Tag: empowerment

Statistically Speaking

Statistically Speaking

The Reality of the Numbers and What We Can Do About It


The stats on amputees is staggering.

In the US 1 in 200 people have undergone amputation!

Over 2.1 million people live with an amputated limb.

Worldwide, 1 million ampuatations happen annually, that’s 1 amputation every 30 seconds!!!



Amputee Coalition’s diagram of statistics taken from Promedeast.com 2023


Even more alarming is the projection of the 2.1 million in the US doubling by the year 2050!

(🚨Please excuse my error around the 3 minute mark. I meant to say over 4 million, not 400 million)

On a different note and other statistics:

The #1 cause of amputation, currently, is vascular disease, such as diabetes and peripheral arterial disease at 54% of major amputations.

A close second at 45% is trauma with cancer being  less than 2% of amputations.

From this we see the emotional impact an amputation has on us. Amputees deal with depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Work is also impacted, making it harder to earn a living, keep a job, and even getting a new job, adding more stress to a person’s life and complicating relationships, new and old.

Why am I talking to you about all of these numbers (especially since I am NOT a numbers girl)? These stats and the aftermath of amputation have a huge impact on how people function in society and how well they live their life.

Next week begins the month of April which is Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness Month.

Every year I use this month to interview people in our community to shed light on and inspire the world.

This year I am excited to announce that this month I will be talking with students from across our country who are working in the fields of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Engineering. This field has seen a boom across the country and the competition is intense! Each of these interviews are with students in the midst of creating, testing, or improving on products that will enhance the lives of amputees all over the world. Most are not even amputees (however, there is at least one who is), they are just looking to make a difference in a growing population.

These students are our future. They are striving to find a better way for those of us who have lost a limb.

I wanted to spotlight them and the hundreds of others who are studying biomedical engineering, in hopes to make a difference.

Please make sure you like, share and subscribe to my podcast here, on my You Tube channel, or on most streaming platforms so you don’t miss these April interviews and all the good these students are doing.

Apple Podcast



With such a growing interest and determination to improve the lives of amputees I am filled with such hope for our future and what we will be able to accomplish DESPITE our limb difference.

Join me this April as we see the heart and minds behind our bright future!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


Limbs For Humanity

Limbs For Humanity

Making Mobility Great Again, One Prosthesis at a Time


When I walked into The Limb Center office prior to amputation I met Randy West and David Banks for the first time.


They are a Phoenix based company


From that moment on, they were there for me, reassuring me that I could do this, that they would make sure I had the best fit and they asked about my hopes and dreams as I entered amputee life, allowing me the space to dream and hope as large as I could.

And they delivered, over and over again!



Getting a prosthesis is a process, and it takes time (and patience). It’s not a one and done, and these guys aren’t just fitting a leg and walking away.
They are there for future care and concerns!


About a year after my amputation they started talking to me about this idea they had for a non-profit, that they wanted to help more people that were struggling and in need of an advocate in their corner. I knew that this would take flight, it was just a matter of when. Their business was growing quickly since I got on the scene, they had families of their own, and we knew time was limited and precious.

A couple more years went by and now they are officially a non-profit, Limbs For Humanity, and I couldn’t be more excited and proud of them.


Rocky Point Medical Clinic



Today I want to introduce Randy and David to you, allow them to tell their story, and let you hear their hearts.

Join me in celebrating their dream that helps others realize their full potential.

These guys don’t just make prosthesis for people without the means of getting one, they allow people to dream, become mobile once again, and get them back to being productive members of society, many of which would be helpless to achieve that without the proper parts and a whole lot of money-prosthetics are NOT cheap. Not only are they bringing mobility back to individuals who are in need, they are also relieving stressors and depression that can take hold of someone, post-amputation.  Mental health is at risk when we are left to feel that we cannot help our families, our communities, or our employers.

What Randy and David do is change lives, one appointment and one prosthesis at a time.


A young boy getting the help he needed in their Phoenix office



You can be a part of this monumental changing of lives. Here’s how:

1-SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Share this podcast, share their story, share their links with everyone you know.

