Month: January 2023

Just a One-Legged Girl and A Horse

Just a One-Legged Girl and A Horse

An Everyday Love Story Filled With Healing



Have you ever been around someone who just made you feel so comfortable and you were able to be your true self?

What about someone who makes you uneasy and on edge?

We each carry ourselves differently based on who we are AND how we are on any particular day.

What I found out about myself on this given day was astonishing! How I thought I was handling my amputation and what I was actually carrying inside of me were two different things and it took a horse to show me that.

My husband and I went to Miraval Resort in Tucson a few years ago and I signed us up for an equine meditation class. I had no idea what it was going to be like, but I knew it had to do with horses and I was all in.

What I hadn’t bargained for was what this hour long class would teach me about myself and how that would change my life forever!

Today I will tell you of the story that created, in me, a deeper love of horses, an understanding of my own personal struggles, and how I am healed and all the better for this moment in time.


Equine therapy is near and dear to me. I am working on how to bring this to the people in my life and helping others heal from the inside out so they can realize their full potential regardless of their circumstance.

Today I took my visiting father out to find the wild horses of Salt River, and what we found was a greater thrill than I could have ever imagined! Check out my photos of this magical day, below.

As we stood there enjoying the grazing of these beautiful creatures and the amazing sunshine and mountains that surrounded us, I wasn’t thinking about my leg, or phantom pains, or the fit of my socket. Reconnecting with nature and being surrounded by such beauty was just what the doctor ordered. My mind was somewhere else. My heart was open to possibility, and my healing grew deeper as I allowed this moment to wash over me.





Are you struggling with healing? Are you holding onto the past and refusing to let go, or unwilling to forgive the one who hurt you?



This week be open to something new. Check out equine therapy in your neighborhood or location.

You might be surprised to find someplace close to you that supplies this type of therapy.

If not, reach out to me and let’s talk. I can send you in the right direction, and if you’re live in the Phoenix area I may be able to work with you.

Find ways to heal yourself from the inside out. This can bring about more positive outcomes and greater change to your life.

Reconnect with nature. Breath in fresh air and take notice of the animals, trees and plants around you.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




The face of healing!



Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

You are Special and Deserve It!


What do you do when you’re struggling? Maybe you are like me and lost a limb. Maybe you have a plethora of other medical issues and have been wheelchair bound. Or maybe you just can’t get out of your own way and headspace.
Is this you?
I know you want more from life.
You may have even questioned, “Is this all there is for me?”
Don’t give up!
Chase answers!
Seek help!
I struggled for 5 years and went through 10 surgeries, only to be left with a leg that only had 20° range of motion and wouldn’t straighten. I could barely move around my home, let alone ski with my family, hike, take the dogs for a walk, or ride a bike.  All dreams that I knew were fading away! Talk about depressing and defeating.
A blood clot was my wake up call and the metaphorical nail. I talked, researched, visited doctors, asked opinions, even spoke with other amputees to make up my mind.
Dare to dream!
Don’t give up!
Join me today to hear how this journey is going and at the end of my podcast listen for my Call to Action for YOU! Let’s do this together!!
Make a list of the dreams you have. List everything that you would love to do, see, experience, try.
Dream big! Don’t be afraid. Spend some quiet time thinking and dreaming. Write them all down.
Now place them in an order that builds upon each other. Maybe some are more accomplishable now and work to build upon the next and so on.
Finally, ask yourself what you need to do to accomplish goal 1, goal 2, etc. Pursue those goals by working through what’s stopping you.  I understand that some may seem really far off based on medical situations. If your goal is to run a 10K and you’re in a new socket then plan to start small. Maybe it’s getting it on and wearing it around your house for a few hours, then for the day around your house. Work toward walking all day in it, out and about. Then work toward walking to the mailbox every day. The next thing you know you’ll be out walking a mile, then 2.
Take your big dreams and break them into small goals to achieve them. Only you know what it will take to get yourself there. For me it was scheduling my amputation, then dealing with that loss, then healing and getting a prosthetic. Finally I registered to run a 10K a year out and worked on strengthening and learning to walk again. Baby steps. I may not have run the whole race but I DID finish!! Then I moved on to my next goal. I had them all mapped out in my head and on my vision board in my bedroom (see the podcast on making a vision board back in season 1) I highly suggest a vision board to help you visualize your dreams and goals!!
Spend the next 7 days dreaming and writing them down.
If you need to talk through your plan please feel free to reach out to me on IG; @BAWarrior360 or Facebook: BAWarrior360
I’d be happy to help in any way I can.
Until next week and as always:
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
You are a Warrior!
Much love,
Facing My Fears

Facing My Fears

New Year, New Season: Welcome to Season 3!

Wow! It’s 2023 and we are on to season 3 for Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior! Welcome back, and a special welcome to first timers! I hope you take a listen to some of my old episodes and find some help or comfort in my words on the journey you are on.
I am an above knee amputee trying my best to empower others to live their best lives, despite their circumstances.  This means I speak of my life and the reality of becoming an amputee and living day to day, the good, the bad and the ugly of it. I am transparent with my journey as it is NOT all roses. I am hoping by speaking the truth of my journey you won’t feel alone in your struggles and circumstances, and you can see that despite the hard times, you can still live a good, full, and happy life.  So come join me on this journey called life. Subscribe to my podcast, website, and YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like and share as you explore my sites. I appreciate you!
So where have I been? For those of you who have listened in and followed me you may have noticed my lack of podcasts in December.
I spent the past 4 weeks being fully present with my family, traveling, skiing and staying away from social media, but it’s good to be back! I have missed this.
Several weeks ago, our family went skiing and as much as I love skiing, it truly pushes me WAY out of my comfort zone, now as an amputee, and into a fearful, anxiety ridden state of mind. I’m not sure why it’s like that but it is. I decided that I can choose to cave to fear or face it.
This episode is dedicated to facing fears.  We all have them, we all have to decide how to handle them, so why not discuss this as we begin a new year that is filled with uncertainties, struggles, and new fears that will inevitably arise in the next 365 days.
I don’t want you to stress about the future, as today is all you need to deal with, but you should be prepared for the ups and downs.
Sometimes you’ll be prepared, and yet other times you’ll feel like you got sucker punched by a situation. How will you handle it? Will you face the storm or shy away? Will you rise up or cower? You can’t totally prepare for unknown situation or problem, but you can start positive habits and behaviors now so when hard times arise you are stronger and positive enough to handle them.
It’s time to strengthen your self-esteem and resolve. Prepare for the battles ahead, dear Warriors. You can do this, I know you can!!
Until next week and as always:
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!!
Much love,