Tag: empowerment

Love Yourself….

Love Yourself….

Where You’re At


Ever felt alone, even though you are surrounded by your support, your family, your friends?
As an amputee, it can be hard for anyone to really grasp what we are feeling when it comes to nerve or “phantom” pains. To explain it, doesn’t do justice, yet we can deal with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I know I do.
There are many times that, even though we are surrounded by people who love us, we feel alone and having to handle pain and problems that accompany bring an amputee by ourselves. It is in those moments that we must rise up, become stronger than we ever thought we could be, and fight through the pain.
This can only be done when we treat ourselves like our own best friend. We must love who we are enough to support ourselves with positive words and thoughts, words we would lend a friend in need. Sometimes that is harder than it should be as we struggle in silence.
When we feed ourselves words of affirmation, love, positivity, and forgiveness, we give ourselves the greatest gift, a fighting chance to rise up stronger. We must learn to love ourselves, where we are, now, so we can gain a healthy mindset and live a full and healthy life.
Start today. Begin by affirming that you are worth love, happiness, and good health.
Speak positive words into your heart and mind.
Practice this daily, even hourly, if you need to, until it becomes second nature to be a positive person.
Your future self will thank you for it!!
Until next week, and as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,


Breathing Through the Pain

Breathing Through the Pain

Night time visit with my girl
Do you struggle with pain?
Is stress always knocking at your door and trying take over?
Maybe now is the time to try something that can help you through the pain…. How about some breathing?🤔
I spend a lot of time around my horse.
Every morning to be exact.
She brings me to a peaceful place, a place I can forget my problems, schedules, to-do lists, and phantom pains.
I find quiet and calm around her and work on, believe it or not, my breathing!
Did you know that deep breathing can:
*decrease stress and increase calm
*relieve pain
*improve immunity
*increase energy
*lower blood pressure
*improves digestion
Wow!!! That’s a lot of benefits!
We should all be working on our breathing and relaxing, and less time worrying and being stressed out!
Challenge yourself today to build in a breathing routine to your daily schedule and reap the benefits….
This week challenge yourself to spend some quality time…. with yourself.
Choose a quiet place, free of distractions (and your phone).
Find a comfortable position and begin to relax your body and take slow, deep breathes in, filling up your lungs. Then slowly release your breathe out through your nose.
Continue to feel your breathe fill your lungs and find peace and calm in this moment.
Try to do at least 5 minutes today, gradually increasing your breathing time, each day going forward.
Take note of how you feel the rest of the day and as the week goes on.
Don’t stop there! Find the benefits of deep breathing each night before bed and the quality of your sleep…
I dare you!!
I hope you find calm that overcomes your pain, and a peace that allows you to live your best life!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Angie and Sakari🐴
Bouncing Back with TLC

Bouncing Back with TLC

Prosthetics, Trauma, and Giving Back

Meet my prosthetists and friends, Randy West and David Banks (left and right in blue). We met and began discussing my future as an amputee months before my surgery. During that time, I told them of my past activity levels, my current life as a wife and homeschool mom, and my dreams and aspirations for my future. They used that information to fit me and help me realize my dreams. They listened to me when I had questions and struggles, they made changes to my fit when I needed it and directed me to great medical doctors when I needed more than a great fitting socket.


Molding my socket
Another one done!
Two sets of eyes are better than one.
My team


They have done so much for me and given with their hearts.

David, as you can see in the 1st picture above, is an above knee amputee himself, and like all amputees, when it happened he had to adjust and change direction in his life, which brought he and Randy together. David tells his story in this podcast, and I will tell you that his story makes a full circle, which is kind of amazing!

Now after 20+ years of friendship they are beginning their road of a non-profit called, Limbs For Humanity. They go to Mexico every month and see as many amputees as possible in a weekend, bringing parts and prosthetics to these people, people who never even dared to dream about one day walking again. They give of themselves, and their time, heart, money, and talents for the sake of bringing mobility to people who never thought that was possible….and it has been life-changing (and not just for the clients, for David and Randy, too).

Giving back is the ultimate gift


This story of David’s tragic amputation as a young man, and now as a company who gives of themselves for a greater cause is what Bouncing Back is all about!

They have taken setbacks and used them as set ups for the greater good.

Come along today and be inspired by David’s story, find hope that a prosthetist can truly care about your well-being (because they do exist!), and find purpose in your life, because when one window shuts you must look for another window to open, and what’s on the other side could be life altering!



