Month: January 2025

The Ocean is Calling

The Ocean is Calling

Healing and Finding Purpose


This Illinois, born and raised, girl never knew she had a connection to the ocean.

It’s a beautiful thing to find in yourself so late in life. It was surprising, and breathtaking when it happened.

Many years ago my family moved to Florida for a job. I never thought I would leave Illinois, EVER! All of my family and my husband’s family live there. That was our support system.

We enjoyed Florida a lot while only there for 4 years but I was a mom of two young boys and going to the beach was more of a chore than anything. Keeping an eye on them, making sure they didn’t go in too deep, and then getting sand off of them (which, of course was on every square inch of their bodies when we were done!) before getting into the car.

But, fast forward 11 years and I decided to try my hand at surfing, for the first time ever, and as an amputee. My prosthetist, Randy West, helped me make my dream come true and made me a surf leg the week before our trip to Kauai. I arranged surf lessons and have to say I was a bit nervous at first… I don’t like to fail and I had no idea how this would go seeing as my surf instructor had never given lessons to an amputee before.

Needless to say, I found my joy in surfing from the moment I got on the water.



The ocean was soothing and yet so powerful. The Hawaiians call this power, Mana, and I understood why. While a wave looks so peaceful and ignorer as it moves its way across the ocean to the beach what was going on under the wave was strong, chaotic, and so powerful.

It seemed to me a metaphor for how my life felt now as an amputee.



To me, though, even being on the beach and close to the waves, I can still feel her power and her beauty as I watch and listen.

I find myself breathing to the waves as they come in and crash on the beach. I watch the sun shine through the water and watch the ultimate chaos of sand being churned up and plant life whipping around as the wave pushes forward.

This is my happy place. I find my peace here and long for that feeling often, always excited to go back to the ocean whenever a chance arises.

You may not live near a beach or have the means to get there right now but you can recreate this feeling by finding video footage of the ocean and/or the sounds of crashing waves that you can listen to, right now, in your own home. No, it’s not exactly the same but it can do the trick, if you are in need of finding some calm and center in your life.

The ocean has given me a place to finding healing because it calms me, declutters my head, and asks me to breathe with it.

These actions place me in a better place, mood, and mental space.


You guessed it! This week I want you to find your peace at the ocean.

This may be a literal ocean, if you live near one, or find video and audio of the ocean that you can immerse yourself into in your own home.

Don’t cheat yourself. don’t find a video and then work on laundry or do the dishes. You must find the time and space to stop everything you are doing to center yourself and focus on the present.

Find rhythm in your breath with the ocean. Close your eyes and listen to ALL of the sounds. Relax your body and your mind and just breathe.



If you can just find time everyday this week to give yourself this gift of quieting your life, stopping the momentum, even for just 5 minutes, you will find yourself in a better mood, and in a happy space. You might even find healing of what you are struggling with right now.

Surrender to the ocean, Warriors. You and your body deserve that much.

Have a beautifully blessed week,

And until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



Keys to Success

Keys to Success

Do You Have These Two Ingredients?


My people, My “Why”

Chicago Family: My roots and the people who believe in me


You need People and you need a positive mindset!

It’s that simple…

OK, maybe it’s not simple but the solution to getting the most out of life usually comes from these two things and you can make the changes for yourself, not having to rely on anyone or anything outside of yourself. Start NOW!

I have always stated that every journey is uniques in this life.

I also tell you that what works for one person doesn’t mean. it’ll work for you.

I also have stated MANY times that there is no “normal” in the amputee journey, just like life, we all experience it differently.

However, if you surround yourself with the right people AND you change your mindset then you have a much better chance of finding success as an amputee.

We sometimes get stuck hanging with the same people because we are inherently creatures of habit and loyal, but what if that person in your life is taking you down with their words, or lack of positivity? What if the person you call friend finds it hard to watch you succeed, therefore they tell you “You can’t do it.”, or “You’ll never walk again, don’t do it.”? Why is it that we stay in those relationships?

