Tag: advocate

Bouncing Back with TLC

Bouncing Back with TLC

Prosthetics, Trauma, and Giving Back

Meet my prosthetists and friends, Randy West and David Banks (left and right in blue). We met and began discussing my future as an amputee months before my surgery. During that time, I told them of my past activity levels, my current life as a wife and homeschool mom, and my dreams and aspirations for my future. They used that information to fit me and help me realize my dreams. They listened to me when I had questions and struggles, they made changes to my fit when I needed it and directed me to great medical doctors when I needed more than a great fitting socket.


Molding my socket
Another one done!
Two sets of eyes are better than one.
My team


They have done so much for me and given with their hearts.

David, as you can see in the 1st picture above, is an above knee amputee himself, and like all amputees, when it happened he had to adjust and change direction in his life, which brought he and Randy together. David tells his story in this podcast, and I will tell you that his story makes a full circle, which is kind of amazing!

Now after 20+ years of friendship they are beginning their road of a non-profit called, Limbs For Humanity. They go to Mexico every month and see as many amputees as possible in a weekend, bringing parts and prosthetics to these people, people who never even dared to dream about one day walking again. They give of themselves, and their time, heart, money, and talents for the sake of bringing mobility to people who never thought that was possible….and it has been life-changing (and not just for the clients, for David and Randy, too).

Giving back is the ultimate gift


This story of David’s tragic amputation as a young man, and now as a company who gives of themselves for a greater cause is what Bouncing Back is all about!

They have taken setbacks and used them as set ups for the greater good.

Come along today and be inspired by David’s story, find hope that a prosthetist can truly care about your well-being (because they do exist!), and find purpose in your life, because when one window shuts you must look for another window to open, and what’s on the other side could be life altering!



I haven’t done any CTA this month as we are talking with people about their journeys and how they bounced back to get where they are, but I feel this episode is a great one to put one out there.

This week, go follow my friend’s non-profit @limbsforhumanity on Instagram

And give!

If you have spare prosthetic parts around your house, touch base with me or them and we can donate to people who need them. Donating money is another way to help a non-profit get off the ground running. Money helps them get the parts they are lacking, among other things to help these guys get to Mexico to give new life to so many people.

Randy, David, I appreciate you!

Thank you for being exactly what I needed when I wasn’t even sure what I needed and allowing me to fly!!

Please help them and donate today! God bless!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,



Bouncing Back with Coach Dar

Bouncing Back with Coach Dar


We all have roadblocks and circumstances that come out of nowhere and try to derail our lives.

These moments, or set backs, can do one of two things to us:

They can disable us, or they can challenge us to grow.

Set backs can become set ups for the next big thing in your life!

Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, alone, or defeated? Today I am excited for you all to join in my interview with Coach Dar, a  world renowned mental skills coach for many professional athletes and Fortune 100 companies, helping them to awaken greatness within and change their perspective so they can get out of their own way.

Coach Dar has also just published her first book titled, “The Art of Bouncing Back”, a great metaphor for life, right?

She speaks from a place of experience as she delves into the setbacks she’s had in her own life.  These “moments” could have easily destroyed the person she is, but instead they have set her up and placed her where she was meant to be, helping thousands of people, of all walks of life, achieve greatness despite their situations.  Through the tools she speaks of in her book and with us today, you too can unleash greatness and live your best life.

It’s time for you to Bounce Back!

Coach Dar and yours truly


If you are struggling right now, wondering if you’ll ever be able to bounce back, Coach Dar and I talk about the basic things you need to start doing right NOW, to change your mindset, and gain mental fortitude so you can move forward, and become a stronger you!

Get started today, change your thinking, practice positive affirmations, and watch yourself become the best version of you, living the life you want to live.


Thank you, Dar, for being a guest on my show. It was a real pleasure, and I am grateful to you for sharing your own personal journey so others can learn from you.


You can get Coach Dar’s book, here, or wherever books are sold.


