Tag: faith

What’s Your Vibe?

What’s Your Vibe?

Serve and Be Served


What we put out into the world is what we get back.
Have you ever noticed people who seem to have it all together, are happy, productive, and have good things happen to them?
…have you ever REALLY looked at them? Ever notice their attitude?
Even though no one goes without troubles and hard knocks, in life, these people keep their chin up, hunker down and weather the storms because of how they perceive their life and circumstances.
They are warriors!
YOU are that warrior, too, whether you believe it or not. We all have the capability to conquer and rise when times get hard.
How do you change that perspective and give yourself one of positivity and gratitude?
There’s nothing more powerful than to give of yourself, even when you are struggling.
And when you serve others, you, too, will get the benefits. You’ll feel productive, happy, thankful, and you may even forget your own woes in all of this.
Give it a try! Serve someone this week. Call a lonely neighbor or friend, send a gift card to someone in need, smile at the cashier at the grocery store, serve at a food bank/soup kitchen.
When you serve others, it’ll also serve you.
Your circumstances won’t necessarily change but your attitude definitely will.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Reframing Your Circumstance

Reframing Your Circumstance

Living Life With Gratitude



Life is hard.
You can choose to lay down and have it destroy you or you can reframe your thinking and how you view your circumstance by finding things and people in your life for which you can be grateful.
It’s that time of year when we hear people say they are thankful for their life, we see trinkets in our homes that say, “Grateful, thankful, blessed”, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner in which tell the people around d us that we are thankful for them in our lives.
Thankfulness is a hot topic in November, but what if you are struggling right now?
What if you are going through a rough patch?
Well, this is the time, more than ever that you need to find those moments, things, and people in your life that make your life special, happy, or filled with joy.
By reframing how we see our circumstance we enable ourselves to be at peace through these hard times. By seeking out the silver linings in our lives we are choosing a path of gratitude and happiness amidst the struggles.
This can be life altering! And the more we practice this way of thrilling and speaking the more often we will see what we are going through as just a moment, or blip, in time. A moment that will pass and nothing more.
Remember, we all have these moments. They are chances to define our character, grow, and reinvent ourselves. Without these hard times we cannot truly appreciate the good that has been in our lives or the good that is to come.
Reframe your thinking. Reframe your circumstance. Practice mindfulness, living in the moment and appreciating the little things in your life that are truly good.
Living a life of gratefulness is a choice, and one that will not only affect your situation, but it’ll also effect the people around you.
Choose an attitude of gratitude and spread that to all those around you. You might be surprised on how your outlook on life will be uplifted, and how you bless someone else with your positivity will come back to you ten-fold.
Practicing gratitude and reframing your circumstance:
* Don’t be picky, appreciate everything!
*Be mindful, and present
*Keep a gratitude journal
*Remember the hard/bad times, they will help you cherish where you are now.
*Pay it forward
*Reflect. Spend 5, 10, 30 minutes in quiet time, thinking about all you have
*Reframe your bad situation by finding the silver linings, what it could be teaching you, and how you are growing stronger for the future by going through it.
*Celebrate the little things
The sunshine
My family
My prosthetic that allows me my freedom



Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
And as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
#thankful #grateful #gratitude #thanksgiving #podcast #bawarrior360 #abovekneeamputee #calltoaction #attitude #reframeyourcircumstance #payitforward
Roll With the Punches

Roll With the Punches


Life is never truly easy, for anyone. Sometimes it feels like everything is going our way when out of the blue a bomb drops.

Maybe your job or family life is struggling, or maybe your health.  Then you can feel overwhelmed and defeated.

But don’t fret. We all go through these moments. We all have valleys we must trudge through. What I have learned through life is that the valleys don’t last forever and soon you’ll be on top once again.

The problem being on top is that you never know when a valley will strike again, when you get gut punched and feel the wind knocked out of you.

If you realize that this is just how life goes, the sooner you can prepare yourself to handle those moments.