Don’t you deserve more? I think you do.

And your mindset and these types of people might actually go hand ion hand, meaning, if you are someone who sees there negative in situations, more often than not, you attract those kind of people. There are people who love to be the positive one in a relationship, doing great things and being better than you, looking better than you, having more success than you. They sense your weakness and to lift themselves up they befriend you.


You deserve more.

You are an amazing person who deserve to be surrounded by genuine people who truly want to see you succeed, and know that when you’re hurting how to get you back up on the saddle. Sometimes with tough love, if you need that, and other times a shoulder to cry one.

Know your people and know you deserve the best.

When you support those around you like you’d like to be supported then you’ll find “your” people.

Mindset plays a HUGE part in this.

Your success, or failure, is determined by your thoughts.

You’ve heard the saying: “Whether you think you can, or can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford is said to have coined that phrase, which highlights the power of mindset and self-belief, that your attitude towards your task at hand determines your success at that task.

No truer words have been spoken!

Take heart if you re struggling right now because your support system and your mindset, your can change today, no need to wait, this is all about you.



This week you have 2 simple tasks:

One, take stock in who you are surrounding yourself with, and if you feel like your ideas and their ideas aren’t matching up to what you see yourself doing then you need to talk with them and get on the same page. State your goals, your dreams, your aspirations. If they care about you then they will help you get there. If you find your friends aren’t behind you, cheering you on, wanting to see you succeed, then it’s time to rethink who your true friends are.

Make note of who has been there for you through the good and the bad, draw them closer and make sure you reciprocate that support. They need it too.

Next, time to do some spring cleaning on your mind. Who do you talk to yourself and others about your circumstance, you life, your decision to amputate, your health, your abilities? If they aren’t positive and aspiring… GET RID OF THEM!

Start feeding your mind with good thoughts, goals, dreaming, positive imagery, etc.

And do this multiple times a day until it becomes who you are without even thinking about it.

You can do this and you WILL find success!

I believe in you, so you should believe in yourself.

You were made to be a warrior, now get out there and do warrior sh*t!


Have a blessed week,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark

Getting Through the Tough Times


Oh the nights are so tough!

Have you been there?

Have you laid in the utter darkness and the quiet is deafening, the pain is unbearable, and you feel like you will ever get through this moment of phantom pain?

Yep, the reality is, we all go through it at some point or another, to varying degrees.

The last two nights, for me, have started great, I feel asleep and wasn’t feeling anything in the way of phantom pain. However, as soon as I shift, the sensations would start and the I couldn’t shut them off!

It’s almost unbearable. To sit in the dark, feeling like your body is screaming out loud, and no one else knows. My husband, laying right next to me, has no idea what I am feeling or that I am even going through this…. and he won’t know until morning.

Have you experienced this?

How about when you are out and about in a crowded store or venue, and your limb is on fire, or a sore within your socket is rubbing raw and stinging? And no one knows the pain you are feeling as you stand in line at the grocery store?

Such is the life of an amputee.

It comes and goes.

Most of the time there is no warning, it just comes at you.



So how do you deal with this, seeing as this is your life now?

First off, we all deal with pain differently, what works for one person won’t work for another.

As you experience these “episodes” you will learn what works for you (oh, and for added fun, what worked last time for you might not work the next). You can only prepare yourself for the mental battles ahead.

Communicate. Let the people around you know how you are feeling and what you need. They can’t see what’s happening within you and not everyday, all day is bad. Make sure you speak up and not assume they understand.



Build mental toughness. Use positivity and positive self-talk to get through hard times. You can redirect how your brain process what you are going through by the way you address it, internally and out loud.



Try not to fall back on medications every time you feel “out of sorts”. This goes for people dealing with the average phantom sensations/pains. I do not know what you’ve been going through and what you have been prescribed, so you need to do what you need to do but I will tell you that I will only use Tylenol or Advil once in a blue moon, when all else fails and when I can’t take anymore. There is no right way to handle an episode, but if you can stay away from prescription medication, and start leaning on your own devices to handle the mental situation, then do it. You’ll be stronger in the long run and your body will thank you.