I hope you all have an amazing week, and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




No Excuses

No Excuses

Your Mind is Your Only Limit



Your Mind is Your Only Limit
Today I’m getting ready to ski.
I’m an above knee amputee and won’t let that stop me.
I decided to amputate so I could get back to skiing with my family.
It was a choice, it was my fate, and I am embracing it.
You can decide what kind of life you have, no matter your circumstances. You can roll over and succumb to it or you can rise up and live the best life possible.
This is a mind game. And, yes, a physical one, too. Just make sure you know the difference.
If you want to get active but feel held back because of your circumstance or because you are an amputee, I am telling you that you can achieve your dreams.  Know your body’s limits and reach for them. Don’t allow others to make you feel incapable or tell you that you “can’t “, don’t even let “can’t” be a part of your vocabulary.
You are more than capable of becoming the best version of yourself, your mind is your only limit.
Mental toughness, mental fortitude, must be exercised and strengthened.
Believe in yourself, set goals, make sure you know what is good for you-don’t push past a doctor’s warnings, and know your body.
No excuses!
As always,
Be Healthy.
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!!
Much love,
The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

The Leg is Fake


“Humor can alter any situation and help us cope at the very instant we are laughing.”

-Allen Klein

If I didn’t laugh I would cry… Oh wait, I did cry!

Yep, it was that kind of week for me. It happens, and I wanted you to hear what it’s like for me when I fall on hard times, because it does happen.

I began doing some treadmill work last week and believe I hit a nerve in my residual limb, making it angry. Then 2 days later I pinched a nerve in my back and off we went! Serious pain shooting down my legs, creating massive phantom pains in my residual limb and beyond.

To top this fun adventure off I was also having to fast all day Sunday and then most of Monday for a health exam that I wasn’t excited about. Between nerve pain, pinched nerve, fasting, and anxiety about an appointment, it was the perfect storm and an epic test of my mental fortitude.

As I sat around hurting beyond belief, I was thinking of all the things I talk about on my podcast and how to cope with hard times. It was then that I realized that I needed to practice what I preach. I had to dig down real deep to find the strength, the pain was so intense, and I was also sleep deprived, did I mention that? I couldn’t just sit and let it get to me, and I couldn’t take it out on the ones I love and who have supported me on this journey, so I needed to practice positivity, embracing the moment for what it was, remember that it won’t last forever, and breath.

It wasn’t easy. I had to keep starting over and re-adjust my thinking. I failed time and time again to, mentally, get past the pain. I had to remember everything I’ve been speaking about and be honest about where I was at. …

I was in a valley!

I went from the peak of a mountain top just 7 days ago, and within a blink of an eye, I was in the depths of the valley, looking for a way out. THIS was the place I had spoken about, the place I had told you happens to each of us, and it came out of nowhere and without warning.

The positive side, you ask? There’s only one way from here, and that’s up!

I am ready, I want to be on the top of the mountain, I have a new appreciation for the joys of mountain tops and a deep desire to be there again. That is my goal! It will always be my goal.

Mountain tops and valleys



This week I want you to practice breathing to gain composure when you’re hurting.

Use a Body-Scan to assess each of your body parts, find where your pain is coming from, acknowledge it and then move on from it. If the pain draws you back to that area, revisit, acknowledge again, and move on. Do not give that area any power over your focus and time during this scan.

Finally, communicate with the people around you when you fall into that valley. Keep them informed of what you are dealing with and what you need… maybe even apologize, in advance, for not being you.

You are a warrior!

You are perfect the way you are, and strong enough to get through this.

Speak positive, and know that you are capable, loved, and enough!


As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Through A Horse’s Eyes

Through A Horse’s Eyes

A Mindfulness Journey to Healing

Taking time to stop and hit the pause button.

Taking time to sit quietly and reflect.

Being present and mindful, living in the moment.

This is how a horse lives, and this is what we can do to help ourselves heal and live healthy, full, and rich lives.

Quiet, mindfulness time with my sweet girl😍



How often do you find yourself saying, “Where has the time gone?” or “If only there were more time in the day.” I find that when I am multitasking and moving from one thing to the next, what I’m really doing is cheating myself out of truly living and appreciating the moments.