I haven’t done any CTA this month as we are talking with people about their journeys and how they bounced back to get where they are, but I feel this episode is a great one to put one out there.

This week, go follow my friend’s non-profit @limbsforhumanity on Instagram

And give!

If you have spare prosthetic parts around your house, touch base with me or them and we can donate to people who need them. Donating money is another way to help a non-profit get off the ground running. Money helps them get the parts they are lacking, among other things to help these guys get to Mexico to give new life to so many people.

Randy, David, I appreciate you!

Thank you for being exactly what I needed when I wasn’t even sure what I needed and allowing me to fly!!

Please help them and donate today! God bless!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,



Bouncing Back With Maja and Rosie

Bouncing Back With Maja and Rosie

A Bright Soul and A Sweet Pup


War torn and separated from family, Maja’s story is a great comeback story and includes a sweet Great Dane, Rosie, who is also an amputee.

It looks to be a story of who saved who, and you’d be correct in assuming that.

As you listen in this week, you’ll hear a story that begins with tragedy, suffering, separation, uncertainty, and fear. However as we delve deeper into Maja’s life we will see a strong woman who has found a way to bounce back and make a new life for herself, in a new country, and with a new friend.




In war torn Bosnian, Maja grew up. A teenager who snuck out one evening, with friends, she found herself outside of her home when a bomb blew up right in her neighborhood and Maja lost all 5 of her friends in that moment, along with being severely injured herself.

One moment she is bleeding out being taken to a makeshift hospital, undergoing amputation- without anesthesia, the next she finds herself getting an opportunity to be taken to the US with a kind lady wanting to make a difference in a child’s life…. and Maja took it, leaving her family behind and traveling to a country where she knew no one and didn’t know the language.

Fast forward 15 years and night terrors and PTSD set in, enter Rosie, a Great Dane pup who lost her leg and in need of a good home.

This is a comeback story for the ages. A must listen and one to help you rise up and conquer your own situation.

When things happen to us, we have a decision to make: are we the victim or the hero of our story? We get to decide that for ourselves.

When you feel like you have had a setback in your life, realize that this setback is setting you up for a comeback. When we change our thinking we can change the outcome.

Thank you, Maja, for spending time with us, telling your story and being a positive light in this world. Your ability to see the positive and let go of the past is remarkable and a beacon of hope for all who hear your story. May you continue to find peace and healing everyday.




Who Had Your Back…….

Who Had Your Back…….

During Your Bounce Back?

Me in my very bouncy running blade


April is Limb Loss/Limb Difference Month and I am excited to share with you several guest speakers throughout the month and into May, however, we had a major setback yesterday and will have to reschedule them for another week.

Turning my setback into a setup, I spent most of last night frustrated and upset that my plans, well-thought out but still botched, coming up with what I feel is a super start to this special month.


Our support groups, people, family, friends, and companion animals!

Yep, let’s turn the tables and give thanks to those who were by our side, through thick and thin, through the good times, and the bad. Those that helped us laugh when we wanted to cry and held our hands when we were afraid.

Who was there to support you?

Who stood on the sidelines and cheered you on?

Who protected you?

Who visited when you felt alone?

These are the people (and maybe animals) who deserve our utmost gratitude and love. They saw us at our worst and lifted us up so we could shine.

Today I am grateful for the medical staff who helped me through, for my family back home, for the friends who checked in on me and brought my family dinners, and to my husband and 2 boys who were my biggest fans, strongest supporters, carrying me through hard times and bad news, to making me laugh until I cried. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you! I am forever grateful for every note, call, meal, smile, appointment, taxi service, adjustment, joke, and hug you all supplied me with to get me through.

YOU are my heroes!

My hubby, high school sweetheart, and biggest supporter. I love you!


Best kids in the world and always there for a hug!


My family! 5 siblings (I’m the youngest😏), with our dad



My PTs who helped prep me for amputation(plus 4 years of PT prior to it, trying to save my leg!) They are family.


My best bud and Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon challenger, Mary Wylie


Post amputation PTs and those who didn’t laugh when I’d come in and say, “So, I’d like to try…”
And thanks for helping me get ready to surf!


PT Dan and owner of Touchstone Rehabilitation. He helped me get my gait down so I’d stop bruising my femur!


The guys who make the magic happen! Making sure I’m set up for success with ideal fitting sockets to awesome paint jobs!