Not like you will ever be totally prepared but at least not naive to the fact that it happens. If you practice positivity, and strengthening your character, you will be better prepared for those moments. They won’t control you and every aspect of your life.

Our job is to learn from them, to build up our resilience and character to better handle those situations.

As an amputee I have these moments a lot. As soon as my socket feels great, I’m out being active, life is good….. BOOM!

My socket doesn’t fit anymore, it’s too loose, or there’s a crack that’s hurting my leg, leaving painful raw spots every step throughout the day. That’s when I need to dig down deep, realize that this too shall pass, and I must carry on. My family depends on me to function. I have goals I want to achieve and a life I want to live… to the fullest.

If you are struggling right now, life has served up some lemons and a swift punch to your gut, don’t fret. You can get through this.

We all deal with these moments, wishing they would just pass us by, but if you can see these as learning moments, to better serve you in the future then you are on the right track. Each trial we go through breaks us down to build us back up, preparing us for the next, making us stronger.  But it’s up to you to rise to that challenge, it’s not just given to you. You won’t just rise up because you sit around pouting about your circumstance. You rise up and build character if you FIGHT! You have to use those muscles to get back up, you need to speak positivity into your soul, you will struggle otherwise.

Take a look at today’s Call to Action for steps to take to work on your resilience today.






This week I want you to prepare for the storm.

How you do it might be a little different from me, but a basic strategy is:

  1. Use positive affirmations about myself. Post them somewhere or at least write them down. Look back at them when the going gets tough!
  2. This week, write down a “silver lining” about each day for the next 7 days. Even in the toughest times there is good. Sometimes we have to look long and hard, but it’s there. Realizing that your world isn’t ending because of something bad is half the battle. If you start looking for the positive and the good in your life then you are armoring yourself for the battles that are sure to come.

I hope this helps you get through your week, and your future. Fight the good fight, Warrior! You and your family are worth it!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!!


Much love,





Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

What inspires you? Who inspires you?
Did you know that you, too, are an inspiration? Yep, you are!
Each of us has the ability to impact another person’s life and outlook just by the way we carry ourselves, how we behave, speak, and interact with the people around us. A simple smile could give someone just the boost they need when they are struggling. Having grace and forgiveness may give another person in our lives the peace they are looking for when everything around seems to be falling apart.
We can be that for someone. The reality is, people are watching, and people are looking for someone to inspire them. Even when you aren’t at your best, or you are struggling, you have the ability to brighten someone’s day and give them a hope that they need to rise up.
If you’re like me, an amputee, or someone who is struggling to push through physical adversity, then you have an opportunity every single day to show the world that anything is possible.
First time waterskiing as an amputee…anything is possible!
Skiing again, as an amputee….anything is possible!


First time, EVER, surfing…anything is possible!!
Even if what you do is commonplace for you now, like me walking with my prosthetic, there are people who have never seen an amputee who are amazed by this. Smile! Show the world that you aren’t going down without a fight and that you are more than your circumstance, because you are!
Be an inspiration, you never know who is watching.
Never, ever forget, that you are an inspiration to someone!
Now go out and INSPIRE!!!!!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Some people might tell you it’s impolite to ask amputees questions, or rude to allow your kiddos to stare or question why an amputee is the way they are but I will tell you that I love sharing my story and informing people about “life as an amputee”.  If we can inform, then we are educating. When people are educated about something they can have compassion, sympathy/empathy, and be better able to help in ways they never could if they didn’t understand.
I know not all amputees feel the same way I do, and that’s ok. We all have our journey to travel and for some it’s been tragic and hard to cope with the circumstance.
Life of an amputee. Getting the right fit. The never-ending battle!