Today, as I laid down in the corral with my horse, watching her eat, watching her ears move to the sounds around her that distracted her, enjoying her playing with me as I trusted her while I was on the ground and she towered above me, I noticed how much I just enjoyed the moment. I had nothing on my agenda, no place to be, and nothing that “had to get done” and so I sat quietly. I observed and watched her movements. I studied her and the world she lives in. The sky was overcast, the birds were soaring overhead, the horses in neighboring properties were mulling around. My girl was attentive but relaxed, as was I.

She was being a stinker here and grabbing my hat!


After she circled around me a few times, she pawed the ground and then laid down, right next to me. These are the moments I live for. She realizes she can trust me, and that I am not distracted with anything; it’s just me and her, nothing else mattered. I placed her hand on her nose and I stroked it gently as her eyes closed in complete peace. Her breathing got deep and loud, and then she laid back, across the ground. As she laid there, I began to read from a book I brought into the corral. It was then that I realized how mindful I was living in that moment. Loving the feel of the cool breeze, and then the intensity of the sun as it broke through the clouds. I was attuned to the things happening around us so I knew how she might react…the last thing I needed was a 1200 lb. horse jumping up and crushing me out of fear. I have learned to live in the moment so that I could connect with my girl.


This time got me thinking about how we heal, and what is missing in most of our lives. we are so caught up in the busyness of our lives that we are forgetting to enjoy the journey.

Is this you, too? Do you want to find a peace inside, a healing that helps you overcome and move forward from your circumstances? It’s time to start living mindfully. You don’t need a horse to do this, just the patience and conviction to create a new, positive habit.



This week I want you to find time to live in the moment, breathe deeply, let the past dissolve away, and don’t worry about the future.

Be present, be mindful of what you are doing. Make each task you do full and give each one your complete attention. If you are washing the dishes, pay attentio9n to the feel of the water, the temperature, and the feel of the soap on your hands.

Make time to stop and slow down and really experience the world. Find a quiet place and spend 10-15 minutes with no phone, no music or TV on, no distractions, just you and the world around you. Remember to spend time on your breathing and clear your mind of “to-do’s”. Take time for you so you can begin to heal what ails you. You may be surprised how this will affect you and how you will crave this quiet time the more you do it.

You deserve this.


And as always, until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

Angie (and Sakari🐎)




Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part

Picking a Prosthetist You Can Grow Old With…It’s YOUR Choice!

Today’s topic is one of those decisions we must all make if we decide to, or get thrusted into, becoming an amputee. We know that it won’t grow back, and we know our bodies change as we get older, so it only makes sense to find a prosthetist that you can rely on, trust, and connect with, after all, he (or she) will be your go to for all things prosthetic in your future.

Have you/Are you “interviewing” several different prosthetists and prosthetic companies? That’s a must!

Do you feel heard? You should!

Have you explained what you envision doing in your future to give them a better understanding of who you are and where you want to be (goal setting, see previous episodes!)? You must, if they are to help you to the best of their ability.

If you have a current prosthetist but are struggling with your fit, have you explained it to them and do you feel they are working with you to solve the problem or are they brushing it aside or, even worse, telling you it’s you, and you just have to deal with it (YES! I have actually had someone reach out to me and tell me that their prosthetist told them that!!!)?

Teamwork makes MY dream work!


Adjustments, adjustments, adjustments! Constantly making improvements.


Randy made me a surf leg so I could go live out my dream!! Now THAT is a prosthetist who listens and cares!


Getting every angle just right, but he said he’d come along to Hawai’i to help… just in case! 😉


The big question I see being asked out in the amputee community is about prosthetists. How do I know I’m getting a good one? Is ______________ a bad company to use? I don’t know if my prosthetist is good, what should I do?  And the list goes on and on.

I would start by telling you, TRUST YOUR GUT! and Interview, interview, interview! Even if you are in a “relationship” with a prosthetist now, remember this is YOUR life! YOU know what you want. YOU know what goals you have for yourself. YOU know your body better than anyone else.

I’ll say it again. TRUST YOUR GUT!