2-Donate money! Prosthesis are so expensive, and this is usually the roadblock for many amputees on why they can’t get one, or get one that is suited for their level of activity and lifestyle. If you have even a dollar to share, It will go to funding a new leg for someone in need. If you know of, or work for a company that is looking for a great way to donate each year, please consider sharing this with whoever is uncharge of donations. Limbs For Humanity takes a village to make a difference.

3-Donate parts! If you are an amputee or know of one who is not using an old leg, foot, liners, etc, please reach out to them or myself to see if we can use what you have laying around. You may have received a new leg or foot, and there is someone in the world in desperate need of it. Let’s put everything to good use. With your help, you could change someone’s life forever!


Limbs For Humanity, is truly what they are, we all should have the basic human right/need of mobility available to us. It changes lives, it brings hope and joy, it allows people to be productive and feel useful once again.

Check out their Instagram, Facebook pages, YouTube and TikTok pages: @limbsforhumanity

Also, go to their website: Limbs For Humanity to see stories of them changing lives, and ways you can help. There is also a DONATE button to click so you can be a part of the change that brings hope and happiness back to individuals who had none.


May you feel blessed by their stories and bring blessings upon others by helping Limbs For Humanity grow.

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



Keys to Success

Keys to Success

Do You Have These Two Ingredients?


My people, My “Why”

Chicago Family: My roots and the people who believe in me


You need People and you need a positive mindset!

It’s that simple…

OK, maybe it’s not simple but the solution to getting the most out of life usually comes from these two things and you can make the changes for yourself, not having to rely on anyone or anything outside of yourself. Start NOW!

I have always stated that every journey is uniques in this life.

I also tell you that what works for one person doesn’t mean. it’ll work for you.

I also have stated MANY times that there is no “normal” in the amputee journey, just like life, we all experience it differently.

However, if you surround yourself with the right people AND you change your mindset then you have a much better chance of finding success as an amputee.

We sometimes get stuck hanging with the same people because we are inherently creatures of habit and loyal, but what if that person in your life is taking you down with their words, or lack of positivity? What if the person you call friend finds it hard to watch you succeed, therefore they tell you “You can’t do it.”, or “You’ll never walk again, don’t do it.”? Why is it that we stay in those relationships?

Don’t you deserve more? I think you do.

And your mindset and these types of people might actually go hand ion hand, meaning, if you are someone who sees there negative in situations, more often than not, you attract those kind of people. There are people who love to be the positive one in a relationship, doing great things and being better than you, looking better than you, having more success than you. They sense your weakness and to lift themselves up they befriend you.


You deserve more.

You are an amazing person who deserve to be surrounded by genuine people who truly want to see you succeed, and know that when you’re hurting how to get you back up on the saddle. Sometimes with tough love, if you need that, and other times a shoulder to cry one.

Know your people and know you deserve the best.

When you support those around you like you’d like to be supported then you’ll find “your” people.

Mindset plays a HUGE part in this.

Your success, or failure, is determined by your thoughts.

You’ve heard the saying: “Whether you think you can, or can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford is said to have coined that phrase, which highlights the power of mindset and self-belief, that your attitude towards your task at hand determines your success at that task.

No truer words have been spoken!

Take heart if you re struggling right now because your support system and your mindset, your can change today, no need to wait, this is all about you.



This week you have 2 simple tasks:

One, take stock in who you are surrounding yourself with, and if you feel like your ideas and their ideas aren’t matching up to what you see yourself doing then you need to talk with them and get on the same page. State your goals, your dreams, your aspirations. If they care about you then they will help you get there. If you find your friends aren’t behind you, cheering you on, wanting to see you succeed, then it’s time to rethink who your true friends are.

Make note of who has been there for you through the good and the bad, draw them closer and make sure you reciprocate that support. They need it too.

Next, time to do some spring cleaning on your mind. Who do you talk to yourself and others about your circumstance, you life, your decision to amputate, your health, your abilities? If they aren’t positive and aspiring… GET RID OF THEM!

Start feeding your mind with good thoughts, goals, dreaming, positive imagery, etc.

And do this multiple times a day until it becomes who you are without even thinking about it.

You can do this and you WILL find success!

I believe in you, so you should believe in yourself.

