’ve stated time and again, mindset matters and great people rise because they focus on the dreams and possibilities, not the negative and pitfalls. Mike didn’t let his accident and losing his leg, above the knee, stop him from greatness.

His story is one of success, struggles, creativity, and rising again to a level most people couldn’t begin to dream.

He used his curiosity and ingenuity to create a new prosthetic out of his own garage, built to take him to higher levels of competition that no other leg on the market could. He has refined it, created the company- BioDapt, and makes these prosthetics for other athletes wishing to take their craft to another level.

Mike’s story is one of sheer determination and love for the outdoors and competing. It’s incredible to see someone lose a limb and have the mind and knowledge to build, from scratch, an artificial leg for the purposes that he was seeking.

Listen in today to hear his story, how he came to a place that he had to get back up and start over, and how he went from amputee to gold and two-time silver medalist snowboarding Paralympian all while using his very own invention!

This is an inspirational story of never giving up on your dreams, pushing past the struggles, and achieving despite what appeared to be insurmountable circumstances. He could’ve given up at his young age after his accident, but he had bigger dreams and plans.

Husband, father, inventor, entrepreneur, olympian, and author, you don’t want to miss this amazing interview.

Ready to be inspired?


Thank you, Mike, for spending time with me and talking about the ups and downs that life has thrown your way and how you kept on rising and following your dreams.


Have a blessed week,

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Skiing as an Amputee


The Canyons, Park City, Utah 2024


I don’t know about you but, sitting in a lodge, sipping a drink in front of a fire sounds wonderful. Doesn’t it?

However, I did that for 5 years, while my family all skied and I sat there with tears in my eyes, missing those special moments I knew I’d never get back.

My husband taught me to ski when we were teenagers. We had dreams of teaching our own kids someday and the retiring and skiing through life. 2013 struck me with a knee injury that sidelined me for 5 years! Then, by 2018 I elected to amputate my left leg above the knee.


My first goal, 3 1/2 months after amputation?  SKI!

Nice and easy


This is why I face my fears


Looks like I have 2 legs!!


Fast forward to last week and I can honestly tell you that despite my love of skiing and being with my family up on the mountains again, the fears I face before each day really try to take me down. Facing fears is no easy task, and yes, while sitting by the fireplace and sipping a drink in the warmth of a lodge is amazing, NOTHING compares to facing your fears and coming out on top! Not to mention, I will never regret getting out and living my life versus watching it pass before my eyes. I want to live life, and maybe that’s a product of being sidelined for so many years, but I won’t allow my irrational fears take me out of living my best life with my family.


Of course I’m going to challenge you to face a fear of yours. You don’t need to be an amputee, either. We all have fears that we can choose to face or turn away from. If you have been turning away, now is the time to stand up straight, adjust your hat, and take it head on! You won’t regret trying, succeed or fail. Because no matter the outcome, you did it! You faced a fear, overcame that emotion and gave it your best. No matter the outcome, you will know you tried and can feel great about yourself for going the distance.

Don’t let fears derail you and your goals. Stay the course, buckle down for the ride, and know that there is no sweeter victory than facing your fears like the true warrior you are and were built to be!


So today, decide what you are afraid of and take it on! Despite the butterflies, emotions that well up and want to hold you back, and no matter the outcome. Just go for it!

Rise up, warriors, rise up and face your fears head on! You will NOT regret it!!


Have a beautiful and blessed week!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Maybe I’ll see you on the mountains some day♥