Month: February 2025

Limbs For Humanity

Limbs For Humanity

Making Mobility Great Again, One Prosthesis at a Time


When I walked into The Limb Center office prior to amputation I met Randy West and David Banks for the first time.


They are a Phoenix based company


From that moment on, they were there for me, reassuring me that I could do this, that they would make sure I had the best fit and they asked about my hopes and dreams as I entered amputee life, allowing me the space to dream and hope as large as I could.

And they delivered, over and over again!



Getting a prosthesis is a process, and it takes time (and patience). It’s not a one and done, and these guys aren’t just fitting a leg and walking away.
They are there for future care and concerns!


About a year after my amputation they started talking to me about this idea they had for a non-profit, that they wanted to help more people that were struggling and in need of an advocate in their corner. I knew that this would take flight, it was just a matter of when. Their business was growing quickly since I got on the scene, they had families of their own, and we knew time was limited and precious.

A couple more years went by and now they are officially a non-profit, Limbs For Humanity, and I couldn’t be more excited and proud of them.


Rocky Point Medical Clinic



Today I want to introduce Randy and David to you, allow them to tell their story, and let you hear their hearts.

Join me in celebrating their dream that helps others realize their full potential.

These guys don’t just make prosthesis for people without the means of getting one, they allow people to dream, become mobile once again, and get them back to being productive members of society, many of which would be helpless to achieve that without the proper parts and a whole lot of money-prosthetics are NOT cheap. Not only are they bringing mobility back to individuals who are in need, they are also relieving stressors and depression that can take hold of someone, post-amputation.  Mental health is at risk when we are left to feel that we cannot help our families, our communities, or our employers.

What Randy and David do is change lives, one appointment and one prosthesis at a time.


A young boy getting the help he needed in their Phoenix office



You can be a part of this monumental changing of lives. Here’s how:

1-SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Share this podcast, share their story, share their links with everyone you know.

2-Donate money! Prosthesis are so expensive, and this is usually the roadblock for many amputees on why they can’t get one, or get one that is suited for their level of activity and lifestyle. If you have even a dollar to share, It will go to funding a new leg for someone in need. If you know of, or work for a company that is looking for a great way to donate each year, please consider sharing this with whoever is uncharge of donations. Limbs For Humanity takes a village to make a difference.

3-Donate parts! If you are an amputee or know of one who is not using an old leg, foot, liners, etc, please reach out to them or myself to see if we can use what you have laying around. You may have received a new leg or foot, and there is someone in the world in desperate need of it. Let’s put everything to good use. With your help, you could change someone’s life forever!


Limbs For Humanity, is truly what they are, we all should have the basic human right/need of mobility available to us. It changes lives, it brings hope and joy, it allows people to be productive and feel useful once again.

Check out their Instagram, Facebook pages, YouTube and TikTok pages: @limbsforhumanity

Also, go to their website: Limbs For Humanity to see stories of them changing lives, and ways you can help. There is also a DONATE button to click so you can be a part of the change that brings hope and happiness back to individuals who had none.


May you feel blessed by their stories and bring blessings upon others by helping Limbs For Humanity grow.

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



Real Life

Real Life

Morning Routines to Get Motivated


Life as an amputee is already hard enough just learning to live without a limb that, for most of us, we were born with.  However, what you don’t know is the little things, the minutia of everyday tasks that can sometimes be enough to halt you in your tracks.

I got an interesting question the other day, one I haven’t been asked before: “How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?”

I realized, based on that question, that many people wonder about our “secret” lives behind closed doors. How do we sleep, bath, get ready, change clothes, etc is a mystery for most people.

First off, please realize that I choose to do the things I do, therefore I choose a more hectic and demanding path each day. That is my choice, but I chose amputation so I could live a full and healthy life.

Notice the difference in clothes and shoes for each of these activities that I absolutely love to do.  A simple change of clothes is absolutely exhausting for me, and I must motivate myself even more to do them. I must WANT it, each day.


I work hard so I can handle getting older as an amputee


I hike for my sanity as well as building resilience in my socket


She brings me peace and helps me refocus energy


Today I want to share with you MY struggles every morning. Yes, struggles. It isn’t easy getting ready for the days I set up for myself which may include, gym time, horse time, hiking, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, going out with friends and date nights with my hubby.  What you may not understand is that many of those tasks take different clothing and shoes, not to mention showering midday for a date so you don’t smell like a horse.