You were made to be a warrior, now get out there and do warrior sh*t!


Have a blessed week,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




Reflect and Reset

Reflect and Reset

Time to Challenge Yourself



As 2024 fades away and 2025 takes control let’s take time to look back and reflect on the ups and downs of the past year.

We all have had those moments we achieved some sort of milestone, we have also had those moments we never want to relive.

I’m hopeful that you had some time at the end of last year and the first week of this year to relax, reflect, and refresh yourself. I hope you have gotten into a place where you are ready to rise up again, and accomplish your goals.

As much as I am NOT a fan of New Year’s resolutions, for the fact that the name in of itself let’s people know that it’ll be a bust by February, I AM a fan of creating a new plan, schedule, and goals to work on THROUGHOUT the year ahead. I like the feel of starting over, having a second chance, learning about myself and reaching goals. I love the promise of a new tomorrow, where anything is possible, but without a goal or plan of attack days can roll by into weeks and month, only to leave you feeling like you let yourself down once again.


This year, I want to challenge you to several new things.

First you need to stay positive. Easier said than done, I know, but if you know that hard times will come-that there will be some struggles in your journey, then you can plan for that. While you’re in a good place prepare for the “suck”. How will you handle phantom pains when they hit? How will you decide when you need to talk with your prosthetist about your fit? When do you change your doctor after everything else has failed and you feel in your gut that you need someone else’s help or opinion?

These are all things that can knock the wind out of you and set you back. For some of us it can derail us so badly that we loose our momentum and never get it back, we can get lost in a dark place.


Make a Plan!

Execute that plan TODAY!!!

I am not immuned to this “delay game”. I play it with myself when I’m too tired, too happy, too busy….”I’ll start tomorrow”. You know that game, right?

I’m preaching to myself when I say we need to stop that if we want to achieve, overcome, rise up and become the warriors we were born to be.

This is our year! We will do this together. Accountability is key when you are struggling.



This week I have 2 Call to Actions for you. Don’t ignore these, let’s get after it together. I can hold you accountable, and you can hold me accountable.


First, come up with your word or phase of the year. Something that will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Keep it short and simple 1-2 words if you can. This becomes your war cry, your mantra, something you will write and speak to yourself everyday for this whole year.

What is your word or phrase?

It could be:


Be Present

Rise Up

Be Epic



Mine is: Charge Forward


Second, join me in a virtual race. The one I have just registered for is called “Reset” by Virtual Pace Series and you can register here


This is a choose your distance challenge. You can do a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon. The beauty of this race is that you can do it on your time and in your location. You can choose your distance and how you complete it. Walk, Run, Hike, Bike, Swim, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are challenging yourself WHER YOU ARE AT. If you can’t do 5K in one event, then break it down into 2 or 3 days/events. If you have already completed a walking. 10K then maybe you need to try running a 5K or even a 10K.

The point is to have something holding you accountable and a goal set before you. You do you, where You Are At in your journey.

Earn that medal and when you open it, AFTER COMPLETION, you are going to fall in love with challenging yourself.

Join me in 2025, a year in which you achieve your goals and realize the warrior within you is Stronger than you could ever have imagined!

Yes you can!

You will!

You are Stronger enough, brave enough and more than capable.

You are a WARRIOR!!!



I hope you find 2025 to be everything you want and more.

Please join me next week right here as we support one another and build each other up!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


“Sleigh” Your Goals

“Sleigh” Your Goals

Start Today!


Start Now!


What are you waiting for?


I know, I know, it’s the holidays. You are busy and can’t find the time.

Me too! But, if you are serious about your goals, and know your ‘WHY’ then get to it.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of “New Years Resolutions”. For a majority of people it is a procrastination technique to get thru the holidays, feel horrible about how you celebrated all holiday season, to join a gym or set goals that are extreme, only to drop them by February or March.  Instead of being excited and uplifted by the challenges, you are left feeling defeated and miserable for failing. Who needs that?


Instead, start small now.

No matter what your goals are in life, starting when you are busy just requires taking baby steps to begin a new routine and make it a habit.

