Tag: adaptive athlete



“Nana korobi, ya oki”-Japanese proverb

Translation- “Fall down seven times, get up eight.”

Are you struggling with getting up and getting active?  Are you afraid to fail? To fall?

It happens. If you decide to try something new then be prepared to fail, and fail again, until you finally succeed.  It takes trials and errors to make the necessary adjustments, in anything you do, to finally see success.  If you didn’t fail when trying something new then you didn’t learn anything and didn’t set your goal high enough.


A goal should be hard to achieve, but not unachievable. It should make you work, and often times fail or be so hard that when you do achieve it you feel amazing about how far you’ve come.

This past weekend I achieved a goal I set for myself over a year ago.  Part of it, no, most of it, was about my mindset.  I wanted to hike a specific trail that I knew would be demanding on my body, my residual limb, and socket.  When I first attempted it I didn’t have the necessary equipment, time, nor was the temperature conducive (100 degrees+).  I really hadn’t a clue why we even tried it but I knew how hard the first 1/4 mile was and the hike would be 5 miles round trip.  I needed to prepare physically but also mentally.  I knew I was going for it this past weekend a whole week beforehand so I had time to make necessary adjustments with materials and prepare my mind for the hardship this trek would have on me, but I WAS determined to achieve my goal!


I know this sounds more like a talk on goal setting but it’s really about getting out and trying things you might not normally do…and quite frankly, that takes goal setting and a mind shift.



But if failure scares you then be prepared to stay right where you are and become stagnant.  You cannot grow without goals. You cannot achieve goals without hardships and failure. And you cannot see change without trying something new pushing you out of your comfort zone.

So what are you waiting for???



Get out and try something new this week!

If you are struggling with pain, maybe shift your thinking to something different than sitting around and thinking about the pain.  Maybe that means reading a book you’ve always wanted to read, going for a drive just to get out of the house, calling a friend and having a nice conversation about something totally unrelated to your circumstance or focusing on their life or their issues.  Whatever you do, set a goal, small or large, write it down and then set the necessary steps it takes to achieve it….and then go for it!!!

If you try something new you might find that you have found a new passion, whether it’s reading an certain author or helping others with their situations or a specific exercise or activity.  It might put you on the path of a healthier lifestyle and better habits.  Who knows, you might actually, for a moment, forget about your own pain and problems!

Now wouldn’t that be something!?

I hope you found something useful here,

And as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!

Almost  to the top of the Granite Mountain Hot Shots Memorial hike, Yarnell, AZ.
2.5 miles to observation point. 1,990 feet elevation change. Rocky as all get out!💪🏼


Much  love,


You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

I love my leg, what can I say. But it’s a love/hate relationship the first week of having a new socket put on. Like a new pair of shoes that need to broken in before you run a marathon, a new socket- even made perfectly for your limb- has it’s own personality that you need to get use to. It will hit your thigh differently, rub your groin raw, bump the end of your limb til it bruises, and then…. after some perseverance, patience and a glass of wine (or two), you hit your stride with your new friend and all is right with the world!😉


But at first you may be reluctant to change, frustrated to tears, because yet again, you must endure what you thought you were done with. It’s hard to face the music when you know what’s going to happen…AGAIN. There’s just no escaping that reality, but you must push through, because the gains to be made and the reward to getting through that first week, or so, is amazing!

You CAN do it.

Pick your chin up, put your leg on, and dance!!!


Dance like no one is looking,

Sing like no one is listening,

Live like each day is your last!


Will it be easy, no! But nothing ever great came easy.

Strive for greatness each day. Each day, make your mark, set a goal, live your life.

If you must, do things that will distract you from the moments of pain, I do. I stay really busy! Sitting down and reading a book does not distract me, activity does. Shopping, cleaning, working out, playing with my dog, asking a friend out for coffee. Somedays we just need a distraction while we break in the new fit. That’s ok. Your goal is to get comfortable in it and the only way to find comfort is by wearing it and pushing through some pain of newness.

Please, though, know your body. What works for me may not work for you. Listen to your doctor, prosthetist, or PT-whom you trust. Let them guide you when you don’t feel confident or strong enough.

Today’s Call to Action was brought on by the tragedy of the loss of a friend.

*Embrace someone you love today, and tell them you love them!

*Be gracious and kind to those around you, even the ones who are mean or angry, we are all fighting a battle.

*Reach out to a long lost friend or relative, or someone who you sense has withdrawn and become distant. It isn’t about you, they may be fighting a battle you have no idea about and they could probably use a friend. Someone willing to see them for who they are in their heart and not how they have been acting.

Above all else, love one another. We each have our moments, our battles, our valleys. Love always wins!

Please don’t forget to subscribe to my website and podcast so you don’t miss an episode! Next week I will have my prosthetist, Randy West, on the show talking about how to know what’s working and when to move on!

Until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,



Much love and admiration,