These moments are truly times to develop your mental toughness. Sometimes we just need to hit them head on to become a stronger version of ourselves so we are ready for the next battle.

Finding time for myself to breathe and let go, helps me thru hard times


Don’t forget you were made to fight, and survive. You are a Warrior, you just need to unleash its within you and believe that you are strong enough to handle it.

Rise up, Warrior, and face your battles with inner strength!

You can do it, and you are not alone!


I pray you have a wonderful week ahead,

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!

Much love,


Remember: You are Beautiful, so just Be-YOU!
Reflect and Reset

Reflect and Reset

Time to Challenge Yourself



As 2024 fades away and 2025 takes control let’s take time to look back and reflect on the ups and downs of the past year.

We all have had those moments we achieved some sort of milestone, we have also had those moments we never want to relive.

I’m hopeful that you had some time at the end of last year and the first week of this year to relax, reflect, and refresh yourself. I hope you have gotten into a place where you are ready to rise up again, and accomplish your goals.

As much as I am NOT a fan of New Year’s resolutions, for the fact that the name in of itself let’s people know that it’ll be a bust by February, I AM a fan of creating a new plan, schedule, and goals to work on THROUGHOUT the year ahead. I like the feel of starting over, having a second chance, learning about myself and reaching goals. I love the promise of a new tomorrow, where anything is possible, but without a goal or plan of attack days can roll by into weeks and month, only to leave you feeling like you let yourself down once again.


This year, I want to challenge you to several new things.

First you need to stay positive. Easier said than done, I know, but if you know that hard times will come-that there will be some struggles in your journey, then you can plan for that. While you’re in a good place prepare for the “suck”. How will you handle phantom pains when they hit? How will you decide when you need to talk with your prosthetist about your fit? When do you change your doctor after everything else has failed and you feel in your gut that you need someone else’s help or opinion?

These are all things that can knock the wind out of you and set you back. For some of us it can derail us so badly that we loose our momentum and never get it back, we can get lost in a dark place.


Make a Plan!

Execute that plan TODAY!!!

I am not immuned to this “delay game”. I play it with myself when I’m too tired, too happy, too busy….”I’ll start tomorrow”. You know that game, right?

I’m preaching to myself when I say we need to stop that if we want to achieve, overcome, rise up and become the warriors we were born to be.

This is our year! We will do this together. Accountability is key when you are struggling.



This week I have 2 Call to Actions for you. Don’t ignore these, let’s get after it together. I can hold you accountable, and you can hold me accountable.


First, come up with your word or phase of the year. Something that will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Keep it short and simple 1-2 words if you can. This becomes your war cry, your mantra, something you will write and speak to yourself everyday for this whole year.

What is your word or phrase?

It could be:


Be Present

Rise Up

Be Epic



Mine is: Charge Forward


Second, join me in a virtual race. The one I have just registered for is called “Reset” by Virtual Pace Series and you can register here


This is a choose your distance challenge. You can do a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon. The beauty of this race is that you can do it on your time and in your location. You can choose your distance and how you complete it. Walk, Run, Hike, Bike, Swim, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are challenging yourself WHER YOU ARE AT. If you can’t do 5K in one event, then break it down into 2 or 3 days/events. If you have already completed a walking. 10K then maybe you need to try running a 5K or even a 10K.

The point is to have something holding you accountable and a goal set before you. You do you, where You Are At in your journey.

Earn that medal and when you open it, AFTER COMPLETION, you are going to fall in love with challenging yourself.

Join me in 2025, a year in which you achieve your goals and realize the warrior within you is Stronger than you could ever have imagined!

Yes you can!

You will!

You are Stronger enough, brave enough and more than capable.

You are a WARRIOR!!!



I hope you find 2025 to be everything you want and more.

Please join me next week right here as we support one another and build each other up!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,