If you want to stand and make dinner while wearing your prosthesis then start by wearing it longer each day, or refusing to take it off. Then stand to wash a few dishes. Eventually you’ll be able to maneuver around your kitchen and create a meal and feel proud of your accomplishment….which will inevitably lead to another goal to achieve.

If you want to get or stay physically active and you are struggling to find time then carve out some smaller portions that you CAN commit to and do it. For example, take a short walk around the block after dinner every night, or do some sit ups, push ups and/or planks before bed.

You don’t have to have a gym membership and commit 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week to be active and stay fit, you just need a plan and stick to it (again, to build a positive habit that will carry on thru the holidays and all next year).




Starting today and carrying you through the new year here’s what you need to do to form good habits that will keep you moving forward.


Write down your dreams and goals on paper, don’t keep them secret up in your head.

Decide the most important ons and which ones need to come before others. There probably is a progression of them for example, learning to wear your prosthesis comes before walking a mile in it.

Set deadlines to help keep you on track.

Make smaller steps that you will need to do to hit your goal by your deadline.

Speak positively: I want to go to the gym. I want to go for a walk. Etc, etc.

Find someone you can share your goals with who will push you and hold you accountable (when times get hard and they will, it’s good to have an outside person keeping you on track), and maybe they can join you in setting goals and you can hold each other accountable.

Have fun and know your ‘Why”. Why are you setting this goal? Who are you doing this for?



Setting these things into place will give you a better chance of succeeding at what you want.

As always, you don’t need to go it alone. We all have weak moments and need some help.

I hope you have a blessed holiday season and a happy healthy new year!

This is my last episode of Season 4. I’ll see you next year!

Until then,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,





Tis the Season



As we enter the holiday season:

Special gatherings and parties,

Gift giving and making,

Cooking and baking,

And traveling and to see friends and family create a very busy month or two.


As amputees it can have a toll on our bodies as we try to do it all.

If you are new to being an amputee, try to remember that it’s ok to ask and accept help, it’s ok to not have everything perfect and done like you’ve done every year before amputation, and above all else….


This too shall pass!


Enjoy the moment.

Use your slower pace this year to breathe in the moments.

Watch your children be in awe of the magic of this season.

Entertain yourself with special movies together and listen to Christmas carols.

You’ll be back on your feet in now time and wishing you had sat back and enjoyed the down time.

Don’t allow guilt to over take you. Allow people to step up and be helpful.

Ask when you need assistance. Be careful not to overdue it and hurt yourself. You’ll be more disappointed with the set back than the rest in the moment.

And most of all…

Be present!!


Hope you have a beautiful holiday season making memories and preparing your hearts for the blessings to come.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


PS Pictures of my socket that I promised.

My very 1st socket. I used a t-shirt to cover this one.


The size difference from 1st socket to about the 11th one in just 2 1/2 years!


Paint job up close. Stickers Made using my Cricut machine.


One of my 1st skin fit sockets and the use of auto paints and vinyl stickers I made with my Cricut.


Most recent leg


All of my prosthesis since the beginning. Minus 4 (one I’m wearing and the three yet to come as of this picture-including the new one being made right now).
Changes and Challenges

Changes and Challenges

New Socket and What To Expect



Here we go again!

Last week I told you all about a huge blister that formed in my socket on the end of my residual limb, well, after talking to my prosthetist about that and a few other things that I was ignoring, he decided that it was time to make a new socket!




Where great sockets are made!!


Randy West and I getting ready to make a mess!


Cast is made!



I know what you’re thinking. “That’s great! You’ll have a better fit than what you have now”, and that is true, however, the idea of going through the casting and fitting process, then a week of walking around in a hard plastic shell test socket isn’t fun and then after it’s all created there is a “breaking in”period that can last up to another week. All the while you are hoping that the changes move you in the right direction.


My current socket being used to remake the original mold



All in all, it will be better (or at least that is the hope). My guys do an amazing job of getting me the best fit, they are incredible at what they do, and I am blessed to have them in my corner. It’s just that it is such a long and, at times, painful process that brings discomfort before it brings joy.

So I am going this week to be recast and will create a video of the process for you to see.

I bring this up for a couple of reasons.