PA Mary representing the surgeon’s office on my 10K a year after my amputation


Special nurses who got me through the amputation- Day 1 of my new life



And there are so many more family and friends who were there for me. Thank you, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!



This week, use the next 7 days until pour next episode to reach out and give a heartfelt thank you to those who have been there for YOU! Trust me, you will make their day and your bucket will be overflowing knowing that you made a difference in their lives as well.

Everyone wants to be appreciated for the moments they helped out someone they care about.

When we show that sort of appreciate, after the fact, shows them that we saw them and their kindness.

Now who couldn’t use a little more of that in their life?


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Me and my support girl😍
Bouncing Back with Coach Dar

Bouncing Back with Coach Dar


We all have roadblocks and circumstances that come out of nowhere and try to derail our lives.

These moments, or set backs, can do one of two things to us:

They can disable us, or they can challenge us to grow.

Set backs can become set ups for the next big thing in your life!

Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, alone, or defeated? Today I am excited for you all to join in my interview with Coach Dar, a  world renowned mental skills coach for many professional athletes and Fortune 100 companies, helping them to awaken greatness within and change their perspective so they can get out of their own way.

Coach Dar has also just published her first book titled, “The Art of Bouncing Back”, a great metaphor for life, right?

She speaks from a place of experience as she delves into the setbacks she’s had in her own life.  These “moments” could have easily destroyed the person she is, but instead they have set her up and placed her where she was meant to be, helping thousands of people, of all walks of life, achieve greatness despite their situations.  Through the tools she speaks of in her book and with us today, you too can unleash greatness and live your best life.

It’s time for you to Bounce Back!

Coach Dar and yours truly


If you are struggling right now, wondering if you’ll ever be able to bounce back, Coach Dar and I talk about the basic things you need to start doing right NOW, to change your mindset, and gain mental fortitude so you can move forward, and become a stronger you!

Get started today, change your thinking, practice positive affirmations, and watch yourself become the best version of you, living the life you want to live.


Thank you, Dar, for being a guest on my show. It was a real pleasure, and I am grateful to you for sharing your own personal journey so others can learn from you.


You can get Coach Dar’s book, here, or wherever books are sold.


I hope you all have an amazing week, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




Rise Up!

Rise Up!


My bouncy running blade



You can do it! It’s time to bounce back!
April is Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness month and I have a packed line up of some incredible people for you to hear from, feel motivated by, and relate to!!
Next week I am starting off this amazing event with someone who has just published her first book, who hasn’t lost a limb but was dealt a rough hand, which has led her to rise up and carve out an amazing life for herself, helping other people reach their full potential.
Coach Dar, who has worked with many professional athletes, the corporate world, and now is even speaking with youth who have experienced Limb Loss just published “The Art of Bouncing Back”!
Bouncing back is April’s theme on my podcast, because we’ve ALL been some place that we’ve had to make the decision to give up or bounce back, right?
Join me next week to hear Coach Dar’s amazing story and some tips and techniques from her on how we can all rise up to our full potential no matter our circumstance.
Don’t miss this event and April’s line up!!
Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!!
Rise up, Warriors, rise up!
Grab your copy of Coach Dar’s new book, “The Art of Bouncing Back”, read it, take notes, and then tune in next week to hear from Coach Dar, herself.
You’ll be glad you did!
Until next week and as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
No Excuses

No Excuses

Your Mind is Your Only Limit



Your Mind is Your Only Limit
Today I’m getting ready to ski.
I’m an above knee amputee and won’t let that stop me.
I decided to amputate so I could get back to skiing with my family.
It was a choice, it was my fate, and I am embracing it.
You can decide what kind of life you have, no matter your circumstances. You can roll over and succumb to it or you can rise up and live the best life possible.
This is a mind game. And, yes, a physical one, too. Just make sure you know the difference.
If you want to get active but feel held back because of your circumstance or because you are an amputee, I am telling you that you can achieve your dreams.  Know your body’s limits and reach for them. Don’t allow others to make you feel incapable or tell you that you “can’t “, don’t even let “can’t” be a part of your vocabulary.
You are more than capable of becoming the best version of yourself, your mind is your only limit.
Mental toughness, mental fortitude, must be exercised and strengthened.
Believe in yourself, set goals, make sure you know what is good for you-don’t push past a doctor’s warnings, and know your body.
No excuses!
As always,
Be Healthy.
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!!
Much love,
The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

The Leg is Fake


“Humor can alter any situation and help us cope at the very instant we are laughing.”