I’d tell you, don’t be afraid to politely ask those who invite you in with eye contact and a smile. For some amputees healing takes place the more they talk about it. For others, it’s just too hard to relive. Read the person, be polite in your approach. Not all amputees are dealing well with being an amputee and talking to strangers feels like an invasion of a private, mentally exhausting battle that rages within.
On the whole, though, I believe most people who you’d see out an about as amputees are more than willing to share.
Also, if your child points and stares it’s ok, they are curious and innocent. They shouldn’t be afraid to ask, and I will usually smile and ask if they think I look like a robot or superhero. Some even like to touch my prosthetic, and I oblige.  Start them young on showing care and curiosity, allow them a chance to understand and sympathize with someone else’s plight. They’ll be better off for that and that may lead them into becoming future inventors of better prosthesis or interested in becoming a prosthetist.
Don’t be afraid to ask, you never know what you might learn and how you could help someone by allowing them to open up.
For those of you who:
*May have an amputation in the future,
*May know someone who is going through amputation, or
*Are just curious,
If you see someone who is an amputee, don’t be afraid to ask questions.  You may be surprised at their attitude on sharing. I’d say more of us don’t mind answering curious, polite questions about being an amputee. Just remember to be polite and not aggressive. For some people, their circumstance can be a very horrific memory, be kind and show compassion for what they might have gone through.
Reach out to other amputees, if you are on the verge of going through it yourself, talk to prosthetists, and also see if they have people willing to do peer to peer meetups so you can get comfortable with your impending situation.
Questions lead to understanding and bridge the gap for us amputees, to being more mainstream and “normal” in society.  There is so much we can do now that technology has advanced so much.  Educate yourself, be kind, and go ahead and ask.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
Much love,
And don’t forget to join me in the Magic Mind 14 day challenge!  Check out their website and 14-day challenge at: magicmind.co/14daysofmagic and don’t forget to use my discount code: BEYOU14
Feel great, gain clarity, find all day energy to get the job done, all while saving the rainforest!!  Join today!
Final day to join is October 26.  Post your progress on social media and use #14daysofmagic for your chance to win product!!
Challenge ends November 30, so don’t wait!
Healing From the Inside Out Part 2

Healing From the Inside Out Part 2

Forgiveness and Grace


No one knows what our future holds, and for sure, I never expected to become an amputee, but here I am. And quite frankly I am a better person for it, have met amazing people through it, and grown in ways I never would have if I never went through it.

I found acceptance of my circumstance BEFORE going under the knife, and that has helped me embrace, love, and move forward as an amputee, even through neurological pains, physical healing, and never-ending phantom sensations.  Not everyone gets that chance though, and I get that. Some of you went through horrific accidents, war, and illnesses like cancer or diabetes. Some of you have anger at the person or circumstances that surround you, and put you where you are today. That is understandable, but are you holding onto that anger, bitterness and resentment? If so, you are also not allowing yourself to truly heal and move on…and there is so much more out there for you. A better life, and happier place to be, healing!

Don’t let anger destroy what could be a beautiful life


I know that I can’t speak to your situation, but I’ve had smaller issues in my life, times when people have wronged me, and I couldn’t let it go. I held on to the anger, the frustration, and couldn’t stop grumbling about how rude and wrong the other person was. I have had to let that go, walk away, both physically and mentally from that person and that wrongdoing, for the sake of my happiness and my family.  It’s not easy, and still, to this day, I can still allow myself to go back there and remember how angry I was. But what does that accomplish? NOTHING!! It just wastes my time and energy, that’s all.

Forgiveness is hard, and it takes practice. You can feel like you are over it one day, and the next day be just as angry. Allow yourself time to heal and practice forgiveness. Just don’t give up, it is well worth the time and energy to forgive someone or your situation in the long run. You will find your happiness return, and an ability to live a more peaceful, centered, and happy life. When you do heal from that situation you will find that you can then begin to heal on the outside as well, and move forward in life, instead of being stuck in the past, and in anger and resentment.


Once you have decided to move forward and let go of the past, then you can truly heal. You may find that the pains you are physically or neurologically experiencing will lessen or even dissipate over time, or at least become manageable.