Join me today as I take you through the challenges of getting ready as an above knee amputee using a skin fit socket, how I streamline my morning routine, what I take with me to change clothes midday, and how I handle the energy it takes just to get ready.

I DO love my leg and am grateful for this second chance. I wouldn’t change a thing, and that is mindset-it determines our successes


I wished I could tell you that it’s easy everyday, but it’s not, and that’s my choice. I want to workout or hike, I want to get dirty working with horses, and with each of those daily activities I make myself work hard everyday to be able to enjoy them.

I think it needs to be said that if you want something bad enough then you are willing to go the extra mile, well, my extra mile means pushing myself physically each day, in just getting ready.



This week I would tell you that if you are struggling with getting motivated each morning when you wake, or you are dreading getting ready to take on the day then start the night before.

Create, even if only in your mind, a schedule of events that you WANT to accomplish the next day and see yourself doing them, visualize accomplishing the tasks and what you will need to complete them. I go to bed this way every night so in the morning I have direction. Without it the days fly by and nothing gets done.

Also, if you struggle with energy make sure you are fueling your body correctly and enough. We use more energy than the two loggers so we need to add in more nutrition to our daily intake. Don’t skimp. I did after the holidays and I was always lacking energy, which destroyed my motivation.


Setting yourself up for success is up to you. Start today with visualizing what you want to do and accomplish every night before bed and make sure you are fueling your body to work hard, because it is.

Have grace with yourself.

Know when to push and when your body needs a break.

You are a warrior and capable of doing great things!

Believe it!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


The Answer is NO

The Answer is NO

It’s Always “No” If You Don’t Ask

When it comes to the world around you, the old adage, “You catch more flies with honey, than vinegar”, still holds true.

As an amputee, I have seen this firsthand. When I smile at someone, they smile back. If I say Hello with a smile, I start a conversation and usually educate someone who is curious. And when I ask questions, that I may be afraid to ask (because I don’t want to look like I’m looking for handouts), I usually find someone who has a connection or an “in” to helping me. Rarely do I hear No, but I take the chance anyway, like 2 weeks ago.

I went with my son to pick up his new ski boots, that was all we were going to do, but I started looking around and dreaming of a new pair of skis and boots as mine are over 20 years old. The problem? I only need one ski and one boot, I ski without my prosthetic on and with outriggers. This causes a problem because no one sells singles, so I decided to ask a probing question to the guy helping my son. “Do you ever get a rouge ski come in?”  His answer, we sometimes get skies that someone leaves behind after buying new ones, asking if we can get rid of them. And sure enough, Gil, at SkiPro here in Phoenix checked my height and ski level and went in back only to emerge with a beautiful pair of Solomons! He literally said, “Here, they’re yours, they were just going into the dump.” I couldn’t believe my luck… or maybe I just manifested it by smiling and creating a connection, a relationship. I decided to see if boot companies had singles they might have because of manufacturing defects and how could I get in touch, and Gil measured my foot and we had the same boot size. He told me he’d reach out to me later that week.

Tuesday rolled around and he called and said he had 2 pairs for me to try out. I drove straight down to his shop to give them a go. They were perfect!!

We talked while he fitted the liner to my leg and made an insole for my foot, we connected, and I shared my story with him and my joy of getting out there and doing life. He told me about his time he spent skiing and his life up in Washington, and how he’d worked with an adaptive ski program up north and I just thought, “Wow, this was a God wink” The chance that I talked to a guy who knew his stuff, worked with other adaptive skiers in the past AND was my boot size. incredible. But it was about connecting, opening up, accepting that “No” could be the answer, but I might as well ask.

I went in that day to be with my son, and I walked away that week with a “new” pair of skis and boots that I can’t wait to use this season.

Remember, if you never ask, the answer will always be “No”, but taking a chance on people, asking the questions, asking for assistance with a genuine heart, never hurts. Hey, you may even walk away with new skis!

Checking the liner out

My new friend, Gil. Thanks, man, I appreciate you!



Simple CTA this week.

What have you been wanting to try but don’t have the equipment or resources to get it?

Go out and find connections. Build relationships in that community.

Email people.

Ask the questions. You never know who you’ll meet and where it’ll take you!

Don’t be afraid to try and hear, “No”.  Be afraid of never asking and always wondering, “What if”.


You are all warriors, so rise up and get out there.

Have a blessed week and let me know how it’s going!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,