You are trying to get back to a good life, no wait, a GREAT life! And you can, I’m telling you that you can, with the right support, and right tools. Just like when you are looking for a doctor to diagnose you and check your health, you know when it feels right. It’s no different here. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. And who works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa! Don’t listen to other, make up your own mind. Go and interview them and use the advice you heard to make an educated decision.


Life can be great again! Becoming an amputee isn’t the end of life as you know it, it’s the beginning of a life you’ve never dreamed of!

Chase after it with all you’ve got. Put in the leg work (pun intended) and watch it pay off for you!!


Remember, you are worth it!





This week make a list of prosthetist in your vicinity, or areas you don’t mind traveling to (remember that the first 2-3 years you will be there a LOT!).

Call them and make an appointment to meet with them and ask questions. Even ask to talk with other amputees-most of them have a peer-to-peer program that see this prosthetist, they’ll be a great resource on how they feel about their relationship with the prosthetist.

Even if you are already in a relationship with a prosthetist, you can do the step above. If you are unhappy with the service you are receiving then look elsewhere to see what’s happening at another office and company. Maybe the grass is greenier….and nmaybe it’s not.

This is your life. You must take charge and get what you need tolive your best life, now! I believe in you! No go out, and find the prosthetist of your dreams!😉


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

You are Special and Deserve It!


What do you do when you’re struggling? Maybe you are like me and lost a limb. Maybe you have a plethora of other medical issues and have been wheelchair bound. Or maybe you just can’t get out of your own way and headspace.
Is this you?
I know you want more from life.
You may have even questioned, “Is this all there is for me?”
Don’t give up!
Chase answers!
Seek help!
I struggled for 5 years and went through 10 surgeries, only to be left with a leg that only had 20° range of motion and wouldn’t straighten. I could barely move around my home, let alone ski with my family, hike, take the dogs for a walk, or ride a bike.  All dreams that I knew were fading away! Talk about depressing and defeating.
A blood clot was my wake up call and the metaphorical nail. I talked, researched, visited doctors, asked opinions, even spoke with other amputees to make up my mind.
Dare to dream!
Don’t give up!
Join me today to hear how this journey is going and at the end of my podcast listen for my Call to Action for YOU! Let’s do this together!!
Make a list of the dreams you have. List everything that you would love to do, see, experience, try.
Dream big! Don’t be afraid. Spend some quiet time thinking and dreaming. Write them all down.
Now place them in an order that builds upon each other. Maybe some are more accomplishable now and work to build upon the next and so on.
Finally, ask yourself what you need to do to accomplish goal 1, goal 2, etc. Pursue those goals by working through what’s stopping you.  I understand that some may seem really far off based on medical situations. If your goal is to run a 10K and you’re in a new socket then plan to start small. Maybe it’s getting it on and wearing it around your house for a few hours, then for the day around your house. Work toward walking all day in it, out and about. Then work toward walking to the mailbox every day. The next thing you know you’ll be out walking a mile, then 2.
Take your big dreams and break them into small goals to achieve them. Only you know what it will take to get yourself there. For me it was scheduling my amputation, then dealing with that loss, then healing and getting a prosthetic. Finally I registered to run a 10K a year out and worked on strengthening and learning to walk again. Baby steps. I may not have run the whole race but I DID finish!! Then I moved on to my next goal. I had them all mapped out in my head and on my vision board in my bedroom (see the podcast on making a vision board back in season 1) I highly suggest a vision board to help you visualize your dreams and goals!!
Spend the next 7 days dreaming and writing them down.
If you need to talk through your plan please feel free to reach out to me on IG; @BAWarrior360 or Facebook: BAWarrior360
I’d be happy to help in any way I can.
Until next week and as always:
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
You are a Warrior!
Much love,
Facing My Fears

Facing My Fears

New Year, New Season: Welcome to Season 3!