  1. This is my life, and my podcast is about my personal journey,  that I can speak to.
  2. It’s important to note that even though I’m through the harder years of fitting my prosthesis, there will still be changes that happen down the road, and being an amputee has ever-changing challenges and struggles.

I’m excited, for sure, to get a new fitting socket and the idea of recreating my external design has me giddy. I love remaking my look.

But I am a realist as well, and I know what I am about to embark on is a process that takes time, perseverance, and grit to get through. I know what’s coming and I know it can be unpleasant at times, but I also know it will help me get the most intimate fit ever and it’s important to my livelihood.


I will keep you posted on social media on how it’s going. Make sure you check out my IG and/or my Facebook page @BAWarrior360 for updates.



I would tell you to continue to communicate with your prosthetist as your limb matures and when you notice things “happening” with the fit, even minor changes, that you should let them know before you get a blister like mine, or worse!

I am fortunate that I don’t develop infections like some people do, but this one could’ve been bad for a person with a high infection rate.

Be vigilant with your life, your fit, and your comfort. If things don’t feel right, please make sure you reach out to your team.

It’s better to be safe than sorry and laid up for weeks because you “pushed” through something you shouldn’t have.

Also, remember that your limb and your body are constantly changing, no matter how long you’ve been an amputee. Don’t think that you are ___ years out and you won’t see any more changes. I’m almost 6 years out and I’m heading in for a new socket because of fit, not damage to my socket.

Our bodies are always changing and fluctuating, take note, and be vigilant when you notice something look or feel different.


I hope you have an amazing week and until next time,

And as always,

B e Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


Choose to Shine!





Let’s discuss Anticipation and Expectations as an amputee.

Every journey is different, every path navigated in life is unique, so why would anyone think that becoming an amputee that we would share the exact same journey?

We will have a similar structure as to what steps come first, second, third, etc, but wWHEN they come, HOW quickly you move from one step to the next, AND when setbacks will happen are all unique to each individual.

Understanding this, and excepting it will help with your success and also your stress.

When we drop the idea that “I want to be doing what Sue is doing.”, or “I want to run like John.” we can embrace our own journey for all its worth, and except the path we are on, which will reduce stressors and help us achieve.

Goal setting and POSITIVE expectations are found to be key to reducing stress and helping us reach success.

Join me for how to go about doing this, and at the end of the podcast check out your Call to Action on what you can be doing right now whether you are awaiting amputation, had an unexpected amputation, or just want to get out of your own way in life so you can find success.


Enjoy this episode, share with those you know who need some motivation and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,

Keep looking up! Reach for the stars, dear Warri0rs!!


A Leg Up On Life

A Leg Up On Life

Dealing With Negative Emotions Post-Amputation


Anger, Guilt, Shame, and Fear are all such destructive emotions. They hold us back from realizing our full potential and no one is immune to feeling them at one time or another.

As amputees, we face unique challenges, including fears about our new life, future uncertainty, failures, prosthetics, and adapting to physical limitations.

As a wife and homeschooling mom amputee I often struggled with guilt. I was always worried about making mistakes and inadequacy.

Now, as an amputee, (and I ELECTED this), I was even more fearful of what might be my shortcomings.

This is a lot of pressure to put on myself. How about you? Are you adding this stress into your life?

All in all, any of those above mentioned emotions, are taking away your happiness and also adding a negative aspect to your life, one that is stress-inducing and impeding success.

Stress can harm our health, impeding healing and progress. We must recognize and tame these self-destructive emotions if we are to truly love ourselves, love our life and live it fully.


Enjoy the good days. Remember those feelings. Harness them and utilize them when you are struggling.


We must realize what we are doing to ourselves and how to tame that monster that is self-destructive in nature.

So what can you do when these emotions begin to rear their ugly heads in your mind and life?


First thing;

Stop beating yourself up over situations you cannot control. You cannot control infections, poor fitting sockets, blister and rashes, or phantom pains.

Next, you need to communicate with your family and support system about how you are feeling. and when you’re feeling like you are getting everyone down. They need to know where you are at during the harder times as you navigate being an amputee because they probably don’t have any other experience with amputees than YOU.  Help them understand how you see yourself, where you want to be and what’s currently holding you back from realizing your potential. More than likely they wouldn’t want you to be worrying about that, just about getting better and stronger.