Trust me when I say that forgiveness and letting go of negativity is the cornerstone to feeling better and getting your life back on track. What have you got to lose? At worst, you’ll stop being overcome by anger and hate, at best you can heal and start living your life again, truly living your life again, not just surviving.

Are you just surviving? It’s time to start living and healing! Don’t waste another moment on those negative things. Bring closure and forgiveness into your life so you can begin to heal, from the inside out!


This week’s call to action will be hard for some of you. It will definitely take more than a week, but today is a stepping stone in the right direction for your well-being and happiness.

Today you begin to forgive the person, circumstance, or yourself for where you are right now. I know it’s hard, but if you are listening to my podcast then I believe you want to live a better life…and this is the first step in doing that. You cannot expect to find happiness and peace amidst anger and resentment. Let it go!

Find a mantra to repeat whenever you feel the anger taking over. Even a simple: ” I forgive you” that you can repeat out loud or to yourself, everytime your mind goes back to that negative space.

Don’t stop! Keep repeating until you live it! Remember, our brains are powerful and will believe whatever you feed them. If you speak positive, then your brain will follow your lead.  Keep at it. Reach out to me to let me know how it’s going.

It won’t be easy, but good things take hard work. Your spoils await you on the other side of forgiveness.  Keep at it, I know you can do it!

It’ll be well worth your time and energy now. Believe in yourself, believe in a better tomorrow! Start TODAY!!!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


A little puppy humor for you🐶
Dream A Little Dream

Dream A Little Dream

Making Your Dreams Become Reality



If you can dream it, you can do it.

We’ve all heard that saying before and maybe even been told that by someone trying to cheer you on.  It’s true, to an extent. Dreams become reality when we have the vision to imagine them, and the mental and physical strength to follow through to accomplish them. Dreams aren’t easy to accomplish, but they are attainable with the right tools to get you from point A to point B.

Once I knew I was going to amputate my leg I knew I needed to set my sights on goals and dreams that would help me heal and live my life. I created a vision board that my PT suggested so I had inspiration every day to accomplish my goals, and my “whys” for setting them.

My Vision Board


This is an example of my vision board that I looked at every day for months prior to my amputation. I was feeding my brain positive signals about the plans I had for my body after the trauma. What we tell ourselves fuels our brain to follow suit. Mindset is based on positive thoughts, positive talk, and mental strength.  If you feed your mind negativity, you won’t see anything but negative. If you feed your mind positive messages and possibilities for success, you’ll find success knocking at your door.


I don’t know about you but I want to live a full, healthy, happy and fulfilling life.  If you’re not living that kind of life right now, ask yourself, “What’s holding me back?” I bet it’s negativity, excuses, and lack of planning.

You can do this! You need to dare to dream. DREAM BIG!!! don’t shortchange yourself or your life. You want something? You want to achieve a goal? Go after it!



It’s time to create your own vision board. Take a look at mine above, google search Vision Boards and see other examples. Then set out to create your very own. Dare to dream. Dream big and don’t limit yourself. Put it all on the table, no matter how big or small the dream. Add quotes that motivate you. Add pictures of you getting back to your activity that you once did, or pictures of an activity you want to try. Throw on some pictures of your “whys” as I have found that doing it for myself is good but accomplishing something for a bigger picture is even better. My example was skiing. I wanted to ski again for my boys and husband. My husband and I always talked about skiing after he retired and I wasn’t going to let losing my leg get in the way of our youthful dreams.

Once you’ve created your board, place it somewhere you will see every morning and every evening to keep you motivated!


You’ve got this! I know you can do it. Believe in yourself.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



The Nerve of Some People!

The Nerve of Some People!

Extreme Nerve Pain aka Phantom Pain


Oh, it’s real alright!! I experienced 3 days and nights of non-stop STABBING pain.