Wow! It’s 2023 and we are on to season 3 for Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior! Welcome back, and a special welcome to first timers! I hope you take a listen to some of my old episodes and find some help or comfort in my words on the journey you are on.
I am an above knee amputee trying my best to empower others to live their best lives, despite their circumstances.  This means I speak of my life and the reality of becoming an amputee and living day to day, the good, the bad and the ugly of it. I am transparent with my journey as it is NOT all roses. I am hoping by speaking the truth of my journey you won’t feel alone in your struggles and circumstances, and you can see that despite the hard times, you can still live a good, full, and happy life.  So come join me on this journey called life. Subscribe to my podcast, website, and YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like and share as you explore my sites. I appreciate you!
So where have I been? For those of you who have listened in and followed me you may have noticed my lack of podcasts in December.
I spent the past 4 weeks being fully present with my family, traveling, skiing and staying away from social media, but it’s good to be back! I have missed this.
Several weeks ago, our family went skiing and as much as I love skiing, it truly pushes me WAY out of my comfort zone, now as an amputee, and into a fearful, anxiety ridden state of mind. I’m not sure why it’s like that but it is. I decided that I can choose to cave to fear or face it.
This episode is dedicated to facing fears.  We all have them, we all have to decide how to handle them, so why not discuss this as we begin a new year that is filled with uncertainties, struggles, and new fears that will inevitably arise in the next 365 days.
I don’t want you to stress about the future, as today is all you need to deal with, but you should be prepared for the ups and downs.
Sometimes you’ll be prepared, and yet other times you’ll feel like you got sucker punched by a situation. How will you handle it? Will you face the storm or shy away? Will you rise up or cower? You can’t totally prepare for unknown situation or problem, but you can start positive habits and behaviors now so when hard times arise you are stronger and positive enough to handle them.
It’s time to strengthen your self-esteem and resolve. Prepare for the battles ahead, dear Warriors. You can do this, I know you can!!
Until next week and as always:
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!!
Much love,
What’s Your Vibe?

What’s Your Vibe?

Serve and Be Served


What we put out into the world is what we get back.
Have you ever noticed people who seem to have it all together, are happy, productive, and have good things happen to them?
…have you ever REALLY looked at them? Ever notice their attitude?
Even though no one goes without troubles and hard knocks, in life, these people keep their chin up, hunker down and weather the storms because of how they perceive their life and circumstances.
They are warriors!
YOU are that warrior, too, whether you believe it or not. We all have the capability to conquer and rise when times get hard.
How do you change that perspective and give yourself one of positivity and gratitude?
There’s nothing more powerful than to give of yourself, even when you are struggling.
And when you serve others, you, too, will get the benefits. You’ll feel productive, happy, thankful, and you may even forget your own woes in all of this.
Give it a try! Serve someone this week. Call a lonely neighbor or friend, send a gift card to someone in need, smile at the cashier at the grocery store, serve at a food bank/soup kitchen.
When you serve others, it’ll also serve you.
Your circumstances won’t necessarily change but your attitude definitely will.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right….

You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right….

To Party.. I mean, for Medical Insurance

Sorry, I had the Beastie Boys song stuck in my head. But, for real, do what they say and FIGHT for your rights!!!! They know what’s up!


The Beastie Boys had it right when they sang, “You’ve got to fight, for your right to party” however I’d say you should also fight for your right to having appropriate medical coverage, and for us amputees, the right to mobility.
As if becoming an amputee is an easy adjustment, mentally, emotionally or physically, we should not have to struggle with the draining process of being initially denied prosthetics and fighting another battle.
Come along with me in this podcast to hear some tips I’ve learned along the way of my own insurance fiasco, denials and all.
Find out what the best piece of advice I was given by my GP prior to my decision to amputate, how I surrounded myself with the right medical team, what I did to “assure” that my insurance plan covered my specific prosthesis and what I did when it all fell apart.
Somewhere along my personal journey I hope you find the tools to help yourself when the time comes to fight for your own medical coverage and how to handle things when they get denied.
Don’t give up!
Never surrender!
Be the squeaky wheel and fight for the life you deserve to live.
Fight!!! Me BEFORE my injury which led to my subsequent amputation
If you know you will need to rely on your medical insurance in the near future, like I did with an amputation, do your research, ask questions, ask more questions. Be prepared!
Don’t take no for an answer-insurance companies always say no first and expect that a majority of people will just quietly go away.
Don’t give up. Ask for help, if you need to, but be proactive, persistent, and strong… for your own health and happiness in the future.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,