-Allen Klein

If I didn’t laugh I would cry… Oh wait, I did cry!

Yep, it was that kind of week for me. It happens, and I wanted you to hear what it’s like for me when I fall on hard times, because it does happen.

I began doing some treadmill work last week and believe I hit a nerve in my residual limb, making it angry. Then 2 days later I pinched a nerve in my back and off we went! Serious pain shooting down my legs, creating massive phantom pains in my residual limb and beyond.

To top this fun adventure off I was also having to fast all day Sunday and then most of Monday for a health exam that I wasn’t excited about. Between nerve pain, pinched nerve, fasting, and anxiety about an appointment, it was the perfect storm and an epic test of my mental fortitude.

As I sat around hurting beyond belief, I was thinking of all the things I talk about on my podcast and how to cope with hard times. It was then that I realized that I needed to practice what I preach. I had to dig down real deep to find the strength, the pain was so intense, and I was also sleep deprived, did I mention that? I couldn’t just sit and let it get to me, and I couldn’t take it out on the ones I love and who have supported me on this journey, so I needed to practice positivity, embracing the moment for what it was, remember that it won’t last forever, and breath.

It wasn’t easy. I had to keep starting over and re-adjust my thinking. I failed time and time again to, mentally, get past the pain. I had to remember everything I’ve been speaking about and be honest about where I was at. …

I was in a valley!

I went from the peak of a mountain top just 7 days ago, and within a blink of an eye, I was in the depths of the valley, looking for a way out. THIS was the place I had spoken about, the place I had told you happens to each of us, and it came out of nowhere and without warning.

The positive side, you ask? There’s only one way from here, and that’s up!

I am ready, I want to be on the top of the mountain, I have a new appreciation for the joys of mountain tops and a deep desire to be there again. That is my goal! It will always be my goal.

Mountain tops and valleys



This week I want you to practice breathing to gain composure when you’re hurting.

Use a Body-Scan to assess each of your body parts, find where your pain is coming from, acknowledge it and then move on from it. If the pain draws you back to that area, revisit, acknowledge again, and move on. Do not give that area any power over your focus and time during this scan.

Finally, communicate with the people around you when you fall into that valley. Keep them informed of what you are dealing with and what you need… maybe even apologize, in advance, for not being you.

You are a warrior!

You are perfect the way you are, and strong enough to get through this.

Speak positive, and know that you are capable, loved, and enough!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

Finding Your Path Through the Challenges

Do you have a challenging road ahead?
Do you struggle with fears of what’s to come and if you are strong enough to manage your circumstance?
We all face challenges, every day, yet some are so huge we struggle to see past them. We may cave to fear and shrink back from the challenge that lies in front of us.
Through my personal journey with 5 years of surgery, recovery and setbacks, only to be followed up with a blood clot and elected amputation I give you a snapshot into what my life has been like, the hard times, the fears, and what it looks like facing challenges head on and coming out the other side.
I had 2 extremely profound experiences following amputation that gave me peace, joy, and hope that everything would be alright and that my new “normal” was going to be an epic ride!
A horse who saw me for where I was

Feeling the mana, power, of the waves and the stoke of rising up!
Rise to challenges!
If you fall, dust yourself off and rise again!
When you face fears and challenges in life, the outcome can be transformational, and will help build up your character!
Never give up! Continue to fight for the life you want! You can do anything, if you’re willing to give it your all.
This week pick something that you find challenging in your life that you have been wanting to address, attack, and conquer. Now get after it!
It doesn’t have to be a huge, enormous issue, just one thing that maybe you’ve been afraid to face or fear you might fail at. If you have been house-ridden and really want to try getting outside for fresh air and steps, start small. What is it that you ned to accomplish first? A child doesn’t learn to run before it can walk, nor can you expect to walk a mile when you haven’t been to the end of your block. Baby steps will help you chunk your bigger goal into more manageable, small goals. These baby steps may be small, but they are leading you in the right direction- FORWARD!  Take your challenge head on, chip away at it, pick yourself up when you fall, and continue to make strides forward toward your goal. You’ll be glad you did!
Be strong! Rise to the challenges! Press through fear and watch your life become a masterpiece!
#abovekneeamputee #ampstrong #podcast #bawarrior360 #empowerment #challenges #riseup #mission22 #characterbuilding