It’s MASSIVE pain, no way to control it, mentally exhausting and disabling pain like no other!  It attacks when you least expect it and can make itself at home for days, or weeks on end. I am not talking about what I feel everyday-yes, I said “everyday”. Everyday, I feel my missing foot. I feel pins and needles all day long and into the night, until my body shuts down and I fall asleep. The pain I felt THIS week, for several days, was 100x worse, relentless, and brought my to my knees and into tears- which doesn’t happen often.

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. And the unknown of how long it will last is just as bad as the pain itself. Listen in as I talk about my recent journey through ANOTHER “episode” of shooting phantom pain; what it feels like, why I think it happened, and how to push through it!


Three things you can do to make sure you get through the struggle:

  1. Choose to keep moving, even when it’s hard, MOVE! Do what you can and stay active as much as possible.
  2. Distract! Distract! Distract!! Everything we go through flows like a river. Whenever things get hard do you look back a realize you made it through to better times? Likewise, when things are going great, then all of a sudden you are dealing with something tough, it just happens. That’s life. The quicker you realize that, the easier it is to know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Positive self-talk. It’s ok to feel defeated and frustrated when you’re going through something, but it will be easier to swallow if you create a positive environment, with positive words, and an attitude that creates good feelings. It’s hard, and at times I find myself beating me up inside. Don’t go there, and if you do, get out of that mindset quickly.

You will have these moments, how you handle them is up to you. Strive to build a positive aura around you, stretch and flex those mental muscles and soon you’ll find that you can handle it, and maybe, just maybe, come out a better, stronger, happier YOU!

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


much love,




I’m BACK!!!

I’m BACK!!!

What Happens When It’s YOUR Decision??


Hi there! Remember me?😉


I’m back from a much-needed break and ready to bring you some amazing episodes! Won’t you join me by subscribing to my website, podcasts, or YouTube channel??

Here we are 3 1/2 years after my ELECTED amputation and I had someone ask me, “How hard was it for you to decide to amputate? Because I’m about there, myself, and I’m scared.”

The morning after my amputation
Active, healthy me, living a life I love.


Well, after 3 1/2 years of being an amputee I reflected on what it means to make the election to cut off a limb, how I navigated such unchartered territory and what demons tried to take hold of me…until I relaxed into my faith, and trusted, that’s when my whole world came together and made sense once again.
Join me on the journey of discovery what the human body can tolerate, how we can harness this power in our everyday lives and what, I believe, is the secret to success.
Please make sure you like, share, and subscribe so you don’t miss another episode!!
Thanks for listening!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
Much love,
#amputee #mydecision #rightorwrong #frogfuelactual #juststrongambassador #mindset #challenges #faith #ownit #podcast #amputeegirl #ampstrong #abovekneeamputee #ilovemylife #livingmybestlife #enjoythejourney #youarespecial
What’s Your Story with Dani Aravich

What’s Your Story with Dani Aravich

Come join us as we hear Dani tell her story. Born without a forearm and hand Dani’s parents, although not expecting that, showed her that she could do anything and be anything she put her mind to.

Dani had always been into sports and her dream job is to be a GM to an NFL football team.  She went off to college, got her degree in business and started working for the Indianapolis Colts and Pacer organizations, which led to, what she thought, was her dream job working for the Utah Jazz, however she grew impatient and felt something was missing. That’s when a Paralympics came to her attention.

Growing up she always competed with “able-bodied” individuals and not until after college and working her first few jobs with elite athletic programs did she explore para-athletic events. And like a dream Dani found herself qualifying and competing in both the summer AND winter Olympics, for Team USA!

Dani’s journey allows us to dream and contemplate the realization of our own dreams, and how we, too, can live them out at any given time, we just need to have our eyes open to the possibility and a mindset that says, “Yes, I can!” and “Why not me?”

What an incredible story of believing in oneself, pushing the limits, and going for it all! Don’t miss this interview.



Dani, thank you again, for spending time with me and allowing more people to hear your story. I hope they all feel encouraged to reach for the stars and dare to dream. I know I am!


And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,