Finally, use positive self-talk. Your brain is a powerful muscle and it will bend and move to what thoughts you are allowing it to feed off of. If you tell yourself you aren’t good enough, that you aren’t contributing, or you are letting down those around you, then that is what you will feel is true. BIG TIME STRESSOR!

Time to start forgiving yourself, forgiving those around you that have hurt you, breaking free from fears, and letting go of guilt. When you are sick and laid up, your first priority must be to get stronger and healthier so you CAN get back to your life and family.

You can do this, you are strong enough. This is a long journey, a marathon, not a sprint. You will find that when things are going well something will come along and take you back a step or two. Likewise, when you are struggling, I can promise you, it won’t last and soon everything will start working out for the positive.

Don’t distress, dear Warriors, this too shall pass.

Lift up your chin, put a smile on your face, and laugh despite your struggles.

The time is now to sharpen your mental sword and fight for what you want and how you want to live your life.

Don’t give up and don’t lose hope.

Make today a great day,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,







How Can You Know What You Don’t Know?


Yep, like clockwork!

Like life itself, being an amputee throws you curveball after curveball, no matter how seasoned you are.

My time is now, I guess.

I am almost six years out from my amputation, life has been great! I have been traveling, active, enjoying mobility and no (knock on wood) phantom pains worthy of discussion. This is the good stuff! I’m living my best life!


Monday’s walk…pre-pain

Enjoying island life


Monday, however, with our weather being nice and cool in the mornings, I took my pups for a walk. About one mile in I noticed an aching in my femur. Never had that before. Very curious.

At  1 1/4 miles, however, I as limping and trying to keep pressure of my limb and socket. Once I got home and sat for a minute the pain was gone, but I could recreate it by moving my socket around.

Now, I know my limits and I know how to push myself so, of course, I went for a walk the next morning.

And you guessed it, I was in pain again, in the same place on my leg. This time I cut my walk a little shorter.

I have never had this before. So I did what I needed to do. I began going through a process of elimination for what I was feeling.

First off, I was checking my residual limb that night for bruising or soreness when I touched the area in question. It feels bruised.

I had no redness or swelling.

I had no rash or blisters.

I checked my weight, only down a few pounds, but that’s not uncommon.

I am noticing some tripping off my toes lately which could indicate that my prothesis might be dropping some when I pick up my leg when walking.

My best guess is that for some odd reason, six years in, I am having some volume change, or shape change, to my residual limb (which is weird since I haven’t changed anything in my routines nor have I been traveling the past couple of weeks). This would explain bruising as I may be banging around in my socket because of excess room.

My worst case scenario is a possible bone spur, which would cause pain on the bone and can happen at anytime after amputation. This would suck because I’d have to have surgery to remove them.

So, for now, I will NOT take to social media to find answers because my medical team and I know my situation best.

I will NOT worry, because that doesn’t help and is a waste of time.


The Limb Center: I have these guys in my corner.


I have called my prosthetist and let him know what I’m feeling, when I’m feeling it, and where the pain is coming from. I will be seeing him soon to check out my fit of my socket and making some educated guesses with the person who has seen me through to this point.

From there we will formulate a plan to reduce/eliminate  the problem.



If you are  like me, and are dealing with an unusual circumstance with your residual limb.

If you are feeling scared or worried about what might be causing your trouble, here is your Call to Action:


Please don’t ask the keyboard warriors on your social media feed!

Please process what you are seeing, feeling, and noticing that is different than before with your residual limb and/or socket.

Make notes.

Call your medical team: orthopedic surgeon, prosthetist, and/or physical therapist and get their help.

And please, whatever you do, don’t waste time worrying about what it could be. Just remember that you were strong enough to get to where you are now, and you will be stronger still as you navigate this (what may be your first of MANY issues as an amputee) hurdle.

Remember to breathe, step back from your situation, make logical observations and talk to your medical team.

You and I will get through this.

We are warriors, of course.

Attitude is Everything

Have a beautiful week and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!

Much love,