Month: June 2022

What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

What gets you moving in the morning? What lights a fire under you? What keeps you moving forward when you feel like giving up?

Our mindset and goal setting allows us to find success. They give us the direction and purpose we need to press forward and reach levels of success that might not have been possible otherwise.

I make sure that I have a clear image in my head of what the next day will look like, before I go to bed. I have a to-do list of things I need to do and another list of things I WANT to do. Make sure you mix it up otherwise you could face some burn out and then lose momentum. My dad always said I needed to work hard, then I could play hard; do things I must do and then enjoy the things I want to do.


Finding time to go to the gym is my play time, but somedays it’s just hard to motivate myself to go.
But I always feel good after I’m done.


You can find success each day if you know where you want to go. Like going on a trip, you plan out your travels so you get to where you want to go and so you know when you’ll arrive. Same goes for being motivated.  If you plan for success, you’ll most often succeed. If you fail to plan then you will fail.


This week I want you to try this night time ritual;

Either in your mind or on paper think of all that you want and need to accomplish tomorrow. Understand your timeline, meaning when you will need to get up in the morning and when you’ll want to go to bed, and then factor in each item you’ve listed. I have found that I now clump certain items together, for example, if I need to go see my prosthetist that is south 45 minutes, I also try to hit any stores down that way to be time efficient, that also feels like a victory. I also work backwards in thinking about my day. This gives me the opportunity to get up at the right time in the morning so I ultimately have the right amount of time to accomplish everything.

Now set that alarm and get some rest.

What if you wake up in a blah mood, a negative space? Now you build character by pushing forward at what you set out to do the night before. This won’t be easy but I promise you it’ll feel great when you accomplish what you set out to do, despite the vibe of your day.

Use music to help motivate you and keep you moving forward. And make sure you check out Fearless Motivation on Apple Music!

I wish you a week filled with smashed goals and positive vibes!

Stay motivated, my friends!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


much love,



Party For 1

Party For 1

Pity Party For 1, That Is.



Yep, it happens to us all and this past Monday I got myself into that mindset.
However, looking back now, and even that evening, I realized how lucky I am for all the good in my life. Then I had a good laugh at myself and moved on.
You could say that character building happened that day for me and I wanted to share with you what can happen in my life to show you that we all struggle. No one is exempt from struggles. No one is exempt from feeling sorry for themselves. It’s what we do with those moments that make or break us.
As an amputee we can easily fall into a “poor me” attitude and milk it for all it’s worth, mainly because our wounds are very visible to the world. But that is not a good way to live and quite frankly will only disable us further.
If we feed our brains negative images and comments then it’ll believe what we are saying and thinking. And if we fuel our brain with positivity and happy images it’ll believe that too.
What are you speaking to yourself?
Are you in the middle of your own pity party of 1?
If you are, only you can get yourself out of it. Start by finding things in your life you are grateful for and go from there. Once you realize all that is good in your life you will be able to step away from the moment and put your life back into perspective.
Learn from these moments.
Be a warrior and conquer negativity, don’t let it consume you.
Pity parties are bound to happen, and that’s ok. It’s NOT ok to dwell there for days at a time. It won’t be good for you, your health, or the people around you.
Find what’s good, right, and what makes you happy in your life. Thinking of the people and things you are grateful for and move your negative mindset into positive.
Begin today or tonight.
Each night before going to bed (or first thing when you wake) write down, in a journal, at least 5 things you are grateful for.
It’s as simple as that.
Sometimes we lose sight of the big picture and all that we have. When that happens we need to step back, stop looking at our life under the microscope, and realize all that is good in our life. When we can appreciate our life for what it’s worth, we can handle the moments that test us, and push our buttons, a little bit better.
Will that stop the pity parties? No, but you may find you are not dwelling in that headspace as much and you will also see the health benefits if you continually practice a positive way of thinking.
Give it a try for the next 7 days, until we meet again.
Tell me how you feel after practicing positivity for a week, I’d love to hear how it made you feel, any benefits you saw from it, or what happened in your life that pushed you to that pity party breaking point.
Don’t be ashamed that you went there. Own it and then move on. You’ll be grateful you did!
And as always,
Be healthy,
Be happy,
Much love,
Making It Count

Making It Count

Rising to a Challenge and Facing Your Fears


You just never know what’s on the other side of fear. But I can tell you, from experience, that I have never regretted a moment that I have taken the chance and faced a fear. I feel empowered and alive! I feel like I could do anything I set my mind to, and it doesn’t matter if I succeed or fail, what matters is that I try.

This past week I tried something new, as an amputee: waterskiing! I haven’t been waterskiing since well before my injury, but it has been on my amputee bucket list. I was excited when the opportunity presented itself to me, but I also felt very anxious, and at one point in time thought I wouldn’t go, and I could easily make an excuse why I couldn’t make it.

My personality (and my pride) wouldn’t allow me to make up an excuse and so I went, and you know what? Even though, I was a bit nervous, had no idea how it would all go down, who would be on my boat with me, or how it might have to be adapted for my circumstance, I tried. All in all, I had a great time and finally found my groove on the boom and got up and skied!! It was exhilarating and freeing.  I felt alive and capable.

Every time I run into something I fear, once I give it a try, I am reassured that I can do anything I put my mind to. And like I said before, success or failure, the idea of trying and overcoming our fears is all that really matters. There is something so motivating about pushing our limits, real or imagined, facing fears and rising to a challenge. It’s empowering, it’s freeing, and makes you feel alive!


Each picture below shows me doing something that originally made me nervous or unsure of myself. Now I enjoy doing them and they make me feel whole, healthy, and bring joy to my life.




Now is the time! Your time to try. Your time to rise. Don’t let fear control you or rule over your life and how you live it. Regret is an awful thing to have.

Choose something you’ve been curious about trying or something on your bucket list. Choose something that makes you nervous, anxious, or makes you feel fearful. Now go for it! Make sure you aren’t doing something that your support system or doctors have told you not to do at this moment because of your condition, please know your medical boundaries.

Maybe start with baby steps to get to your goal of achieving something. Remember, life is a journey. It’s meant to last and be enjoyed. Like my waterskiing. I got up on the boom but need to work on getting up on the long rope. Goals. It’s ok to fail. Just get out there and try! Enjoy the journey and where you’re at right now. Everything happens in due time.

You can do it! Believe in yourself and reach for the stars!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,
